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How to Use Egg for Hair Growth

Egg apart from being high in protein which has numerous health benefits, it is also rich in antioxidants, fatty acids and vitamins that can make your hair voluminous and shiny brimming with health. To get those lustrous locks, you should know how to apply egg on hair in the correct method so that your endeavour does not go waste. Here are some of the methods discussed how to apply egg on hair, have a look so that next time when you use it, you use it correctly to get the best results.

Popular Egg Masks for Hair

Egg white with Olive oil

Take the egg white and mix it with a tablespoon full of Olive oil. Make a paste out of it by beating it constantly. Apply the paste with a brush or with your fingertips to the entire scalp and leave it for 30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with cold water and then shampoo your hair to rinse of the bad smell of egg. This simple pack will make your hair grow faster. You can also use this pack as a conditioner. After shampooing if you find your hair rough and dull then you can use this mixture but this time, make it dilute with warm water and then rinse your hair with this mixture and get those softer locks that you will love to touch.


Egg yolk with lemon juice

If you have really thin hair, then this egg pack will certainly be beneficial for you. For making this egg mask for the hair, you need the egg yolks from two eggs and then squeeze the lemon and get some juice from it. Then mix the egg yolks and beat the mixture until you get a fine paste. Apply the paste to the deep roots of your hair and leave it more sometime. Rinse your hair thoroughly with cold water. If needed, you can shampoo your hair with a mild one.

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Egg Yolk with Honey and Olive oil

Get rid of your dull hair that looks damaged and has lost its shine. Make a mask out of egg yolks preferably from two eggs if you have a long hair, about three teaspoonfuls of Olive oil and about two spoonfuls of honey. The applier should know how to use egg on hair and be applying the mask to your scalp thoroughly using your fingertips so that the mask gets into each of the hair shafts on your scalp. Leave the paste for half an hour and cover your head with a towel so that the paste gets absorbed in the hair thoroughly. Rinse your hair with cold water and a mild shampoo.

Egg Yolk with Honey and Olive oil

Egg yolk with Yoghurt

For those silky tresses, you can use this hair mask made with egg yolks and a little yoghurt as per the length of your hair. Mix egg and yogurt for hair well and apply it. Leave it as it is for at least half an hour before rinsing it with cold water and a mild shampoo. Before doing that you should know how to apply egg on hair, or else the damage can’t be prevented. Egg and yogurt for hair are very beneficial and can heal the damaged hair with in no time.


Egg yolk with Beer

Now this is really something very interesting. Using beverages as a hair mask is truly something very surprising. But yes, try this and get those lovely locks that people around you will admire. Make a mask out of egg yolks and pour a little beer over it, beat it into a fine mixture and then apply it on your hair. It provides for a very beneficial conditioner that will make your hair smoother and silkier.

Egg yolk with almond oil, honey and yoghurt

Add egg yolks preferably from two eggs, one tablespoonful of yoghurt and honey each and half spoonful of almond oil or you can also use coconut oil instead of Almond oil. Mix the paste finely and apply it to your hair and leave it for at least half an hour. Wash off the pack with cold water and get rid of damaged hair in just a few weeks.

These are the popular egg mask for hair that can help you get rid of complex problems regarding your hair like hair loss, dry hair, dry scalp resulting in Dandruff, hair with split ends, etc. Eggs have all the properties to cure these hair-related issues. The fatty acids present in the egg white nourishes your hair follicles, the antioxidants increases the supply of oxygen to the deep roots of the scalp thereby mending your hair that has become rough and dull, the cholesterol present in eggs helps in the proper absorption of these essential components and thus makes your hair look lively and smooth.

You can get back your lustrous locks after reading this article on how to apply egg on hair. Don’t be misled by false advertisements and follow those simple homemade remedies for hair problems. This article on how to apply egg on hair will solve all your hair related issues.

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