You know your kidney is one of the most important organs in your body, and you need to take care of it. It needs to be healthy because disease in the kidney is not a matter to ignore. Studies reveal that in abroad there are millions of adults who are suffering from this chronic kidney disease which is called CKD. It is mostly linked to other diseases like diabetes or high blood pressure or some cardiac problems. You are also likely to suffer from it if you are in the age above 60. If you are obese, or you have some infection in the urinary tract even then, you can get such disease. So here we will see how to increase kidney function:
Have a lot of fluids.
You need to be hydrated in order to prevent any kind of disease in kidney and also to fight them. The more water you drink, the more dilute will be the urine, and so it is better for the health of the kidney. Well, just not water but also, there are many other fruits and their juices which give us a lot of water. You can go for ginger ale. Even beverages like tea have some water content in them. Check the color of the urine. If you see that it is light colored, you can be happy that you are well hydrated. But if not you need to take more water. Limit the intake of caffeine to just a cup or two per day as it really makes us dehydrated by increasing the frequency of dehydration.
Low potassium foods.
The kidneys play an important role in regulating the level of potassium. We need to monitor our intake of potassium. If you have consumed too much of it inside then, you stand a chance of having a stroke or you may come across a heart attack. There are some foods like apple, corn, pasta, noodles, beans, eggplant, peppers, pears and peas which are low in potassium and can be consumed. You can have cookies too. Add some nuts or hot chocolate to make it even more yummy!
Foods rich in iron.
The more iron intake in your body, the less are the chances that you run into chronic kidney disease. The kidney helps in the production of the red blood cells, and it needs iron for it. You will find a lot of iron in the green leafy vegetables. Having them will help your RBC level to increase. You can also have an egg to increase the iron content in your body.
Now we will discuss in details, the fruits and vegetables that can be taken to increase the kidney function.
Red Bell Peppers- delicious
They have a low content of potassium but is rich in flavor. That is what it makes a perfect kidney diet. They are extremely tasty, and you are also going to find Vit A and Vit C in it. Just not that, the most important Vit B6 along with the folic acid present with it adds to its rating.
Now you have the raw one with dip, which can be served as a snack. You can also mix it with chicken salad. If needed, you can use peppers by roasting them and apply it on the top of the sandwich or the salad. You may also choose to chop them and make an omelet.
Cabbage- a leafy treat
It is a full package of phytochemicals and many other chemical compounds which help in the breakage of the free radicals before they can actually do damage to our kidney. These phytochemicals also help you in improving your cardiovascular health and it also protects you from cancer.
Now you can add raw cabbage in fish tacos or in coleslaw. Adding butter to it only after boiling it and heating it with little olive oil in microwave adds taste to it.
Cherries- looks so good
Small and tasty is what can perfectly describe this fruit. It helps in reducing redness, and you can also have it if some parts of your body have swelled up. It has got Vit C and K in it. Magnesium, Vit B6, Citrate, and folate are some other things present in this little fruit. Go looking for a tart cherry as it has got more of citrate in it. It helps in reducing uric acid in our blood, and it can eventually be leading to gout. Ones who have cherries don’t run the risk of having gout attacks too.
Cranberries- a tangy solution
They have also got a lot of Vit C in it along with manganese.If you are having UTI, then you may have it to help yourself out of it. If you have diluted juice of cranberry, i.e., by adding just a little water to the pure juice, you will have low levels of oxalate as well phosphate and that will help in preventing kidney stones.
Cinnamon- a healthy stick
Known well for helping in the regulation of the glucose levels. It will help you to get rid of too much blood sugar level. Excess glucose is not good for health. They can damage the kidney. It is also used by many as a supplement.
Kidney Beans- good for kidney
The name tells it all. Doesn’t it? It is named so due to the greatest capability to benefit the organ and healing it from any other problem. If you want to get rid of the kidney stones in the home itself, you need to go for this fruit. The pods of this have medicinal value too. It pains a lot when you have a kidney stone. To bear it, you can just take away the pod and boil the beans inside in water for some time. Filter out the water and let it cool. Have it daily in order to be away from the pain.
Olive Oil- but not so oily
You get a lot of nutrients including unsaturated fat in this olive oil. If you are attacked by the chronic kidney disease, then you can start having this oil to maintain a healthy position.
Java Tea- go drink!!
Not just remedy to kidney problems but also liver and gastrointestinal problems can be now put in check. It stabilizes blood sugar, pressure and has antioxidants to keep us healthy!
So, at the end we must say, that have a balanced diet, 3-4 liters of water and some exercise daily. This will not only help you in keeping your kidney healthy, but your body and mind will also become healthy.