keep yourself healthy at work
It is said that health is wealth. The adage is true to a great extent. Without good health, we wouldn’t be able to do anything. Taking care of work, chores and kids would become impossible if we struggled with health conditions all of the time.
One of the most common excuses people cite for not being in good shape relates to not having the time or the energy to do what it takes to be healthy. This is particularly true of working professionals. Here are nine things employees can do regularly to ensure they stay healthy.
Healthcare is a hot topic in these days, and the personal health and wellness industry is booming. With health care reform, some companies are in a bind and are seriously looking at ways to promote wellness and preventive health measures for their employees.
So when you are going to the office and working in close quarters every day, how can you stay healthy?
Wash your hands often
Hand-washing is the number one way you can prevent yourself from getting sick. There is no such thing as washing your hands too much. Although it may seem obvious, many don’t take it as seriously as they should. Always you should wash your hands before you eat, after using the restroom, and after sneezing or coughing.
Keep your working space clean
The average desk harbors hundreds of times more bacteria than a toilet seat — pretty gross, right? Keep your work area neat and organized. Tidy up at the end of each day for five minutes.
Drink more water
Staying well-hydrated is crucial to your productivity, energy levels, and overall health. Water helps you stay alerted and also stay refreshed, and promotes clear thinking. You should buy a large water bottle that you can keep at your desk and refill throughout the day.
Keep a hand sanitizer at your working desk regularly
As stated previously that, there are many times when it is best to wash your hands, however, it is understandable that during your workday you may not always be able to step away from your working desk to do so. In few cases, such as after sneezing or coughing, immediately use hand sanitizer. Keep some handy at your desk.
Avoid others who are not feeling well around you
Whenever possible, avoid close interactions with others who may be sick. Wash your hands after spending time at or near the workspace of someone who is sick, sneezing or coughing. Also, it’s a good idea to make sure that management is aware if someone is coming to work sick, as it’s best for all if they stay home to rest and recover where there is no concern of infecting those nearby.
Eat well including light, healthy lunches
Plan out your meals for the week, including what you will eat for lunch. Make sure to include few types of lean protein, salad or fresh veggies, and few fresh fruit for lasting energy with no afternoon slump.
Take breaks and go out in the sun to get fresh air
Make sure to get your daily dose of vitamin D by getting outdoors every day. Even on your busiest days, it is essential to take a few minutes to step away and regroup. Invigorate yourself by going outside and taking a brisk walk around your office building.
Eat snacks throughout the day
For optimum health and energy, make sure to keep healthy snacks at your desk that you can munch on when hunger strikes. Forgo the vending machines in favor of fresh or dried fruits, nuts, yogurt and string cheese. Going several hours between your meals can cause your blood sugar to drop and lead you to grab you to eat fast food or sugary treat available.
Limit caffeine intake
Yes, you love your coffee, but remember to drink it and other caffeinated beverages in moderation. Try to reduce your intake to one cup each morning to avoid a caffeine crash later on. You can also greatly reduce calories and reduce your sugar intake by drinking your coffee without cream or sugar for some, this may be an acquired taste, but it is well worth it for your health.
Manage stress properly
Most of the workers live a fast-paced life that can feel hectic at times. In this new way of economy, many companies require employees to do more with less. To be effective and to work more healthy, you must learn to properly manage your stress levels. Whether it is the occasional spa day, time with family, or a good book, find what works for you and take time out for it.
Staying in good shape requires effort. Good health and fitness can’t be achieved overnight, which is why it is important to incorporate certain habits into your daily routine. This will need long-term commitment and discipline, but there will be a lot of benefits to earning in terms of mental and physical wellbeing. By including these above tips in your day-to-day routine you to stay fit and fine.