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Easy and effective tips to treat dry cough

Easy And effective Tips To Treat Dry Cough

Tips To Treat a dry cough

A cough is one of the most common health problems. When there is a blockage in your voice or irritant in your throat or upper air passages, your brain thinks a foreign element is present and tells your body to cough to remove that element. This can be irritating at times, especially dry cough, that can give you all the pain in the world!

What do you know about a cough?

A dry cough does not produce mucus. It is tickly, dry and sometimes painful and it is a constant irritation in your throat which feels scratchy and raspy.

A chesty cough helps to clear the mucus or phlegm from the airways. It is a cough that brings with it a heavy feeling in your chest, caused by the mucus build-up, and usually, it comes hand in hand with a cold or flu.

What is the phlegm? Phlegm is another name for mucus that will be produced by the membranes in your respiratory tract. Mostly, it acts to trap dirt, bacteria and to fight infection. When you have an infection, your body will produce more phlegm than the normal, causing a build-up in your chest. It will sound terrible when you cough, but it is actually your body doing its best to fight an infection.

What are the causes of a cough?

Postnasal drip

When your nose produces extra mucus, it drips down the back of your throat and triggers your cough reflex. This is also called upper airway cough.


An asthma is a related cough, may come and go with the seasons, appear after an upper respiratory tract infection, or become worse when you are exposed to cold air or certain chemicals or fragrances.


A cough can stay longer after other symptoms of pneumonia, flu, and cold or other infection of the upper respiratory tract. It is the common but under-recognized cause of a chronic cough for adults.

Home Remedies a dry cough


Being a natural analgesic, ginger is mostly found in lozenges and cough syrups. It makes smooth the sore throat and it provides immense relief. Firstly take a fresh ginger root, peel it and crush it in a proper way. Boil a cup of fresh water and add crushed ginger into it. Strain the solution and add some honey to it. Drink this decoction at least three times a day.


Honey is also one of the oldest dry cough home remedies and it also one of the commonly used components in the cough syrups. It works commonly because of its analgesic properties that can eliminate the mucus and soothes your throat. Honey is an effective remedy also has a strong antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, both are effective to ease a sore throat.


Turmeric is a traditional medicine it contains curcumin, the active agent which has strong anti-viral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is, therefore, a quite effective in treating the viral infections like a cough and cold.


Garlic has an anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral properties, and due to its active agent called as “allicin,” it also is one of the most effective home remedies for a dry cough. It also boosts your immune system and it helps you to fight with infections that cause a dry cough.

Gargle Salt Water

Salt water which helps to treat a sore throat through osmosis, and it can be a good home remedy for a dry cough as well. The idea can work because the salt inside the cells of your mucous membranes flows out to balance the salt outside of the cells, and this will reduce swelling.


Oregano works as an expectorant and it will help you to get rid of mucus. To find relief from your dry cough, you may have to use a special type of oregano that belongs to perennial herb and is known as marjoram.

Throat Lozenges

By using the throat lozenges is one of the effective ways of treating the irritation which is caused by coughing. Its use will also treat your sore throat and then prevent coughing.


Steam will loosen the phlegm and mucous and it helps to improve your condition. You can also add some specific essential oils and take advantage of their antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties by steaming.

Coughing is one of the useful mechanisms to get rid of unwanted substances from our body, but the persistent dry cough is a nuisance, and can also become very irritating. However, if you want to ease the irritation and relieve a sore throat, these are the best remedies.

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