Kefir is a fermented milk which is usually made with the cow or goat milk. Kefir grains are added to the milk and made a highly beneficial food, which may reduce the risk factor of many tough diseases.
It is cultured with yeast and lactic acid and resembles with the appearance of cauliflower. So basically it is grain milk, but the grains are used as catalysts to increase the power of the milk. Before using it, you need to sieve it from the milk. It has great Nutritional Benefits with many good impacts.
Here are five benefits of Kefir that you never knew before:
High in Nutrients
It is a highly nutritious product with many valuable ingredients, like
- six grams of protein,
- RDA calcium 20%
- 20% of RDA phosphorus
- 14% of vitaminB12 RDA
- Riboflavin RDA 19%
- 5% Magnesium RDA
- A good quality and high amount of vitamin
- carbohydrate
- fat
- Calorie, which is depending on the quality of the milk.
- Some very beneficial bioactive compounds like the peptides and organic acids are very much present in Kefir.
- Kefir contains elevated levels of calcium
- biotin
- vitamin K2
- folate
- Many kinds of enzymes too.
It has a wide use for many health benefits. You can find many dairy free kefirs, with the same goodness. These kinds of kefir are made with coconut water or milk or sometimes with other sweet liquids. It tastes like the drinking yogurt. The nutritious value of Kefir can diverge due to the different types of cows, found regions and cultures. Though it has a great nutritional benefit, it can do a miracle with your health and body system. Several organic acids and peptides are also present in kefir that helps in providing the health benefits.
It Is High In Probiotic
Kefir is a dairy product which is made with the lactic acid bacteria. So it has a sour taste like the yogurt. But it contains more probiotic than yogurt. Probiotic has a great Nutritional Benefits for weight control, controlling the digestion system and enhancing the mental health.
Kefir has a great potent source, but yogurt is counted as a part of a western diet. The grains of kefir contain 30 strains of yeasts and bacteria and the make the product very rich and miscellaneous in the probiotic source. Many other fermented liquid products are made with a few strains, and far away from yeast.
There is much quantity of probiotic present in kefir to give you complete protection against the infections. Like the Lactobacillus kefir, this is a unique kind of kefir with multi-benefits that prevents infections. Probiotic is very much beneficial to inhibit the augmentation of diverse harmful bacteria like the Helicobacter Pylori, Salmonella, etc. One kind of carbohydrate kefiran, which is present in kefir, has a high antibacterial property.
Fight with the Digestive Problem
Kefir is a high probiotic property which is very much helpful to restore the friendly bacteria balance in our gut and because of that it give our body the power to fight against the vast form of diarrhea. There are many kinds of probiotic foods and probiotic, which can help you to reduce every sort of digestive problem like the tetchy bowel disorder and ulcers, which are caused by bacteria infection. For these types of reasons, kefir is very highly beneficial to give you a great solution for many digestive problems. Also, Vitamin-B12 and Vitamin-K are produced in the digestive system and the friendly bacteria aids in their production.
Cancer Prevention
Cancer is the scariest disease, which ultimately results in death. This disease occurs due to the uncontrollable expansion of abnormal cells in a body, like a tumor. Specially fermented liquid dairy products, which are very much handy to inhibit tumor may enlarge by the plummeting the formation of the compounds of carcinogenic, and also by stimulating your immune system. This kind of protective method is demonstrated in numerous studies of the test tube. Kefir can reduce the numeral breast cancer cells from the human body according to a study published in The Journal of Dairy Science. The accurate quantity is up to 56 percent.
Kefir has high Nutritional Benefits. It can boost up your Immunity system and can heal your provocative bowel syndrome. Kefir is a great product to build up the Density of your bone and to produce you the stamina to fight with many kinds of allergies and can improve your lactose digestion. It is very much helpful to kill the Candida and to support the detoxification system of your body. It is a miraculous product with multifarious Nutritional Benefits.