Almost all of us have tried to lose weight and achieve a perfectly toned body with rigorous exercise and planned weight loss diets. But each time the resolution has been broken by the temptations of untimely snacks rich in refined sugar, sodium and trans-fats. Eating between meals is one of the major reasons for weight gain that needs to be controlled in order to stay fit and healthy. This can be done with a little bit of self-restraint combined with judicious selection of healthy snacks that don’t add extra calories and helps in keeping you satiated for longer.
Tips to Control Mindless Eating
Most of the times we turn to eating out of boredom or to relieve emotional stress, and this mindless munching is one of the biggest reasons for weight gain. Here are a few simple and easy to follow tips that you can practice to prevent mindless snacking:
- Don’t skip breakfast at any cost
- Eat only when you are feeling hungry
- Use smaller plates and dishes for eating
- Make sure to chew your foods well before swallowing
- Try not to eat your meals in front of the television or computer
- Hide away the junk foods
- Get at least 8 hours of sleep
- Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily
Healthy Foods that Keeps you satiated for Longer and Reduces Hunger
Consuming foods that subdue hunger for a longer time is an easy way to reduce weight in an effective manner. Here is a list of healthy snack options that can be included in the daily diet to prevent unmindful eating.
Oats are a power packed way to control hunger in a healthy way. The health benefits of oats need no new emphasis. It is loaded with health benefiting proteins, fibers and nutrients. The beta-glucan present in oats helps in lowering LDL cholesterol and fibers improve digestion. The soluble and insoluble fibers present in oats absorbs water and expands in the digestive tract so that you feel fuller for longer and stay away from mindless snacking. Our body takes time to break down and digest these fibers thus keeping hunger at bay. It also prevents any sudden rise in blood glucose level thus controlling diabetes.
Bananas are a wonder fruit to control food cravings and keep mindless munching under control. Feeling sceptic about its high calories content? Well, it is much healthier than a bag of potato chips or French fries. It is loaded with dietary fibers, carbohydrates and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and vitamin B6. The potassium present in bananas helps in toning muscles while vitamin B6 improves the release of serotonin that helps in relieving stress and anxiety. Have a couple of these delicious fruits whenever you feel like having a snack.
Almonds are one of the most delicious and healthy snacks that help in controlling hunger effectively. The health benefits of almonds are numerous. Being a rich source of vitamin E, vitamin B, biotin, manganese and copper it helps in protecting overall health, lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood and increasing the level of healthy fats that aids weight loss. Enjoy a handful of this crunchy and yummy snack while on the move and keep hunger at bay in a healthy way.
When it comes to foods that help to control hunger and reduce weight in a healthy way, apples make it to the top with its rich store of soluble fibers and pectin. The fibers and pectin present in both red and green apples help in keeping you fuller for longer and the prolonged chewing time of this crunchy fruit also help in slowing down and pacifying the pangs of hunger. Apples are a great source of energy and help in maintaining the blood glucose at a healthy level. In addition, it has a delicious taste.
Avocados are one of the most effective fat burning foods that help to reduce hunger and prevent mindless eating. The health benefits of avocados are numerous and being an extremely versatile food it can be used in a wide range of dishes in the form of dips, spreads and with salads. The high content of healthy monounsaturated fats present in avocados slows down the digestion process and keeps hunger at bay for a longer period. In addition, the soluble fibers present in avocados absorb water and develops a thick gel like consistency, thus increasing the feeling of fullness.
Flax Seeds
Flax seed is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids that are extremely important for maintaining overall health. It is also an amazing source of proteins and fibers that helps in keeping the stomach fuller for longer time. Two tablespoons of ground flax are enough to keep you away from mindless craving and hunger. It is difficult to digest the hard outer shell of flax seeds and therefore it is better to ground it for utilizing its benefits to the fullest. Add it to your smoothie or yogurt or sprinkle on salads and enjoy its appetizing nutty taste.
Sweet Potatoes
Carbohydrate and starch rich, sweet potatoes might seem a bit out of place in this list of hunger-curbing foods, but this vegetable is actually helpful in controlling hunger. The starch present in sweet potatoes controls the production of digestive enzymes and slows down the breakdown of foods in the digestive tract thus delaying the onset of cravings. Enjoy a snack of baked sweet potatoes or sweet potato salad in between meals.
Green Tea
Sipping green tea is a healthy and easy way to reduce hunger and induce fat burning. The phytonutrient Epigallocatechin Gallate present in green tea increases the secretion of the hormone cholecystokinin that stimulates the feeling of satiation and prevents the onset of hunger pangs. The catechins present in green tea stabilize the level of sugar in the blood and prevents sudden rise in blood glucose level. The amazing anti-inflammatory properties of green tea helps in relieving rheumatoid arthritis pains and reducing the risk of cancer, heart diseases and controls the level of glucose in blood.
Fill the gaps between your meals with these delicious and healthy snacks that not only help in satiating hunger for a longer time, but also promote weight loss.
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