Category Archives: Sports Nutriton

Best Healthy Food Choices To Eat During Ramadan

Best Healthy Food Choices To Eat During Ramadan

Ramadan is also called as Ramzan, it is the most sacred month of the year in Islamic culture. Muslims observe the month of Ramadan, to mark that Allah, or God, gave the first chapters of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad in 610. During Ramzan, Muslims fast, abstain from pleasures and pray to become closer […]

Ayurvedic Cure For Insanity And Mental Illness

Ayurvedic Cure For Insanity And Mental Illness

What Is Mental Health? Mental health is determined as a state of well-being in which every individual perceives his or her capability and can cope with the regular stresses of life, who can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make an offer to her or his community. India is facing an unparalleled crisis […]

How To Increase Your Sexual Stamina Naturally?

How To Increase Your Sexual Stamina Naturally?

Sexual problems are taking a toll in today’s world and it is getting difficult to come out of the same. Every human being can face problems with their sex drive at some point of time in their life. Sexual dysfunction is when both men and women have a continual, and ongoing problems with any stage […]

What Is L- Arginine ? And It’s Amazing Health Benefits

What Is L-Arginine ? And It's Amazing Health Benefits

Consuming few supplements has become a rather usual practice today. With enhancing awareness and work hours, This generation has no other option but to take herbal and nutritional supplements to keep optimal health. There’s a wonderful supplement for everything—heart health, brain development and what not. But what if I tell you that there is a […]

5 Amazing Home Remedies For Long Healthy Glowing Hair

We are often admired by the dramatic scenes of actresses tumbling shiny tresses of hair on their faces and candidly playing with them. Beautiful and pretty wavy hair is part and parcel of people’s looks and people spend hours of time on setting and styling them. Having long and silky hair is an adorable desire […]

Hibiscus-Nature’s Gift To Cure All Hair Problems

Hair Fall

Nothing is more beautiful than a thick long black hair that brightly shines with natural health. But hair loss is a problem that many people suffer from. With rising pollution and toxic air in the environment, we are breathing, coughing and then healing ourselves everything now and then but what about our hair? Our lengthy […]

The Most Ideal Supplement To Boost Your Immune System

Immune System

On the whole, your immune system generally does an extraordinary job of protecting you against diseases which are causing microorganisms. But sometimes it fails because few germs invades your body successfully and makes you sick. When it’s snowy and rainy outside, and cold and flu season is at its peak, it’s time to pull out […]

Weight Loss Is Not So Difficult Now With Noni – A Miraculous Fruit

Whether you are a youngster, teenager, parent or an employee, you are worried about your weight. It is due to the kinds of food we are exposed to. Controlling the craving to devour that tasty chocolate ice cream is hard! Did you ever want to look slim and fitter instantly to show off your well-toned […]

What Makes Guggulu An Amazing Natural Remedy For All Diseases ?


Guggul or guggulu, is also called as Bdellium, which is derived from the plant that is closely related to myrrh, which is also found in arid to semi-arid areas of Northern India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. Guggul has been used since over 3,000 years. It has many benefits especially for the treatment of elevated blood lipids […]