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5 Home Remedies for Common Cold

Common colds are quite common during the winter. It is not always possible to prevent them. Though there is no specific cure for common cold apart from aspirin and rest, some home remedies can help to make the illness period shorter.

There are some home remedies for common cold that help you to get well soon. Staying warm is the most important thing during a common cold. Bed rest and proper sleep are also important tips for faster recovery. But some common household things which are found in most houses can be used to make this recovery process faster.

Home remedies for common cold that helps you to recover more easily

Cold treatment at home can be done easily with just a few things that are found in the household normally. The following can help you get over a common cold and back into your daily routines faster.

  1. Drinking a lot of fluids

The body loses a lot of its fluid when you get a cold. You need to keep your body hydrated by having a lot of fluid intake. Fluid intake does not just include water. Fruit juices are a brilliant way to keep your body hydrated as well as supply it with some energy through the natural sugars. Having hot beverages can be very good during a cold. Hot chicken soup is one of the best remedies for a common cold. It is great for the throat as well as the stomach.

  1. Gargling with hot saline water

 Gargling is great for the throat. By adding a bit of salt to the luke warm water, you can make it even better. Gargling is the best answer to how to cure a cold. It soothes the itchiness of the throat. It also helps to warm up the body. Having a warm body temperature will help you recover faster. Thus, gargling is a great idea during a cold.

  1. Using steam

Using steam helps to open up the blocked nasal cavities. It also helps to thin out the thick phlegm which is present in the nose and throat. The sooner this phlegm gets out from the body, the better it will be. Thus, by loosening this phlegm, you will help your body to recover faster. Using a nasal spray and blowing the nose as much as possible is another good way to make sure that the germs come out faster.

  1. Applying hot packs on area with sinus

Hot packs are a good home remedy for cold. By applying a hot pack to the areas affected by sinus pain, you can help to decrease the pain. These places also contain a lot of mucus which contains the germs that cause the common cold. By applying a hot pack, you will help the body to get rid of the mucous. The hot packs also keep the body warm and toasty which is ideal during a cold.

  1. Including honey into the diet

Honey can be a good thing during a cold. If had with hot water it can give relief to the itchy throat as well as keep the body warm. It also has healing properties which fasten up the recovery process.

Common colds can be a tricky affair that can make you weak and feeling under the weather. The above home remedies for common cold can be utilised to make you feel better. It helps you to recover faster. But prevention is always better than cure hence it is best to avoid getting a cold. Keeping yourself warm and protected from the cold and germs that cause common cold is the best way to ensure you do not catch a cold.

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