What is Arjuna herb?

Arjuna is a real herbal hero for the Heart and its related diseases. Terminalia Arjuna is a tree that is derived from the genus of Terminalia. The bark of the Arjuna tree has been since long for preparing
Arjuna supplements that are beneficial for the heart, angina, and its related side effects. Arjun for heart(Terminalia Arjuna) extracts have been widely used in the Ayurvedic medicinal segment for preparing multiple medicines in this category. The bark of the tree has many medicinal benefits. This has been used since several centuries for treating cardiovascular ailments and other such diseases. Other therapeutic benefits of Arjuna include- treating asthma, hypertension and
kidney stones.
Where can it be found in India?

The Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna) tree has been usually found growing nearby to the river banks or at a proximity to dry river beds in West Bengal and South India and Central India. It is an evergreen tree that grows with yellow flowers. Being evergreen in nature it is mainly found near to the sources of water, which may include rivers. It is usually found along the river banks starting from plains to 1000m.
How it helps in controlling Blood Pressure?

The element Co-enzyme Q-10 present in the bark of
Arjuna herb is known for its function of lowering
high blood pressure effects. This works as a heart tonic to maintain the heart health and to maintain normal blood pressure. With regular usage, Arjuna herb for heart has been found as a great help to control cardiac symptoms like – irregular heartbeat and high blood pressure. Thereby it maintains a
healthy heart and reduces the effects of stress and relieves the symptomatic complaints of hypertension. The bark of the tree also helps in lowering high blood pressure that prevents chances of heart attack and also lowering the LDL or bad cholesterol in the blood responsible for heart related disease.
What amount is safe for intake?
As a form of dietary supplement, adults take one vegetarian capsule 1-2 times daily with food, or as directed by a good healthcare professional. The standard dose as recommended for the purposes of cardiac health appears to be 500mg of the bark (water extract) to be taken daily in the morning without food. Whereas no such evidence exists to suggest that taking it with food is bad or has associated side effects. Also, the dosage recommendations may vary with the type and criticality of the ailment. For persons suffering from cardiac trauma (such as Myocardial Infarction), the dosage tends to be taken thrice a day every 8 hours. Using 1-3 grams of the dry bark powder per day is a safer intake, as shown in some of the relative studies.
Studies to show that it plays a great role in lowering the blood pressure levels

In India, Arjuna herb for heart has commanded well-deserved respect from the research community due to the medicinal factors associated with it. The herb lowers blood pressure and heart rate, advances the heart muscle function, and is a potent antioxidant. Along with treating high blood pressure, it is an effective treatment to stable angina. Whereas stable angina should be diagnosed only by a professional doctor before treating with the herb because unstable angina can be very dangerous. The leaf extracts and ethanolic extracts of the herb has appeared to be more related to the cytotoxic and anti-tumor effects, but still enough evidences do not exist to recommend an active dosage of these extracts for human consumption.
Other benefits of Arjuna herb
The other associated benefits with Arjuna Herb includes
- It supports healthy blood circulation.
- The herb supports healthy maintenance of blood pressure.
- It supports the cardiac tone and vascular integrity very well.
- By reducing the unhealthy cholesterols, it supports healthy cholesterol levels in the body.
- With such healthy functions attached to it, the herb supports healthy ageing with time.
- Seems to be very useful in skin treatment and treatment of acne on the face or other body parts.
- The effective treatment towards kidney stones dealing.
Available forms in the market
The various available forms of the Arjuna herb include the following
- Arjuna Medicines or Capsules
Best form to take Arjuna

Arjuna for heart can be taken in various forms as per the need of the disease it is being used for. There is no such pre-defined type or form for intake of Arjuna, rather intake of the same in a recommended quantity is more important. However, mostly recommended Arjuna herb is found more beneficial when taken in the form of bark or natural extract, powder or Arjuna Tea. Still there have been debates on which form is the best as the form that tends to be suitable for one disease may not be suitable for the other. For Example: if the tea extract of Arjuna suits heart treatment, the same may not necessarily suit the skin ailments. For
skin ailments the bark has to be made into a paste and applied.
Thus, the best form of Arjuna for heart intake can be only decided based on the ailment it is being used as a remedy for.
Ideal time to take Arjuna supplement
Studies have found good reasons to take 250 mg of Arjun for heart with meals once or twice daily. Thus, a doctor’s recommendation is a must before deciding the ideal time for the supplement. However, it has been found that the most favourable time for the supplement intake tends to be along with the meals or at the bed time. After the supplement intake its best recommended to take rest in order to make it function in a better way. Still there haven’t yet been strong evidences as to support the best forms of intake of the
Arjuna supplement. It is favourably recommended to take a doctor’s advice about the most favourable time for intake of the same.
Which product is good for coronary heart disease, chest pain etc …….”ARJUN SAR “or “VASA Avleha”
Hi Shaniya when it comes to coronary heart disease and pain in chest definitely Arjuna will help you as VasaAvleha is meant for respiratory properly like cold, cough asthama etc