Smoking is one of the largest reasons for death all around the world, and it is really difficult to quit smoking once a person gets addicted to it. Nicotine present in tobacco creates the addiction that urges people to smoke more and more. Nicotine replicates the functions of dopamine in the brain, and it creates a feel good effect that promotes people to smoke in order to relieve stress, tension and anxiety. The most difficult thing about quitting smoking is that it promotes certain physical withdrawal symptoms that last for few days to a few weeks, and most people fail to cope up with these symptoms. Home remedies using natural ingredients not only safeguards against the harmful effects of tobacco but also helps in quitting smoking in an effective manner.
Harmful Effects of Smoking
Tobacco smoke contains various toxic chemicals such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, tar, radioactive compounds, etc. that has severe damaging effects on the body.
- Damaging the Respiratory System
- Damaging the Circulatory System
- Increasing the risk of Cancer
- Reducing Bone Density
- Lower Sperm Count
- Irregular Menstrual Cycles and Infertility
- Inflammation of Intestines
- Increased Risk of Ulcers
- Gum Diseases and Tooth Decay
Effective Natural Remedies to Quit Smoking
Quitting smoking is extremely difficult because it is accompanied by a number of withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, headache, irritability and hunger pangs but with a little persistence and patience you can surely overcome this deadly habit in no time. Here are the home remedies to quit smoking.
The health benefits of this common kitchen spice are well known, and it is widely used in ayurvedic medicine to treat various health conditions. Consuming ginger juice is the best way to quit smoking because it helps in treating one of the most common withdrawal symptoms of smoking – nausea. It soothes anxiety, and the natural warming effect of ginger induces perspiration that flushes out the toxins, lowers the level of harmful chemicals in the blood and relieves from addiction to smoking. Ginger is the easily available food product found at home that makes you easy to follow home remedies to stop smoking.
Valerian is one of the most effective natural remedies for quitting smoking. Valerian is a flowering herb widely available throughout Europe and Asia, and its roots have powerful sedative properties that help in relieving anxiety, stress and sleeplessness- some of the most common withdrawal symptoms of smoking and prevent the craving for nicotine. The best way is to consume 2 to 3 grams of valerian root daily by steeping it in a cup of hot water for 5 minutes. Valerian root can also be consumed in the form of capsules.
The health benefits of oats are well known. It is a power breakfast loaded with dietary fibers, minerals and nutrients that help in improving overall health. Consuming oats on a daily basis is also an easy way to quit smoking. Smokers are at a high risk of developing heart disease and oats being rich in fibers and antioxidants help in relieving stress and anxiety, fight the free radical damage caused by smoking and maintain blood pressure at a healthy level. Certain chemicals in oats also help in reducing nicotine cravings and flushing out harmful toxins and chemicals from the body, thus relieving the withdrawal symptoms. Consume a bowl full of steaming oats first thing in the morning and get rid of nicotine addiction.
Cayenne Pepper
The benefits of antioxidants for tobacco consumers and smokers need no new emphasis and consuming cayenne pepper is one of the most effective ways to quit smoking because it is a rich source of antioxidants that repairs lung damage and stabilizes the lung membranes. It desensitizes the respiratory system to nicotine and chemical irritants and reduces the craving for cigarettes. Add a pinch of this fiery spice in a glass of water and consume daily for best results as home remedies to stop smoking.
Lobelia is one of the time-tested home remedies to quit smoking, but being a toxic herb, it should be consumed only under the supervision of a qualified health practitioner. The chemical lobeline found in lobelia replicates the actions of nicotine, thus controlling the withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, hunger, and irritation. It also increases the level of dopamine in the brain – a neurotransmitter that improves mood and feeling of pleasure and soothes anxiety and depression. This is of the best quit smoking tips and natural home remedies that could be followed easily.
St. John’s Wort
The benefits of St. John’s Wort for treating depression and anxiety are well known, but it also functions as an effective natural remedy to quit smoking that reduces the urge to smoke. Its calming properties helps in treating withdrawals symptoms associated to quitting smoking. It also relieves stress and the sharp craving for nicotine craving. But the chemicals present in St. John’s Wort takes time to show effectiveness and therefore its consumptions should be started 2 weeks before your plan of quitting. St. John’s Wort is available in the form of capsules and liquid.
The health benefits of honey are well known, and it is nature’s answer to all skin problems. It also acts as an effective natural medicine to quit smoking. It is a nourishing remedy rich in nutrients – enzymes, vitamins and proteins that help in speeding up the healing process and repairing the damage caused to the respiratory tract, mucous membranes and lungs by smoking. Consuming 1 to 2 teaspoons of honey on a daily basis also helps in reducing the urge to smoke and promote the cessation process.
Grape Seed Extract
Grape seed extract is a potent antioxidant that helps in neutralizing the harmful effects of free radical damage caused by smoking. It helps in neutralizing the damage caused to lung tissues, protects the respiratory system and lowers the risk of heart disease among smokers. It also helps in preserving dental health, prevent the formation of cavities, plaque and tooth decay associated with smoking. It is best to consume grape seed extract in the form of capsules.
Try out these quit smoking tips and natural home remedies along with an increased intake of vitamins C, E and A in order to quit smoking naturally, neutralize the damage caused by oxidative stress and improve lung and heart health.
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