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Make your own and natural first-aid kit!

Make your own and natural first-aid kit!

A headache, bug bites, burns, sore throats upset stomachs, and all other sorts of boo-boos can be healed with some help from Nature. Sometimes the simplest home remedies are often the most effective, and stocking your home with a natural first aid kit, it helps all of them to be prepared for minor injuries and illnesses. You will also save money, use less packaging and create very little waste when you opt for natural remedies first.

Consider adding the following items to your family’s natural first aid kit

Aloe Vera gel or aloe Vera plant

For casual sunburns, scalds and minor burns, gooey Aloe Vera gel are second-to-none for cooling the skin and healing inflammation. Apply it liberally.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Gargle with this apple vinegar liquid to alleviate a sore throat, stop a sinus infection or decrease the duration of a cold.


Painful joints, bruises, sprains and sore muscles will respond to arnica cream or arnica gel, which soothes deep-seated aches. Do not apply this arnica to the broken skin. A natural anti-inflammatory made from arnica flowers, arnica can also be taken in tablet form to reduce headaches and recover from trauma.

Cabbage leaves


Pain from bruises and also strains can be alleviated with the application of cabbage leaves. First dip cabbage leaves in very hot water, let cool slightly and apply to the affected area.


This popular tea is a gentle sedative which relieves indigestion while it relaxes you. Chamomile tea bags can also be applied topically when cold to alleviate skin irritation.

Coconut Oil

This will heal chapped lips, dry skin and also minor scrapes and cuts with this rich, silky oil.


Cut a few slices of ginger root to make a tea which helps to upset stomachs and feelings of nausea. If you like the taste you can also chew on the slices directly.


This herb has powerful anti-microbial effects which can be used as a multi-purpose remedy. It fights with numerous microorganisms which cause traveler’s diarrhea.

Epsom salts

It relieves constipation, soothe sprains and bruises, and reduce inflammation with a warm bath in Epsom salts.


It is made from the root of a legume; this sweet, slippery substance soothes the sore throats and helps you in digestion.


Use fresh or dried lavender flowers or lavender oil to reduce headaches and will also promote restful sleep.

Peppermint Oil

This peppermint mint oil can clear the sinuses problems and it will also stop the itching from insect bites.

Tea tree oil

Pungent and smooth, tea tree oil is a natural antimicrobial which can be used on your body for small wounds where you would put an antibacterial cream. You can also dilute the oil and use it directly as a mouthwash.

Witch Hazel

Sooth your itches with witch hazel. Apply it in a small amount on bug bites, stings and also other scratchy spots with a cotton ball.

Activated Charcoal

It is used for acute use in food poisoning, ingestion of toxins, diarrhea, vomiting, intestinal illness, etc. it also keep the local poison in a control number on hand in case a child ingests a toxic substance and immediately take a child to the hospital if he/she has swallowed a battery or magnet!

Clove Oil

It is one of the powerful oil for fighting tooth pain but also surprisingly versatile. It fights fungus, bacteria, microbes and viruses. Also, offers a slightly sedating effect. Aside from tooth pain, clove is also great for minor, open-wound treatment.

So go ahead, just assemble a kit for yourself, your friends, or your family. They make great gifts. Remember, these are suggestions only and are based upon the assumption that any natural first aid kit will have space and weight limitations. There are other choices for all of the categories given. If you are sensitive to any type of the suggested remedies, don’t use them. Read, listen to your body, and educate yourself. Use your ideas and seek additional assistance when it is necessary.

While many people believe that natural home remedies are safer than the modern medicines, this is not an excuse to go to holistic health care without thorough research. Some people, particularly children and pregnant women, can be especially sensitive to essential oils, and extreme care must be taken.


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