Rice is one of the most common staple food for many countries. It feeds the world, supplying almost half of the daily calories for half of the world’s population. But you must be wondering if that is the case, then why rice is not very popular in the dieting chart? The reason is…. In spite of rice being good for health, you cannot have it alone as a meal. You need a curry or dal or yogurt or some veges to have along with it. This adds on to a lot of calories, as rice too is rich in calories. This has resulted in many people giving up eating rice in an attempt to lose weight and cut down their calorie intake.
But, is replacing your rice with wheat a good idea?
No, it is not. This will reduce your intake of amino acids (protein’s building blocks) and Vitamin B which you get from your rice. So, all the rice lovers out there, brighten up cause now you can opt for brown rice instead of white rice. You can surely supplement brown rice to your white rice and enjoy its health benefits too. But…
What is Brown Rice?
Brown rice, also known as unpolished/unrefined rice, is obtained when only the outermost hull of the rice kernel is removed without any further processing. This leaves with it maximum amount of nutritional value. Hence, brown rice is more nutritious than white rice. Since white rice goes through complete milling and polishing, most of its vitamins, iron, dietary fiber and essential fatty acids are destroyed.
Brown Rice is Superior to White Rice in terms of Good Nutrients
Brown rice contains:
- Twice the manganese and phosphorus as much as white.
- Two times the iron.
- Three times vitamin B3.
- Four times the vitamin B1.
- Ten times the vitamin B6.
Brown rice is also a great source of manganese, selenium, potassium which are essential for energy production, antioxidant activity, dietary fiber and sex hormone production.
Health Benefits of Brown Rice:
1. Reduces the risk of Colon Cancer
High levels of selenium and phenols present in brown rice, reduces the risk of colon cancer. The high content of dietary fibers cleans the colon and improves digestion.
2. Cardiac Health
Since brown rice is rich in fiber, it protects you against heart diseases and hence is good for cardiac health.
A study carried out in Philadelphia has suggested that the layer of tissue around brown rice, (which is polished off when making white rice), may reduce the action of protein Angiotensin II, which is known to increase atherosclerosis and blood pressure.
3. Protect from Breast Cancer
Lignin a phytonutrient present in brown rice inhibits the growth of cancerous cells.
4. Healthy Body Weight
Brown rice is an excellent source of dietary fiber and also has a lower glycemic index than white rice, meaning it will generally cause a more stable and long lasting rise in blood sugar levels.
5. Aids Constipation
Brown rice contains insoluble fibers, which aids digestion and prevents constipation. Brown rice is one of the gut friendly foods.
6. Brown rice benefits weight loss
Eating whole grains with lots of fiber, helps in maintaining optimal weight while refined grains have been linked to weight gain, type two diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. So, since brown rice is a whole grain and rich in fiber, it can maintain healthy bowel function. This promotes weight-loss and metabolic function. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition says that women who eat whole grains, weigh less. Over the top, brown rice is gluten free rice.
7. A Slow-Release Sugar
Brown rice stabilizes the blood sugar levels. Therefore, it’s an excellent food for diabetes patients.
Studies show that brown rice benefits for diabetes patients who consume half a cup of brown rice daily are many. It will reduce your risk of developing diabetes by 60%. On the other hand, if you consume white rice regularly, it increases your chance of developing diabetes 100 fold.
8. First food for Baby’s
Brown rice or brown cereals are the first food for babies, because of its high reserves of nutrients and fibers. Nourish your baby with brown rice diet.
9. Boosts Energy
Magnesium present in organic brown rice is responsible for boosting your energy level. It plays a dual role; it fights free radical and is also involved in energy production.
10. Bone health
Brown rice is a rich source of magnesium, which is a key nutrient required for healthy bones along with calcium and vitamin D.
Magnesium is a key nutrient to build bones, and its deficiency has been associated with low bone density and osteoporosis later in life. One cup of brown rice contains about 21% of your daily magnesium requirements and 3.5gms of fiber.
11. Brown rice prevent gall stones.
Insoluble fibers present in brown rice prevents gall stones.
So, now after learning so many brown rice nutritional benefits, I am sure you must be eager to give it at least a try. So lets see how do you cook brown rice?
Do You know How to Cook Brown Rice?
It is easy and basic, but it takes a little more water and time than regular white rice. Here’s how to cook brown rice.
The method of preparation is the same as the regular rice, but before cooking, you need to soak them for 45 minutes. For one cup of brown rice, add two and half cup of water and a little salt and place it over the stove. Brown rice usually takes 40 and 50 minutes to cook. However, you should begin checking it after 30 minutes to prevent it from burning. You can add some veges like onion and cabbage to your brown rice to make to enhance the taste. Brown rice is delicious and an amazing staple food. Brown rice, clearly is a healthy choice.
Brown Rice, real food for life
So, hopefully, after knowing about the wonderful benefits of brown rice, the next time you reach for white rice, you may want to reconsider.
If you have any ideas on how to make your brown rice super tasty, then you can share them in the comments section below.