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Best Vegan and Vegetarian Protein Sources

Best Vegan and Vegetarian Protein Sources

Proteins are important for the betterment of our health. They are often called the building blocks of our life as they break down into amino acids and help to repair and grow cells. Animal products like meat, dairy and eggs are well known for the protein content. So what about the vegans and the vegetarians who will not be having any of these? You will be surprised to know that there are many high protein vegetarian food which can be consumed by vegans and vegetarians to get their required amount of protein. So say hello to vegetable and plans for your protein need!

Here is a comprehensive list of some of the plant-based proteins that you can easily incorporate into your diet instead of animal products.

Lentils- taste good

It contains around  grams of protein per cup (100 gm). You can make yummy lentil recipes that will not only supply you with a lot of protein but also keep you full for a very long time. Lentil soup is a very healthy option for people on the run. You can prepare it in a very short amount of time, and it can be had hot as well as cold.

Tofu- healthy, is it?

This is a rich and creamy substitute for meal based cottage cheese that can be turned into amazing meals. It takes up the taste of the things you add to it and can supply you around 10 grams of protein per cup. Tofu is a delicacy in many places as it absorbs the taste of the spices it is added to making it a very healthy and tasty dish.

Black beans- packed with proteins

This is one of the best sources of protein with around 8 grams of protein per half a cup. It has a lot of anti-oxidants that is great for the body. It contains very low amount of starch as compared to other categories of beans. These are many different recipes for black beans.

Quinoa- a bitter one

It contains around 8 grams per cup and can be used in many different types of ways. It also contains a high amount of magnesium, fiber, and antioxidants. This is also known as a pseudo-grain.

Soy milk- milky delight

This is one of the best to incorporate in a high protein vegetarian diet. It is completely organic and has a high amount of protein. It is a good option for vegans who do not consume milk. Soy milk is much easier to digest than normal milk. It is also great for people who are wanting to lose weight as it has much fewer calories than normal milk. Soy milk can also be in baking as well.

Green peas- pop up anytime

There are completely packed with a lot of protein and fiber that is very good for metabolism. They are also rich in amino acids which help to lose weight by increasing the metabolism in your body. They should be incorporated in the diet to get a required amount of protein in your body if you are off animal proteins.


These contain around 4 grams in half a cup and along with that a lot of fiber as well. They are very low in calories and can be made in many recipes. This vegetable is a yummy treat for anyone.

Oatmeal- healthy too

It has three times the protein than things like brown rice. It also contains a lot of fiber and is low in starch, making it a good filler. You can use oats in different things like cookies to porridges. You can even have them at the start of a day to stay full and energetic as the day goes on.

Pumpkin seeds- not so tasty

This is one of those surprising protein rich veg food available in the market. It also contains a lot of iron and magnesium. It contains around 8 grams of protein in just one-fourth of a cup. They are a very nice snack to have that will keep you full as well as make you stay light on the feet.

Chia seeds- get some quickly

Two tablespoons of chia seeds contain around 5 grams of protein which makes them a lovely source of protein.

Spinach- green leafy delight

This contains a lot of iron as well as protein. You can incorporate them into your meals in the form of a salad or even cooked. These leafy greens can be used in many ways to make the main course as well as the sides.

Black eyed peas

You will get the nourishment of 8 grams of protein in half a cup of black eyed peas. It also contains a lot of magnesium, iron and vitamin D. it has a very nice mild and nutty flavor that helps take up the flavor of any dish it is added to.

Broccoli- green flower

It is high in calcium and protein. It is a great food for weight watchers as well since it contains very less amount of calories. It is also very high in vitamin B and vitamin C.

Asparagus- high nutritious

This green stalky vegetable is a good source of folate along with protein. 4 to 5 stalks of asparagus contains around 4 grams of protein.

Almonds- nutty delight

Almonds contain around 7 grams of protein per cup. It is a very good thing to start the day with. You can even snack on almonds during the day. Almond butter is a good substitute for peanut butter for people who are allergic to peanuts. It contains a lot of protein which is very good for the body.

These different food items contain a lot of protein. It is essential to have a lot of protein in our body. Vegans and vegetarians do not need to worry about their protein intake if they incorporate the above foods in your daily meals. They make a very healthy and tasty food option. There are some adverse effects of consumption of animal proteins that can be avoided by consuming these different types of plant proteins.

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