Author Archives: Akshata Agarwal

Significance of food rich in antioxidants explained!

health benefits of antioxidants

Lack of immunity results in the inability of your body to fight against infections.  The body becomes weak and more prone to common cold, cough, flu, etc. Also, during bad weather conditions such as rains and cold seasons the frequency of a number of people falling ill increases. Since these common infections are contagious, they […]

Major Benefits Of Vitamin B12 And About Its Deficiency!

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Do you suffer from anemia, fatigue, depression or frequent falls? Have you been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, dementia or multiple sclerosis? Could it be vitamin B12 deficiency? Yes, this can be true. Because several research studies suggested that vitamin B12 deficiency may be associated with various diseases ranging from anemia to multiple sclerosis. Now you might […]

Probiotics and Prebiotics – Our Silent Partners For Good Health

prebiotics and probiotics

The secret for wellness is the cure within your body. Conditions like stress, anxiety, aging, lack of sleep; poor eating habits, and illness have done damage to natural curing process in your body. But, you can restore your internal health in a simple natural way by enhancing immunity. And it is not hard to do! […]

Evening Primrose Oil Benefits For Men and Women

Evening Primrose Oil was also called as “the King’s cure-all” by early Europeans. Native Americans used it for healing even long before its therapeutic seed oil was discovered. Evening primrose oil benefits for men are natural because, Evening Primrose Oil is unique in its way and one of the few oils containing high levels of […]

Health and Nutrition Facts Unveiled For You!

Health and nutrition

Statistics regarding health and proper nutrition states that ‘More than 40% deaths and 30% of disease burden in developing countries are linked to factors involving nutrition’. Specifically, in India nearly 18% (i.e. approximately 400 million) of the total population and 44% of the young children (below five Yrs age) are undernourished. Almost one-fifth of maternal […]

Know The Coenzyme Q10 benefits – A Wonder Nutrients!


Yes indeed!!! Don’t agree??? Reveal the wonders yourself as you travel down the blog… Though lately many of the health conscious readers might have found the word Coq10 bouncing everywhere right from health to fashion magazines. Here is a good information on Coenzyme q10 – A Wonder Nutrient! What is CoQ10 Actually? Coenzyme q10  is […]

Probiotics and Prebiotics – The Incredible Tummy Soldiers!

probiotics and prebiotics

Remember, all our epic battles were on good versus bad. Now imagine your gut to be a battle field. Similarly, the war is waged in your body for predominance of good over bad. The soldiers and the invading thugs! I’m sure, you’ll be glad to meet the incredible tummy soldiers-the bacteria and they are not […]

Healthy Food For Brain – Know What to Eat And How To Eat

Folic acid foods

Child (foetus): Momma!! Mom: Yes dear!! Child: I am scared, if I’ll be mentally defective??? Mom: Don’t worry my child you’ll be a born genius Child: Is it!! But how Momma?? Mom: I’m nourishing you with a magic nutriment for your brain development Child: Yippee!! Thank u Momma… Alright curious about the conversation?? Well, you […]

Five Healthy Foods To Eat At Your Workstation

Healthy foods

We have all heard and read everywhere about healthy food facts and how important it is to follow a nutritious balanced diet in order to maintain good health and physique. But, the question is while you can’t just leave your job and avoid sitting at a desk all day long, how can you still maintain […]