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How to deal with your common pregnancy discomforts?

How to deal with your common pregnancy discomforts?

As you have surely learned by now, pregnancy comes with lots of pains aches and strange symptoms. But the good news? All that soreness means your body is actually getting ready for delivery! As you get further and further into pregnancy, your ligaments will loosen up to give your baby more room to break out of your womb. This can lead to feelings of pressure and wobbliness for you around your hips as well as pelvis. You may not feel a complete relief until your baby is out of your belly and in your arms. These pregnancy discomforts aren’t dangerous however, it may need some attention. So, just with some small changes, you can relieve from these discomforts.

Nausea and Vomiting

This is commonly known as morning sickness during pregnancy. Amid the first trimester, it is common and usually goes away by the 4th month of your pregnancy.

The cause of morning sickness is still unknown, however, experts believe it is due to increased levels of human chorionic gonadotrophin, increased estrogen levels, gastric problems as well as nutritional deficiencies.


Fatigue and Tiredness

Especially in the 1st and 3rd trimesters, fatigue and tiredness are yet another common issues for pregnant women. Women in the first trimester of pregnancy will experience significantly greater fatigue. Additionally, your body will create the placenta that takes up all of your energy and it also causes you to feel tired.

There is a good reason to take steps to deal with your fatigue. Fatigue amid pregnancy predicts caesarean deliveries. In fact, managing your fatigue can help reduce the number of caesarean cases.



Bowel movements can slow down amid the pregnancy, due to an increased level of progesterone in your body. In addition to that, if you are taking iron supplements amid pregnancy, it may lead to constipation.

Constipation can affect up to one-fourth of women throughout their pregnancy and at 3 months postpartum. If not controlled or treated in the early stage, constipation can lead to hemorrhoids otherwise called as piles, which are swollen veins around your anus which can be very painful and uncomfortable.



A backache, particularly lower back pain, is yet another common discomfort during pregnancy. Usually, this issue occurs at the end of the 2nd trimester and throughout the 3rd trimester. During this time, your lower back hurts amid pregnancy because of weight gain, posture changes as well as relaxed muscles.



Painful spasms or leg cramps are a common issue amid pregnancy. These cramps, particularly in the calves, happen mainly amid the second and third trimesters and at night usually. The painful cramps may be caused by the increased body weight or the compression of blood vessels. In addition to that, it can also happen due to low magnesium and calcium levels amid pregnancy.


Even if you’re having your first baby, try to do as much as you can to help instead of hinder the circulation in your legs. This pregnancy could be throbbing with pain amid the next pregnancy if you don’t try to help the situation now.  It’s best to keep your healthcare professionals abreast of your symptoms. Never ever take any medication or supplements amid pregnancy.


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