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Home Remedies To Gain Healthy Weight

Home Remedies To Gain Healthy Weight

Being underweight is a common phenomenon these days. The probable reasons for the growing incidence could be skyrocketing stress levels, irregular meals and unhealthy eating habits, lack of physical fitness and heredity.

If you are looking to gain a few pounds, there are a couple of challenges here. The first one is to build up muscle mass and the second one is to keep harmful fats away from your system.

You would also have to indulge in physical training for quick results.

Being thin is not always a great feeling! We generally talk about weight loss issues, but there are also slim people in this world who genuinely want to gain a few pounds of weight.

It is good to be slim but being skinny is troublesome. Are you worried about your weight and want to put on some pounds? Don’t worry! However, there are some natural home remedies that can help you gain weight naturally.

Banana and Milk

Bananas are full of calories and contain high amount of carbohydrates and potassium that give you instant energy. If you want to gain weight, you should eat a banana daily in the morning with a glass of warm milk.

Add a teaspoon of sugar in it. Moreover, you can also have it after your meals.

Note – Don’t eat bananas when you are down with common cold.


Potatoes are crammed with carbohydrates. All forms of this stuffy food have major impact on weight gain. You can grill or bake potatoes with some amount of butter.

People who eat potato chips and french fries tend to gain weight faster. Make French fries using extra virgin oil, if you like them.

Moreover, you can also make a delicious potato salad. Peel and slice potato. Boil them and mix them with the high calorie ingredients like buttermilk, mayonnaise, and veggies.

Note – If you eat French fries regularly, limit your potato consumption to twice a week.

Afternoon Nap

Midday sleep plays an important role in gaining weight. Take a nap of about 45 minutes to 1 hour regularly, post afternoon meal or lunch.


Regular workout boosts up your metabolism and stimulates your appetite that will automatically increase your intake of food. Being skinny doesn’t mean that you have to stay away from exercising.

It is very important to take your daily diet with some regular exercises.

You can also do light aerobic, stretching, strength training and cardiovascular exercises. Brisk walking, cycling, dancing, swimming, etc., will also aid weight gain.

Various yoga poses can give you a balanced body mass.

Clarified Butter (Ghee) and Sugar

Mix pure butter with sugar in equal amount (around 1 tbsp of each). Eat this mix at least 30 minutes before your meal on an empty stomach. Consume it for one month. You will definitely see dramatic results.


As all know that beans are rich sources of fiber, protein and also few carbohydrates. These are one of the best calorie-dense foods that helps put on weight.

Beans can also be eaten as a snack or can be included in breakfast, lunch or dinner. There are several varieties of beans like red beans, black beans, soy beans, lima beans, lentils, and kidney beans. Alternatively, you can also prepare bean soup or bean salad.


Eggs contain a good amount of fat, calories, and also protein which are popular ingredients for weight gain. Consuming egg whites everyday can give you strong muscles and essential protein and energy.

For better results, eat more of the egg white than the yolk, as the former increases your cholesterol level.

Alternatively, you can also eat egg-white omelettes or scrambled egg whites daily in breakfast.

In the end its all about perfect personality. If you want to gain weight and have strong purpose with goals then you can gain weight in natural way. Hard work and patience are needed to achieve any target.

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