No one can avoid heartburn or acid reflux. This is one of the most painful as well as irritating ailments which is generally occurring if stomach acidity becomes very high.
There are lots of over the counter medicine for heartburn, but today most of the people extremely aware about the side effect of medicine, that’s why they always try to get home remedies to overcome the heartburns.
Natural Remedies For Heartburn Are
One of the best natural Remedies for Heartburn is taking an apple. This fruit works as a magician on heartburn; it can reduce the stomach acidity within 5 minutes. Apple especially helps to improve and enhance the functioning of the bacteria which is living in our intestine.
Celery Sticks And Cabbage
Apart from apple, you can also eat celery sticks and cabbage together, if you are suffering from heartburn. These things have the same benefit as apples.
Mixture Of Apple Cider Vinegar And Honey
People who are suffering from heartburn or acid reflux can drink a unique mixture which is made with apple cider Vinegar and honey. Actually, Vinegar has some properties which help in food digestion and also minimize the stomach acidity.
You have to take only 2 teaspoons of honey, and then you should combine it with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. It can make a very quick action.
Sodium Bicarbonate
One teaspoonful sodium bicarbonate which is also known as baking soda with one glass of water will be worked great in heartburn. It can reduce burning, gnawing, the sensation of heartburn or acid reflux. Baking soda can help in heartburn because it is the base substance.
Aloe Vera:
Aloe is very popularly known plant utilized to soothe burns. People generally use it as a skin care ingredients, because it reduces sunburn and make our skin smooth and shiny. Apart from this, it has a lot more capacity.
It works great in reducing the inflammation of heartburn. When you feel irritate and inflame, just drink a glass of aloe Vera juice, you feel far better within 5 minutes.
Other great remedies for Heartburn are buttermilk. If you drink half cup of buttermilk, it can easily minimize your stomach acidity. But, you have to drink it cold. You can take milk as a substitute for buttermilk, but it cannot work as same as buttermilk.
You can take almond when you feel irritation due to stomach acidity. During the heartburn, just eat 20pieces of almonds, within 30minutes your entire irritation and inflammation can be reduced.
Actually, Almonds works excellent in food digestion; it can neutralize the stomach acidity within the very short time period.
Make Gingerroot Tea:
Ginger root is one of the excellent ingredients which can help reducing the number of stomach problems from nausea to acid reflux. In heartburn, you can take ginger root tea.
Sipping a cup of ginger root tea near about 20 minutes before a meal will be able to reduce the inflammation in your tummy within few minutes. Actually, this tea acts as an acid buffer.
We all know that mustered is one of the alkalizing foods which are full of various types of mineral. It also contains a weak acid. Consuming mustard directly works as a magician, because it’s alkaline properties help neutralize the acid which can neutralize the irritation of acid reflux.
A Cup Of Chamomile:
Taking a cup of chamomile tea about ½ to 1 hour before going to sleep can easily reduce the irritation and inflammation in your tummy, occurs due to heart burns. This type of tea can make a great balance of the acidity levels.
Apart from this, it works great in reducing stress. If you take it before going to bed, it can provide soundless sleep throughout the night. That’s why it can make you completely fresh.
Basil Leaves
Another great relief from heartburn or acid reflux is eating basil leaves which help eradicate gas as well as nausea. So that it can help in reducing the acid reflux. If you chew at least three basil leaves together, it will provide you a very quick relief.
Peppermint is another one of the great natural remedies for heartburn as it helps in food digestion and also reduces the symptoms of stomach acidity. After taking a big meal, just chew at least 1 or 2 peppermints which can lessen the irritation of stomach caused by acid reflux heartburn.
Juices Of Vegetables
Juice of various types of vegetables like cucumbers, beets, carrots, radishes helps in reducing the acidity in the stomach because of its alkaline characteristic. This is great natural Remedies for heartburn. You can add a pinch of pepper and salt due to enhancing the taste.
Marshmallow Root
Marshmallow root is one of the oldest medications known for acid reflux. It delivers a gooey and starchy substance called adhesive, which coats and guard the mucous membranes of your throat—exactly what you require when you feel like it’s ablaze.
Mix 1 teaspoon powdered marshmallow root into 1 glass water and taste it. Drink three or four glasses a day.
Avoid Unhealthy Food And Beverages –
This is one of the great natural remedies for heartburn or acid reflux that you must take. If you want to avoid the irritation acid reflux, you have to avoid first food, oily food, pastry, red meat, etc.
Apart from this, there are lots of drinks which could bring heart burns. These are alcohol, coffee, soft drinks and other sugary and caffeinated drinks.
Heartburn or acid reflux is something that you cannot tolerate. That’s why; you must get the medication very quickly to cure it as quick as possible. To avoid this irritation first, you should change your lifestyle, diet.
According to the report, stress and anxiety can alleviate the heartburn or acid reflux which generally comes from a hectic lifestyle. So keep yourself away from the hectic lifestyle.
Notwithstanding, remember that you don’t need to get medicine keeping in order to treat heartburn. You can easily use those natural remedies to treat this inflammation. These simple natural remedies which mentioned above could be enough to treat the problem.