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Home Remedies To Treat Eye Stye

Home Remedies To Treat Eye Stye

What Is An Eye Stye?

A stye is essentially a bacterial infection that form on the eyelid that appears quite suddenly and can disappear rapidly too. The bacteria that most frequently causes a stye is called Staphylococcus aureus or staph. It is a small, painful lump on the inside or outside of the eyelid. Eye Styes are common with most people experiencing one or two of them at some stage in their life. Styes are usually visible on the surface but can appear deeper inside the eyelid.

Types of stye

External stye

An external stye generally starts as a small spot that next to an eyelash. It turns into a red or pinkish color, painful swelling and usually lasts several days before it bursts and then heals. Most of the external styes are short-lived and self-limiting.

Internal stye

An internal stye (on the underside of the lid) also causes a red, painful swelling, but its location prevents the familiar whitehead from appearing on the eyelid. The internal stye may disappear completely once the infection is past, or it may generally leave a small fluid-filled cyst or nodule that can persist and may have to be opened and drained. Styes are usually harmless and rarely affect your eyeball or your eyesight. They can occur at any age and tend to periodically recur.

Who Is Most Likely To Get An Eye Stye?

A stye can afflict everyone. However, few people are more at risk of getting a eye stye than others. If you wear contact lenses, do not maintain perfect hygiene around the eye area, or use old/contaminated eye makeup, you could develop a stye. Few of the skin conditions such as rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis, and also diabetes may trigger a general stye in the eye.

How To Prevent Eye Styes?

Use warm compresses as part of your regular eye cleansing routine to help prevent an infection of any kind. If you have a tendency to get eye styes, cleanse your eyelids with a solution of lukewarm water and baby shampoo. This helps remove any excess oil around the eyelids. A cotton bud that is dipped in baby shampoo solution can also be used to clean the eyelid when there is an existing stye as it helps unblock the oil ducts. It does sting though! To help prevent the eye’s oil glands from getting blocked, you could take fish oil supplements. Generally omega-3 fatty acids present in fish oil can improve the functioning of the eye’s oil glands.

What Causes A Stye?

Here are some typical reasons that cause a stye

 Symptoms of a stye can include

Here are the top home remedies for eye stye

Warm Compress

  Applying a warm compress to the affected area of the eyelid is one of the best natural home remedies for a sty. The heat from the compress will increase circulation to the area and speed up the rupture and drainage of pus from the sty. It will also reduce few symptoms like pain and swelling.

Green Tea

Green tea has few natural anti-inflammatory compounds that generally help reduce pain and inflammation and diminish the sty. Also, it is rich in tannic acid that is effective in keeping infections at bay. It also contains a variety number of nutrients and also antioxidants that contribute to healing and relief.

Coriander Seeds

Coriander seeds are a traditional home treatment for styes due to their anti-inflammatory properties. These seeds generally help to reduce pain, redness and swelling, thereby making you feel much better within a few days.


The antibacterial and also anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric can help get rid of an eye stye quickly. It can reduce inflammation and also it can remove any infection-causing elements that may be contributing to the condition.

Baby Shampoo

For quick and easy recovery from a sty, it is essential to keep the affected area clean and free of dust and other irritants. You can do this by washing the affected eye with baby shampoo.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is another popular treatment for sties due to its soothing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It can help reduce redness, swelling and inflammation as well as speed up the healing process.

Castor Oil

Castor oil has ricinoleic acid, which serves as an anti-inflammatory agent. So, for this reason castor oil helps reduce pain and inflammation so effectively.

Guava Leaves

Due to their natural healing power, guava leaves are considered a good home remedy for sties. The leaves also possess anti-inflammatory properties that help eliminate the redness and swelling of the affected eyelid.


Potato is another commonly used natural home remedy for styes. Due to its astringent properties, potato helps contract the tissues and reduce skin irritations. Plus, potato helps decrease inflammation and pain.


Cloves work as a pain reliever and skin irritation reliever and hence are considered an effective remedy for sties. Cloves can also help prevent the spread of eye infections due to its antibacterial qualities. At the same time, you can take some precautions to prevent or stop the spread of eye infections and styes. Follow the above home remedies but if your sty isn’t responding to these natural treatments, consult an eye doctor.
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