Acid reflux and stomach ulcer both are the most familiar health problems to all of us. Acid reflux is a health problem which occurs when excessive acid formation takes place in the stomach.
The initial symptoms of acid reflux are burning sensation in your throat and breastbone. It is one of the dangerous problems, and you should not avoid it. There are several ways to get relief from this problem. But it’s better to go for natural or home remedies.
The chemical ways may have some side effects. You should be careful enough about it. There are some remedies which are being discussed below:
Ginger is a great solution for the acid reflux. You can take ginger by chewing, or you can take it by boiling it in the water for 10 minutes. It can be used for getting relief from the gastric problems.
Baking Soda
Baking soda mixing with the water can be taken to get relief from the ulcers and also from acid reflux. It helps to alkalize your stomach.
You can use half to one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and instantly you can get relief from excessive acid reflux. But you should not take this on a regular basis. You can take it in an emergency.
Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar
You can take unfiltered apple cedar vinegar in a glass of water to improve acid content in your stomach. You can take a glass of water mixing about two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar into it.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a well-known remedy for acid reflux and stomach ulcer. It helps in not only acid reflux, but it also gives you energy. It is a great natural remedy. You can take aloe vera juice to get relief from the acid flux.
Cabbage Juice
Cabbage juice is a better solution to get relief from acid reflux. It can help you to reduce from ulcer pain also. It is much better to use than the anti-ulcer drugs.
Cabbage possesses the criteria of natural anti-ulcer chemicals. You may take the cabbage juice daily. It helps to alkalize your stomach.
Slippery Elm
Slippery elm helps to reduce your stomach from acid reflux. It helps to soothe your throat and stomach. You can take it by boiling it in the water.
It can be taken the maximum three times a day. It can reduce the excessive acidity, and it is applicable to get relief from the stomach ulcer.
Folic Acid and VitaminB
Vitamin B can reduce the risk for your acid reflux. Folic acid is also a component which helps to reduce acid reflux.
Low vitamin B can increase the risk of the acid reflux. You should eat folate-rich food such as spinach, beans, liver, etc.
Chamomile Tea
You can take a cup of chamomile tea before going to bed. It will help you to soothe your inflammation of the stomach, and it also helps you to sleep. It is a better remedy to get relief from the stomach ulcer.
Vitamin D
It is an important remedy to get relief from acid reflux and stomach ulcer. You should increase vitamin D levels, and it will help you to eradicate the infection in your body. You can increase your vitamin D level by the appropriate sun exposure.
Acid reflux can be addressed by the glutamine. Chicken, eggs, fish, fruits and dairy products are the sources of amino acid glutamine. It can help you to get relief from the gastrointestinal problems.
Mastic Gums
Mastic gums contain antifungal and antibacterial properties in it. It is one of the best remedies which help you to reduce the chances of peptic ulcers.
You can take probiotics on a regular basis to avoid disorders in your stomach. Bifidobacterium is a type of the probiotics which you can take to reduce your gastrointestinal infection.
Probiotics are the best remedy to prevent the different disorders in the stomach.
Acid burns and stomach ulcer are the most critical problems. Somehow you need to find remedies to reduce acid reflux and the chances of stomach ulcer.
You should have enough idea about this critical problem and then take the solutions to prevent acid reflux and stomach ulcer.