If working out more is part of your everyday resolution, you may want to prepare by looking into natural home methods of soothing sore, tired muscles after your daily workout. While muscle soreness is simply part of working out, there are ways to reduce this necessary pain.
Generally muscle soreness is a sign of trauma. As you lift weights or strain your muscles, you will suffer with small tears in the tissue. It’s the rebuilding of these tissues that actually induces muscle growth and increased strength. Soreness is simply a symptom of this muscle-building trauma.
Extensive training can give you intense muscle soreness. But there are plenty of ways to numb the pain after a workout. These below are few of them.
Here are few home remedies to treat muscle soreness after your workout
Eat Berries
Berries have an anti-inflammatory compound in its skin called anthocyanins that have been proved to reduce muscle soreness. This anti-inflammatory compound is found in high concentrations in some of your favourite berries. As all know that your workouts are great for improving balance, coordination, flexibility and strength, and a proper diet will give you the optimal performance that you have been waiting for. After your workout take a handful of cherries, blackberries, blueberries, or raspberries to reduce your sourness and you will feel better in no time.
Cold Water / Ice Baths
Our blood vessels constrict in the cold and dilate in the heat. Alternating between hot and cold acts as a pump flushing blood through the muscles, promoting clearance.
Hot / cold showers will stimulate this effect. Or try swimming in a local outdoor pool, river or lake. The exposure to the cold water will also have the additional effects of lowering blood pressure, stimulating the release of endorphins, burning fat and strengthening your immune system.
Ice baths have the added benefit of hydrostatic pressure. The external pressure of water, added with the cold, forces blood, metabolites out of the extremities and decreases your muscle soreness.
Massage increases blood flow to your muscles and helps to remove any build up of lactate. A good massage can often be more effective at hitting awkward spots.
Foam rolling is probably a most popular option, as you can easily do this yourself. This is a an easy and natural way to smash out any knots in the muscle and maintain good tissue quality. It should be performed on a regular basis.
Watermelon is rich source of L-citrulline, an amino acid that can protect against muscle pain. To get the most out of your watermelon consumption, take it before your workout everyday. Put it in a morning juice or eat it in a fruit salad daily. Fresh, unpasteurized juice seems to have the most benefit.
Yoga to Combat Post Workout Soreness
Daily yoga, stretching and also mobility work are all highly effective ways to counter post-workout muscle soreness. Try to make mobility work a regular habit. Do few hand and leg stretching yoga poses even just 5-10 minutes a day will set you on the path to becoming a much better athlete with stronger movement patterns and improved flexibility. You can always increase this if time allows.
Hydrate Yourself
The soreness that you experience after a workout everyday may just be a symptom of dehydration. After a workout class everyday, your body will be moved in unfamiliar ways that are different than those you do throughout your day, and this requires a lot of energy. Be sure to hydrate after every class, and remember that water is not your only option! Reward yourself with something delicious like a healthy smoothie, coconut water, or hydration mix.
Stretch It Out
Although the benefits of a pre- and post-workout stretch are inconclusive, regular stretching helps to reset your body to a natural position and posture. If you’re experiencing any discomfort after exercising daily, try holding a general static stretch position (like touching your toes) for up to 30-40 seconds to get some temporary relief.
Rest Your Muscles
If you have got a goal in mind – a fitness challenge or a stylish event – it can be tempting to workout intensely in the run-up to it. But skipping your rest days will do you more harm than good. For a start, pushing yourself too hard can lead to injuries, but more importantly your muscles need to rest. When you lift weights your muscle fibres tear, repairing when your body rests; so, to get the full benefit of your workout, take some time off!
By following all these above home remedies after your everyday workout you can get rid of soreness of your workout.