Never EVER ignore these body odours

Never ignore these body odours

Nowadays everyone’s job might just be sitting on their couch for the whole day, but might end up all stinky at end of the day. Have you ever wondered why? The reason might not be what you think. Even minutes after taking a shower, it might not go down well and your body might smell bad after an hour or so. It is high time you looked up at the reasons for bad odour.

Your body odour can speak everything about your health conditions. Some diseases can produce a distinguished odour which gets produced from your body. Now you might be wondering about which are those bad smells that you need to take care of, right? Further, we will also let you know what you must do if you come across these kinds of bad smell in your body. Some of the common reasons on why your body smells, which you already know, is the odour that occurs when the bacteria which live on your skin that break down sweat into acids. Further, people who are suffering from obese or who regularly eat spicy foods or people with certain medical conditions, are also likely to have that body odour.

Never EVER ignore these body odours

So which funky fumes should you take note of? Here are few common body odors that might signal a serious problem and what you should do if the stench arises.

Body Odours: Fruity Breath Is A Symptom Of Diabetes

Body Odor: Fruity Breath Is A Symptom Of Diabetes


Credit a complication of diabetes called diabetic ketoacidosis, which occurs when your body runs low on insulin and your blood sugar spikes, People with type 1 diabetes generally experience it more than those with type 2 diabetes do.

Here is what’s happening: Your body can’t create the energy it needs to function properly, so it begins to break down fatty acids for fuel. This creates a buildup of acidic chemicals that are called ketones in your blood. One of the main acids can leave a fruity smell on your breath, you might not notice it until someone else mentions it.

Never EVER ignore these body odours

It can make you vomit and urinate frequently, by causing your body to lose fluids at a dangerous rate, generally occurs with other symptoms of diabetes, like fatigue, blurred vision, and unexplained weight loss, but in many cases, people don’t put them all together, which can delay diagnosis and treatment. So if you notice the fruity odor on your breath along with any of those symptoms especially if they are accompanied by dry mouth, fatigue, difficulty breathing, or abdominal pain, head to the emergency room as soon as possible.

After your doctor tests your blood for ketones, they will work on replacing the lost fluids and getting your sugar levels back to normal with insulin treatment.

Body Odours: Stinky Feet Is A Symptom of Athlete’s Foot

Body Odor: Stinky Feet Is A Symptom of Athlete’s Foot

Can’t you seem to fight funky sneakers? A fungal infection may be to blame. If you notice dry, and scaly skin around your toes, redness, and blisters, you may have athlete’s foot.

Your feet might also produce and discharge a foul odor, that caused by a combination of bacteria and fungus eroding into your skin and toe webs, and if you scratch your feet and then touch another part of your body, it can spread the fungus to other areas of your body, like your groin or armpit. That can potentially cause an odor to form in those areas, too.

If you ignore athlete’s foot, the skin in between your toe webs becomes excessively soft and moist, making it a starting point for bacteria. You can develop more complicated conditions like cellulitis, a bacterial infection of your skin’s soft tissue.

So if you are experiencing symptoms, try an over-the-counter antifungal spray like Lotrimin or Tinactin. If the problem continues to persist after two weeks, your doctor can take a closer look, more care and prescribe a more targeted treatment.

Since athlete’s foot is just one of the nasty skin conditions you can pick up at the gym, protect yourself from picking it up again by wearing good shoes in the locker room. Because fungi tend to thrive in moist environments, try using a talcum to keep your feet dry if they tend to get sweaty.

Body Odours: Strong-Smelling Of Urine Is A Symptom Of Infection

Body Odor: Strong-Smelling Of Urine Is A Symptom Of Infection

Urinary tract infections can produce pungent, almost chemical-smelling urine. This happens after bacteria, most commonly that enters your urinary tract and urethra. Then, they multiply in your bladder, by causing an infection.

Urinary tract infections are more frequent in women than men because their urethra the channel that drains the bladder is shorter. So men often will ignore their smelly pee, since they figure they are not at risk.

“Usually, men get infections if there is something not allowing their bladder to drain.

This means your Urinary tract infections could be signaling a bigger problem, like kidney stones, diabetes, or an enlarged prostate gland, which can require surgery to treat. So if you notice your pee smells funky, check in with your doctor, who will test your urine to see what is it.

Body Odours: Bad Breath Is A Symptom Of Sleep Apnea

If your morning breath is consistently ripe even after your brush regularly you could be dealing with undiagnosed sleep, a disorder that causes your breathing to periodically stop and start while you sleep.

Sleep apnea or the sleep disorder can lead to excessive snore, causing you to breathe through your mouth throughout the night. This can make your mouth very dry, which is a common cause of bad breath.

This allows bacteria to breed more readily and when certain kinds multiply, they produce a sulfurous gas which can give your breath a rotten egg smell.

If you have ruled out other causes of bad breath, but still wake up with a smelly mouth and you will suffer from daytime sleepiness and be snoring. You can schedule an appointment with your doctor. It is vital to sleep apnea gets diagnosed quickly: The sleeping condition has been strongly associated with diabetes, high blood pressure, and also heart disease, so treating it sooner than later can spare you of its long-term health effects.

Once you are diagnosed, your sleep doctor can recommend a continuous positive airway pressure device (CPAP), a mask that rests over your nose and mouth helps that helps keep your airways open while you snooze.

Body odour is something that we all need to take care it very much as that has an incredible social impact. Aside from keeping to a good hygiene, we must learn to avoid foods and beverages and increase your intake of others if we want to enjoy a pleasant body odour because everything we eat contributes to the way we smell and simply we need to pay attention to the effects of our dietary choices that have and learn to eat better which to improve our health in every aspect, body odour included.

Never EVER ignore these body odours

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