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Food Which Helps Fighting Estrogen Dominance

Food Which Helps Fighting Oestrogen Dominance

The estrogen dominance or the excess estrogen which is not balanced in your body by progesterone can cause you much weight gain or bloat. It is also linked with some conditions such as fibroids, endometriosis, certain cancers and heart disease.

In such cases, you should take a diet which will help you in redressing estrogen dominance which can be only good for your health and hormones.

Eat The Foods Which Will Fight Oestrogen Dominance

If you’re planning to go on a new diet which is a better idea but first you need to clear the list of unhealthy food intake from your routine so that your body can also get clear out as well. To be more successful you should start with a detox. It doesn’t mean that you should starve yourself if you’re on a diet. But it means that you should eat only those foods which will most help you in triggering the detoxification and cleanse up your body from harmful toxins.

If you’re ready to start with your detox. Then you need to put all these things in your basket first: spinach, broccoli, whole grains, salmon, organic eggs, beans, mackerel, cheese and etc. These are food which will help you in triggering the detoxification process and cleanse your body and make it ready for a new start.

Now add the items which can cut the formation of estrogen hormones in your body after a week of including the above items: nuts, olive oil, avocados which will provide your need of having healthy fats to maintain the balance in your body and nourish your hormones.

The time has come for you to start focusing on the restricted list also, meat, bread and pasta should be on top in your restricted food items list

The five Dietary items that encourage estrogen dominance

As bloating plays as a key sign of estrogen dominance, let us start with your fluid intake. Water and herb tea both are good to go with. But if you really want to tackle the estrogen dominance than tea, coffee, soft drinks, and energy drinks should be restricted strictly. They can cause the inflammation to your body.

Fat is just not so bad, you will need a certain amount of fat for many functions. For functions such as nerve health and the absorption of vitamins. But having too many fats from non-organic meat and polyunsaturated fats like margarine can end up increasing the estrogen in your body.

You will need to minimize the dairy products as much as you can as they can cause inflammation and vascular constrictions.

The white carbohydrates cover the refined flour and white pasta and rice. The best varieties are the whole meals as these staples are linked with estrogen increase and provide little nutritional value.

One another major item which leads to weight increase where the excess estrogen is stored (you fat cells) is sugar and it is surely not helpful on many levels. Eliminate and reduce as much sugar intake as you can.  

What is it best to eat?

It is not a rocket science, and you already know the most of it. Unfortunately, it is a day to day practice which can cause the problems! We all have the ‘favourite foods’ and obviously, the varied diet is the best. You don’t have to try to be perfect and you can achieve this diet at once, but gradually work your way in and you will be able to reap benefits with regularly including these items:

Flax Seed

Flax seeds contain compounds such as “lignans”  which have an “anti-estrogenic” effect according to a health research center at Oregon State University. Lignans will interfere with enzymes which are involved with the production of estrogen. They are also high in phytoestrogens, so it is suggested not to consume more than once a day. Flax seeds can b added to baked foods such as muffins and bread.


Sulfur Foods

The work of liver is to perform as a filter to clean the harmful substances from the bloodstream and send them for the elimination including the excess estrogen. When the liver works too hard then the functions will not be able to perform properly which will result in toxins building up in the system. Foods like garlic, onion, egg yolks are good for the liver as they contain sulfur. By eating the foods which keep liver healthy, the liver can help in reducing the estrogen dominance within the body.


The fiber intake should be the first nutritional change you will make to fight the estrogen dominance. A diet which is high in fiber will decrease the estrogen levels in the blood. The excess estrogen will leave the body in the way of a bowel, the estrogen can be reabsorbed if the stool remains in the colon. Foods which are high in fiber includes apples, celery, berries, nuts, oats, seeds, and beans.

Helpful Herbs

The herbs don’t just improve the flavor, but they are also very valuable in their own way. Herbs such as thyme, oregano, rosemary, turmeric, and sage contain the volatile oils which promote the liver detoxication. Particularly, turmeric helps in destroying the estrogen receptor positive cancer cells. The cells that are most commonly found in breast, ovarian, uterine and prostate cancer.

Other Foods Which Helps In Estrogen Dominance:

It is important to understand that what may help or may be true for one person is not necessarily the same for another. The journey of hormonal changes is individual. As you begin to make changes, ensure keeping track of how you are feeling and when!


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