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Know About The Natural Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis is a complex family of musculoskeletal disorders. There are more than 100 different forms of arthritis. Widely known are rheumatoid arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis and lupus. Osteoarthritis is by far the most common form. Home remedies for arthritis pain are the best solution.

Are you aware of the difference between rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and gout?

Osteoarthritis is a chronic condition characterized by the breakdown of the joints cartilage. Cartilage is the part of the joint that cushions the ends of the bones and allows easy movement of joints. The breakdown of cartilage causes the bones to rub against each other, causing stiffness, pain and loss of movement in the joint. The best treatments are the home remedies for osteoarthritis.

home remedies for arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a form of inflammatory arthritis and an autoimmune disease. There are no specific triggers for RA. In this, the synovial membranes, a thin membrane that lines the joints become inflamed, results in pain, swelling and redness.  Natural remedies are the best for rheumatoid arthritis.

In case of Gout, a needle-shaped uric acid crystals accumulate in the joint. Psoriatic arthritis treatments are also popular and beneficial. Single best solution to fight arthritis along with medication, follow these given remedies. Several non-drug treatments out there can help you where medication can’t. And exercise is at the top of the list, according to Sharon L. Kolasinski, MD, a professor of clinical medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia. Sounds painful? There is no permanent cure for arthritis, but you can adopt a variety of coping techniques that will leave you more active and in control of your life.

Here’s a roundup of home remedies for arthritis


People with arthritis feel, they can’t move, so, they stick to one place. Don’t do that, make a move! Maintaining some joint movement is very essential. It’s important to maintain flexibility and strength. So, do simple exercises. Daily, go for a brisk walking after or before a meal, gardening, and even housecleaning can help your joints. These are some of the best home remedies for arthritis pain in knees.


While doing simple joint movements, if you feel pain, immediately sink your hand in warm water and do some gentle movements. It can ease the inflammation.

Warm shower

If you’re still facing problem with simple movements, immediately go for warm bath or shower. Taking a warm bath or shower or soaking sore hands in warm water or using moist heating pads provides temporary pain relief. These are some of the home remedies for arthritis pain in hands.

Do exercises in hot pool

Water is one of the best fitness tools, which strengthens muscles and joints. It also supports some of your weight, making workouts easier on joints and reducing injury.

Aquatic exercises can help you heal faster too. Doctors often recommend them for people with joint injuries, infections or surgeries as a way to stay fit and shorten recovery time.

The buoyancy nature of water will help reduce the strain on your joints. Warm water helps loosen joints and makes muscles more pliable. In a pinch, a hot shower may do: Running the stream of water down your back, for instance, may help relieve back stiffness and discomfort. This gives us one of the home remedies for back pain caused to arthritis patients.

Wear stretch gloves

The tightness may help reduce the swelling in the joints. The added warmth may provide relief from pain.

Watch your weight

Overweight puts stress on your joint and muscles.

A known fact as, weight gain of 10 pounds can mean an equivalent stress increase of 40 pounds on the knees. So if you are carrying excess pounds, losing weight can help improve joint function.

Fish oil

Fish oil, omega rich foods have an anti-inflammatory effect in the body and can reduce the pain and inflammation in people suffering from arthritis.

Assistive Devices

Braces, splints, shoe inserts and some other devices help redistribute your weight to take a load off from the joint or hip and prevent your arthritis from getting worse. This is the best home remedy for arthritis in legs because legs are strained the most.

Eat Ginger

According to Dutch doctors, eating ginger will help you alleviate arthritis pain. You can take this with soups, salads, causes, etc.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency may lead to rheumatoid arthritis. Hence, make sure that your regular diet meets the adequate levels of vitamin D. So follow the above simple home remedies for arthritis and get relief from the arthritis pain.

Share this information with people around you who are suffering from knee pains. Do not ignore this, because people with arthritic pains suffer a lot, and I’m sure you want to help them by sharing this useful information.

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