Clinical Nutrition, Women's Health
Help Your Vision As You Age With Vitamin B12 And Folic Acid
We all love our dear parents, grandparents and other elders of our family. When we see them suffer from various health problems as they move towards old age, we have that instant urge to find out solutions and help them in every possible way to relieve them of their discomforts.
How many such age-related problems have you come across which your parents/grandparents suffer???
Well to name a few, there are eyesight problems, hearing problems, backache and joint pains, etc.Out of this eyesight or vision, problems are almost mandatory with every old aged individual.
So today, we shall discuss one such problem known as- Age-Related Macular Degeneration Disease (AMD) which may land you up as visually challenged, which is caused by vitamin b12 folic acid deficiency.