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What Are The Health Benefits of Wheat Germ Oil?

These days lack of time, balanced diet and problems being faced because of pollution and stress have provoked people to be more health conscious and beauty conscious to sustain in this competitive world.

In these busy times, we do look for a comprehensive solution which can help us cope with multiple problems.

So here I would like to put forth one such very useful oil, which is extracted from the kernel of wheat grains, commonly known as Wheat germ oil.

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photo Courtesy – alexander ovcharenko

What is Wheat Germ oil?

Wheat germ oil is fat soluble natural oil obtained from the kernel of the wheat grain. It constitutes almost 25% of the total nutrients of the wheat grain and hence there are a lot of health benefits.

What does it contain?

Wheat germ oil is a rich source of Vitamin E than any other oil. Besides, it possesses higher content of Vitamin A and vitamin D.

It is also rich in proteins, lecithin, iron and phosphorous.

Wheat germ oil also contains certain B-complex vitamins like B1, B2, B3, B6

It is a good source for essential fatty acids like linoleic acid, stearic acid, palmitic acid etc., but the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6, isn’t that favourable.

With so many nutrients What way it helps you??

Health Benefits of wheat Germ oil:

Try Wheat Germ oil for your overall health and especially for hair and Skin Problems and wheat germ oil benefits don’t end here.

Do share this information with your family and friends who need something devoid of artificial chemicals for their Skin And Hair care.  


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