So, have you developed the most dreaded heat bumps on your skin and having painful days? You will be surprised to know that heat rashes or bumps are one of the most common ailment that affects individuals of all ages when they get too much of sunlight exposure. You can consider it your body’s way of punishing you for staying under the sun for too long. These bumps are not only an unattractive thing to have on the face and other areas but also very uncomfortable and painful. There are a few tips and tricks that will help you to stop the interference of these heat bumps.
But before we get into the treatment methods, it is important to know how they are formed and the best way to prevent their occurrence. Heat bumps develop mainly on the face and the neck due to humid and hot weather conditions. Many a time the sweet glands clog up and heat bumps get formed on and around them. The bacteria in the bumps inflame the skin and causes the painful rashes. Keeping yourself hydrated and away from direct contact with the smoldering sunlight is the best way to prevent them. So the biggest question is how do you get rid of heat bumps?
Here are a few tricks that you can use to deal with these heat bumps.
The off the counter medication treatment
There are some balms and creams available in the stores that will help you to deal with these heat bumps. So if you are looking for quick remedies for how to get rid of heat bumps, then you can use the following tricks.
- Calamine lotion is one of the fastest ways to treat heat bumps and rashes. You can buy a good calamine lotion from any pharmaceutical and apply it to the affected area. This help to cool it down and kill the bacteria formation in the bumps.
- There are some creams available on the market that contain light doses of medicine to treat the inflammation. Using these will help to soothe the inflamed skin and the bumps.
- Sometimes heat bumps can leave behind some marks. Using mark removing lotions will help to deal with these marks and also help to sooth the irritation on the skin when these bumps are drying up.

Home remedies for treating heat bumps
There are many natural home remedies available that will help you to deal with heat bumps. These are a natural process of how to get rid of heat bumps on face. The ingredients required can be easily obtained and many of the time available at home. So you can use the following methods to make sure that you deal with the heat bumps in a natural way and deal with the rashes that develop because of it.
A cold compress- do it gently
A cold compress is one of the best ways to deal with heat bumps. It helps to cool down your skin as well as make the heat rashes go away. You can either directly apply ice on the affected area or wrap up some ice in a cloth and wrap it around the affected areas. This will also help to deal with the skin inflammation.
The cream you get from whole fat milk- fat for heat bumps
When you are buying whole milk, you will notice some thick cream on the top of the milk. You can use this as a mask. Gently take out the cream part and apply it to all the affected area. You need to keep it on for around 15 to 20 minutes before you wash it off with cold water.
Oatmeal bath treatment- also makes you relaxed
This is great for treating rash bumps all over the body. Oatmeal helps to deal with the inflammation and keeps your skin smooth and subtle. Put some oatmeal in your bath and let yourself soak in it for half an hour. Take a shower once you step out. This also deals with the redness.
Sandalwood and rose power mask- creates a flawless skin
Sandalwood and rose powders have cooling agents that will help your skin to cool down. You use sandalwood and rose water as well. Milk some sandalwood and rose powder with some water or rose water and apply it all over the affected areas. Wash it off once it is dry and starts to pull. This is very good for the face as it helps to give it a rosy glow and decreases sweating.
Fuller’s earth and milk mask- works wonder
Fuller’s earth is one of the best cooling and hydrating agents. Just mix a teaspoon of fuller’s earth with some milk to deal with the heat bumps as well as to keep your skin hydrated. This is also a preventive measure for people who tend to get tanned easily.
Margosa or neem leaves paste- a bitter remedy
This helps as an anti-bacterial treatment. One of the problems of heat bumps is that they cause bacteria growth on the skin. By applying this paste on the heat bumps, you will help it reduce down as it kills the bacteria formation.
Aloe Vera gel treatment- super power Aloe gel
This is a very strong cooling agent that makes the skin soft and subtle. You can use this gel apply to the affected areas to deal with the irritation caused by the heat bumps as well. You can be sure that the rash will go down as well. You can mix some cucumber pulp for best results.
Gram flour and milk mask- easy to follow
This keeps the skin hydrated and also helps to deal with the red rashes that form around the heat bumps.
These are some of the best ways to deal with heat rashes. Make sure that you do not keep the area covered too much as that will not allow it to dry up. Heat bumps are a way of your body telling you that you are well hydrated, so make sure you drink plenty of water while using the above tricks and tips to heal heat bumps.