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Lose Weight with this Easy to Follow Diet Chart for Weight Loss

diet chart for weight loss

Are you sick and tired of trying various things for weight loss?

Is your weight making you less confident?

The first thing you should do is stop being upset about it.

Everybody, right from a five year old kid to a teenager, a parent or grandparent is concerned about their weight.

Of course, it is a good thing to keep a track of your health and manage your weight.  Weight has a direct correlation with your health. Being underweight or overweight can lead to many health conditions.

All the more, who does not want to be perfectly slim and trim and look beautiful?

So, if you want to get rid of all the extra inches, I will tell you few important points to be considered for choosing the perfect diet chart for weight loss.

Points To Consider In A Perfect Diet Chart For Weight Loss

It is very important that any diet chart is very easy and practical to follow. In today’s scenario, there is hardly little time left with people to devote hence there is a need for measures which assure fast weight loss.

However, just like weight gain is a slow procedure, and it has taken lot of time by you to gain weight, similarly, weight loss also should be gradual for its lasting effect.

Now, I will be sharing with you the sample menu for Indian weight loss diet plan. This is indian diet chart for weight loss.

weight loss can be as easy as following directions.

Sample Menu

1. Vegetarian Diet Chart for Weight Loss

Early morning 

1 glass of lukewarm water with 1/2 lemon squeezed

After 15 minutes

1 cup green tea + 4 almonds (soaked and peeled)


1 glass buttermilk+ 1 bowl oats/broken wheat daliya


1 fruit (as per your choice)


1 bowl raw vegetable salad (no dressing) + 1 chapatti + ½ cup rice + 1 cup vegetable + 1 cup dal + 1 cup curd/1 cup pulses

Afternoon (2 hrs post lunch)

1 cup green tea + 1 tsp flaxseeds roasted and grinded

Evening Snacks

4 almonds + 2 walnuts + 1 bowl of boiled sprouts


1 cup bottle guard + coriander soup + ½ cup brown rice + 1 cup veg + ½ cup curd

Bed Time

1 cup milk with a pinch of cinnamon powder

This diet is meant for any individual above 12 years old and approximate caloric input is around 1000-1200 Kcal.

2. Non-Vegetarian Diet Chart for Weight Loss

Early Morning

1 glass of lukewarm water with 1/2 lemon squeezed

After 15 minutes

1 cup green tea + 4 almonds (soaked and peeled)


1 cup milk + 2 egg whites + 1 slice multi grain bread


1 fruit (as per your choice)


1 bowl raw vegetable salad (no dressing) + 1 chapatti + ½ cup rice + 1 cup vegetable + 2-3 pc lean chicken + 2 egg whites boiled

Afternoon (2 hrs post lunch)

1 cup green tea + 1 tsp flaxseeds roasted and grinded

Evening Snacks

1 multi grain chicken sandwich (no cheese and butter)


1 bowl soup + 1 bowl vegetable salad + 2-3 pc grilled fish + ½ cup brown rice

Bed Time

1 cup milk with a pinch of cinnamon powder

This diet is meant for any individual above 12 years old and approximate caloric input is around 1000-1200 Kcal.

I know after looking at the above diet chart you might be thinking that now you will be devoid from all your favourite chocolates, ice-creams, pizza and burger.

However, No, diet chart for weight loss does not mean to restrict everything, it just says that you should eat right.

You need always to follow a healthy diet for weight loss and should not indulge in any crash dieting. Considering the above indian diet chart for weight loss you can see good results.

Following are the few instructions towards a healthy diet chart for weight loss.

Following Are The Few Instructions Towards A Healthy Diet For Weight Loss

You should also remember that whenever you are on a weight loss diet you will find few changes in your body.

Side effects of unhealthy weight loss diet

If you want to avoid all the above side effects then you should follow a healthy weight loss diet and along with that you should take certain nutritional supplements as well.

Remember one thing very carefully that nutritional supplement only help you to overcome from the side effects which are caused by the unhealthy weight loss diet and also it helps to maintain your weight.

Also, as I mentioned earlier that after weight loss your skin becomes loose so it is very important to apply a skin tightening or a slimming gel which not only helps your skin to become tight and will give you inches weight loss chart if you measure and note on your own from time to time. Hence weight loss can be as easy as following directions mentioned above.

Please share your experiences and queries with me and always remember that the key to success in losing weight is not losing hope. To find out exact measures of inches weight loss chart you can find it easily on internet.

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