Flax seeds, commonly known as linseed are a power food for improving overall health. The first evidence of flax seed cultivation dates back to 3000 B.C in Mesopotamia and Hippocrates wrote of it as a healing remedy. It is a rich source of manganese, magnesium, copper and phosphorus along with folate, omega 3 fatty acids, lignans and fibers that acts as an effective anti-inflammatory agent and helps in improving bone health, relieving gout and arthritis pains, improving heart health, controlling diabetes and maintaining the level of blood pressure and cholesterol.
Nutrients Present in Flax Seeds
These tiny seeds are a rich source of various health benefiting nutrients, and a complete detail of flax seeds nutrition facts are presented below:
Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Flax seeds are the number one source of plant based omega 3 fatty acids along with certain amounts of omega 6 and 9 as well. It helps in maintaining overall heart health, relieving bipolar disorder, rheumatoid arthritis pains, lowering high blood pressure, relieving asthma, depression and improving cognitive functions.
Lignans: Lignans are a rich source of antioxidants that reduces the risk of hormone-sensitive cancers such as breast cancer, prostate cancer and ovarian cancer. It also helps in controlling Type 2 diabetes.
Fibers: Flax seeds are loaded with soluble and insoluble fibers that improve digestive health, aid blood sugar control and help in weight loss.
Amazing Uses of Flax Seed for Health
The health benefits of flax seeds are numerous, and it functions as an amazing source of plant based omega 3 fatty acids – a great alternative for vegans who can’t consume fishes and eggs.
Rich Source of Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Flax seeds are one of the richest sources of plant based omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids that protect the body against inflammation. Omega 3 benefits include prevention of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, arthritis, asthma and certain cancers. Around 50 to 60% of the omega 3 present in flax seed is in the form of ALA (alpha linolenic acid) that is converted into EPA (Eicosapentanoic acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) through the process of metabolism. Flax seeds are also an important source of omega 6 and 9 that are essential for healthy living.
Antioxidants that Prevent Cancer
One of the most effective health benefits of flax seeds is that it is a rich source of antioxidants and phytochemicals called lignans that reduces the risk of hormone-sensitive cancers – breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer. Omega 3 fatty acids present in flax seeds prevent the growth of tumors. The lignans present in flax seeds prevents the production of enzymes that are involved in hormone metabolism and hinders the multiplication of tumor cells. The antioxidants block the destructive activity of free radicals and revoke the damage caused to cells that can lead to cancer. Daily intake of flax seeds has been shown to reduce the risk of skin cancer as well.
Improves Cardio-vascular Health
Another benefit of eating flax seeds is that it helps in improving overall cardio-vascular health and reduces the risk of stroke and coronary heart diseases. The omega 3 fatty acids present in flax seeds reduces the inflammation of the arteries and blood vessels, maintains elasticity and prevents the formation of plaque on the walls of the arteries. The amino acids present in flax seeds helps in controlling hypertension and normalizing heartbeat. The lignans present in flaxseeds help in maintaining the normal rhythm of heart beat and prevents heart failure. Regular consumption of flax seeds also lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Controls Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is one of the most widespread chronic diseases that have no cure as such, but it can always be kept under control with a well-planned diabetic diet. Healthy foods such as flax seeds can also help in controlling type 2 diabetes in an effective manner. The lignans present in flax seeds lowers the level of sugar in the blood and the high level of soluble fibers helps in keeping you fuller for longer and prevents any sudden rise in blood glucose levels. A daily consumption of flax seeds also improves insulin sensitivity in people suffering from glucose intolerance.
Helps in Weight Loss
When it comes to weight loss, a well-planned diet goes a long way in losing weight in a consistent and healthy way. Flax seeds are an excellent inclusion to any weight loss diet that helps in shedding extra pounds by controlling mindless cravings. Being a rich source of soluble fibers, it absorbs fluids and expands in volume in the stomach that promotes the feeling of fullness and controls hunger.
Lower Cholesterol
High cholesterol or hypercholesterolemia if neglected can lead to serious heart problems, coronary heart diseases, stroke and heart attack. Consuming up to 40 grams of flaxseed per day has been shown to reduce total LDL “bad” cholesterol by 14%. The alpha-linolenic acid present in flax seeds helps in lowering LDL and triglycerides level in blood. The soluble and insoluble fibers present in flax seeds also prevent absorption of cholesterol in the body.
Protects the Liver
Excessive dependence on alcohol can take a heavy toll on the liver and lead to various liver diseases. But daily consumption of flax seeds can reduce the risk of liver diseases significantly. The lignans present in flax seeds prevents inflammation and cell damage in the liver and reduces the production of liver enzymes. The soluble and insoluble fibers present in flax seeds prevent fatty liver disease and help in flushing out toxins from the digestive tract thus reducing the pressure on the liver.
Relieves Depression
Hectic work schedule and emotional stress can lead to fatigue and depression. Although there are various antidepressants that can give you an instant mood boost but it is best to treat the problem with natural foods like flax that are bursting with nutrients and energy. Flax is a rich source of folate that regulates the functions of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides- that improves brain functions and helps beat stress and fatigue. Magnesium present in flax seeds promotes brain metabolism and protects against oxidative damage.
Although flax seeds can be consumed whole but it is better to have it in the form of powder by grinding it in a food processor for better absorption of the nutrients. The daily recommended dosage of flax seeds is 2 tablespoon in a day. It should be roasted, powdered and store it in an airtight container. It can be then used in a glass of water in the morning or can be mix with juices, buttermilk or milkshakes.
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