Sexual problems are taking a toll in today’s world and it is getting difficult to come out of the same. Every human being can face problems with their sex drive at some point of time in their life.
Sexual dysfunction is when both men and women have a continual, and ongoing problems with any stage of their sexual response cycle. There are four phases of the sexual response cycle; excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution, and sexual dysfunction can occur during any of them.
It has been calculated that close to 43 percent of all men and women experience sexual dysfunction in some form during their lives, and it is a problem that is easy to treat.
The causes of the disorder can be either physical or psychological and are more common in older women who are experiencing hormonal changes. Some of the problems that women commonly notice with a sexual dysfunction include a lack of sexual desire and inability to have an orgasm. All of these problems will not only affect your sex life with your partner but can also begin to affect your quality of life.
When it comes to boosting your sex drive, the topic may seem a taboo to discuss. But, healthy and beautiful sex life is essential for reducing your stress, building a healthy relationship with your partner, and improving overall well-being. Regular diet and exercise offer the best solutions for stimulating sexual desire; yet, many herbal tools may also provide support.

If you are having problems with your natural sex drive, it would not be a good idea to ignore this problem. But, before taking any harmful medications, you should first try out natural means and one of those are INLIFE Vitality & Vigour Supplement which are free from any side-effects. This cures low sex drive problems as it not only boosts your sex drive but also makes you look good and feel better with a risen energy level.
Symptoms of low sex drive in both men and women include:
- Having no interest in any sexual activity
- Never or only rarely having sexual fantasies or sexual thoughts
- Being concerned by your lack of sexual activity or fantasies.
Causes of Low Sex Drive
Wish for sex generally rely on a complex interaction of many things affecting closeness, including physical and emotional well-being, experiences, beliefs, lifestyle, and your present relationship. If you’re experiencing with a problem in any of these areas, it can affect your desire for sex.
Physical Causes
A large range of illnesses, physical difference and medications can cause a low sex drive, including:
Sexual Problems
If you have pain while having sex or can’t orgasm, it can decrease your desire for sex.
Medical Illnesses
Many non-sexual illnesses can affect sex drive, including arthritis, cancer, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, diabetes, and neurological diseases.
Particular prescription drugs, especially antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, are known to lower the sex drive.
Lifestyle Habits
Drinking a small glass of wine may put you in the mood, but too much alcohol can affect your sex drive. The same is true for street drugs. Also, smoking decreases blood flow, which may dull arousal.
Any surgery which belongs to your breasts or genital tract can affect your body image, sexual function, and desire for sex.
Hormonal Changes
The difference in your hormone levels may alter your desire for sex. This can occur during:
Estrogen levels fall during the transition to menopause. This can lead you to show less interest in sex and cause dry vaginal tissues, resulting in painful or uncomfortable sex.
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Hormone changes occur during pregnancy, just after having a baby and during breastfeeding can put a damper on sex drive. too much tiredness, changes in body image, and the pressure or stress in pregnancy or caring for a new baby also can contribute to changes in your sexual desire.
Psychological Causes
Generally, your state of mind can affect your sexual desire. There are many psychological causes of low sex drive, including:
- Mental health problems, such as anxiety or depression
- Stress, such as financial stress or work stress is very common
- Poor body image
- Low self-esteem
- History of physical or sexual abuse
- Previous negative sexual experiences.
Relationship Issues
- Lack of connection with your partner
- Unresolved conflicts or fights
- Poor communication of sexual needs and preferences
- Trust issues
But when there is a problem there has to be a solution and hence you can correct your sexual drive by maintaining a balanced lifestyle and eating healthy.
Foods To Include Daily
- Spinach
- Dark Chocolate
- Peppers
- Green Tea
- Oysters
- Pesto
- Ginger
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Bananas
- Potatoes
- Fatty Fish
- Coffee
- Red Wine
- Steaks and Burgers
- Pomegranate Juice
- Watermelon
- Blueberries
- Nuts
- Garlic
- Oats.
For all these sexual problems and low sex drive, there is a fantastic solution called INLIFE Vitality & Vigour Supplement which not only gives you the answer but also cures sexual issues permanently.
Below Are The Ingredients Present In INLIFE Vitality & Vigour Supplement
Safed Musli

In Indian Ayurvedic medicine, there is a special place for Safed Musli in enhancing physical strength, stamina, sexual wellness and advantages in Gynecology use. Safed Musli has many names which are also called as White Musli, Indian Spider Plant, Swetha Musli, Asparagus Adscendens, Chlorophytum Borivilianum, and Dhol Musli and much more.
It is a sharply pointed plant which is being used for medicinal and therapeutic purposes. The part of the plant that mostly used is the tuberous roots and their seeds. They have been hugely admired in an Ayurvedic aphrodisiac formulation which uses the roots and is commonly known as Musli Pak.
Safed Musli is one of the well-known tonics for healthy sexual life and also Ayurvedic Aphrodisiac compound by many. They are perfect for men but can be used by women too. They are also called Herbal Viagra by many!
It also helps in increasing sexual time and aids in enhancing performance. It has antidiabetic, antioxidant and anti-stress properties that help in cases of Impotence or Erectile Dysfunction due to the presence of Rho-Kinase in it. Reduces frigidity in women.

Atmagupta ayurvedic herb is one of the annual climbing shrubs that is found in long and slender branches. The plant owns large white flowers which grow in clusters of two or three. Its pods are hairy, dark and generally 4 inches long.
It is also called as Mucuna Pruriens, it is a plant native to India, and has been used in Ayurveda for many different physical conditions.
In Ayurveda, different parts of plants are seen to work on various tissues in the human body. Surprisingly Atmagupta herb contains both fruits and seeds which coordinates with the reproductive system, and the seeds of Mucuna Pruriens are revered as one of the best reproductive tonics for men and women alike.
Mucuna Pruriens is also called as love drug, which supports healthy sexual energy and libido. The herb contains L-DOPA that is useful for sexual life.

Ashwagandha generally belongs to the Solanaceae family and its botanical name is Withania Somnifera. It is also known as Indian ginseng or winter cherry. In Sanskrit language, it is known by the name Ashwagandha, which means the odour of a horse sweat. The plant originated from India, and it grows best in dry regions. It is a robust plant that can survive in very high and low temperatures too, ranging from 40°C to as low as 10°C.
Suffering from erectile dysfunction? Ashwagandha herb is there for your help. This herb is useful for increasing the libido in men and is also referred as medicine for erectile dysfunction (ED). It not only treats erectile dysfunction but also increases fertility in men.
In addition to increasing the libido, this miracle herb also helps you in increasing the semen quality. It is indicated that an Ashwagandha plays an essential role as an aphrodisiac medicine as well as a way to improve semen quality by increasing the sperm count and sperm mobility. This has been the reason why, for many centuries, people have been using it as a medication to please their partners in bed. It has few active properties like alkaloids, steroidal lactones, saponins, and withanolides, that are very effective in reducing stress.

Akarkara herb is an Indian ayurvedic medicinal plant which is also known as Anacyclus Pyrethrum; this is used in Unani and herbal medicines worldwide for the treatment of men’s diseases, common cold, toothache, and pyorrhea.
Anacyclus Pyrethrum or Akarkara has both the libido stimulant and aphrodisiac properties, so it improves physical strength and performance during physical contact.
It is a perennial herb and much seems like chamomile in habitat and appearance. This plant contains pyrethrins, which also increases sperm count and brings back your vitality stamina and has an anabolic effect on muscle building.

Kokilaksha is an Indian Ayurvedic herb which is frequently used in treating jaundice, anaemia, sexual and hepatic conditions. This medicine is established or based on Kerala Ayurveda principle.
It is also known as Asteracantha Longifolia. It grows to 2-4 feet height. It contains flowers which are purple and have orange streaks. The seeds of Kokilaksha are red. This plant generally grows in a muddy area where water is available like ponds, paddy fields, etc.
It contains antioxidant properties that promote energy and decreases stress levels. Kokilaksha is an excellent herb. It is used to enhance the male fertility by increasing sperm count and also sperm motility, and It is best for erectile dysfunction.
Parasika Yavani

Parasika Yavani is very well known as Hyoscyamus niger Linn. It is an Ayurvedic medicine which is used efficiently in many psychological disorders, and if not used judiciously it causes adverse reactions. Parasika Yavani is found to increase Pitta and triggers the establishment of ADRs.
Parasika Yavani commonly known as Hyoscyamus. Hyoscyamus is known since ancient times and was used as a household medicine.
The name Hyoscyamus is derived from the word ‘hyos’ meaning a hog and ‘cyamos’ meaning a bean, because the bean acts as an intoxicant upon Swines, but not on other animals.
Since it has been discovered, because of its potent properties hyoscyamus has been traditionally used to treat emotional disorders and behavioural problems and also improves your sexual behaviour.

Jatiphala has been used since centuries in everyone’s Kitchen as spices. They are considered evergreen due to their natural availability and are known for their aromatic and aphrodisiac properties. The Jatiphala plant belongs to Myristica family which are available all over the world.
Jatiphala works as an organic love drug because of its properties that stimulate the effect of the hormone serotonin, which causes sexual arousal and also provides a relaxing effect on the body. It acts as an aphrodisiac by stimulating the central nervous system and warming the loins. While enlarging and maintaining sexual vigor, Jaiphal has a sedative effect that helps to avert premature ejaculation.
Jaiphal contains few carminative properties, and it boosts by motivating the central nervous system and warming the pubic region. At the same time it also helps in increasing and maintaining sexual energy, Jaiphal has an ataractic effect helping to prevent premature ejaculation.

Shilajit is well known as a Sanskrit word which means rock-invincible, conqueror of mountains, or destroyer of weakness. Shilajit is a nutritional herb that has been described some beneficial activities.
We can see it is as a thick and also a sticky tar-like substance which has numerous health benefits. The substance varies in color from white to dark brown. While the most common form of Shilajit is dark brown. It is mostly found in the Himalayas, Tibet Mountains, Altai Mountains and also Caucasus mountains.
It is helpful in increasing the strength of the body. It increases stamina and boosts energy for doing physical and mental work.
It is the excellent way to boost the sexual health of men. It is helpful in handling erectile dysfunction and other related sexual problems. Shilajit is a natural aphrodisiac which helps to improve the quality and quantity of sperms.
Shilajit is known as “Indian Viagra” and is famous for returning the sex drive to teenager levels. Improves vigour and vitality.
Benefits Of Using INLIFE Vitality & Vigour Supplement
- Aids in boosting testosterone levels.
- Helps to reduce stress levels.
- Helps improve your anxiety problems.
- Enhances your libido levels.
- Supports you for better fertility chances.
Here above are some simple but natural ingredients to boost your stamina, work on your endurance, and get the sex life you truly desire.
Remember, problems with stamina are different from issues like erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation or infertility. The above ingredients that follow are designed to help anyone who is merely facing issues with tiring too quickly during intercourse and finding that their lack of stamina is holding them back. If your problem is severe talk to your doctor.