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Pilonidal Cysts – Everything you need to know about that

Pilonidal Cysts - Everything you need to know about that

A pilonidal cyst is an abnormal skin growth located at the tailbone that contains hair and skin, which occurs in the area at the top of the buttocks overlying the tailbone sacrum.  This pilonidal cyst and the overlying skin in the area will become infected, by forming a painful abscess.

Causes of Pilonidal Cyst

There are many theories as to the causes of a pilonidal cyst and also origins of pilonidal disease; most researchers today believe that pilonidal cysts are acquired and that they are caused by the penetration of the loose hairs into your skin through dilated hair follicles into the subcutaneous tissues. In a particular response to this ingrown hair, a local inflammatory reaction causes a cystic structure to form around the hair and the other skin debris. Excessive pressure or repetitive trauma to the sacrococcygeal area is thought to predispose individuals to develop the cyst or to irritate an already existing pilonidal cyst.

In addition to the male gender, other factors to the causes of pilonidal cysts will include a family history of pilonidal cysts, occupations which require prolonged sitting, hirsute individuals, and the presence of a deep natal cleft. Few obese individuals are likely to experience a recurrence of pilonidal cysts.

Symptoms of Pilonidal Cyst

Simple Home Remedies for Pilonidal Cyst Treatment:

1) Epsom Salt

By scrubbing down with Epsom salt can facilitate the irritation and gives relief from the agony. Epsom salt has magnesium and sulfate which can help in the expulsion of toxins from the sore.

2) Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is one of the most essential and trusted home remedies for Pilonidal cyst. It is a restorative plant with thick and pointy green leaves. The thick Aloe Vera’s leaf contains vile water-filled tissue that looks like gel. These bio-active mixes in the Aloe Vera contain cancer prevention agents and natural antibacterial properties.

3) Hot Compress

The Hot pack helps in expanding the blood flow around the pilonidal cyst. You can likewise utilize a hot pack to supply warmth to the growth. Steaming showers and also an electronic warmth cushions can likewise be utilized for the same impact.

4) Castor Oil

Castor oil is exceptionally compelling solution for pilonidal cyst growth. Castor oil is one of the best home remedies for pilonidal cyst. Castor oil is an effective in lessening the affected area pain and inflammation, eventually speeding up the recuperating of the pilonidal blister.

5) Fenugreek

Fenugreek is a characteristic cure, ordinarily fenugreek utilized as a part of treating skin conditions. Fenugreek is an accessible in both powder and raw form. On the off-chance that you purchase it in supplements, you ought to take no less than 2 tablets every day.

6) Maintain Hygiene

This is one of the most essential and obvious remedies for pilonidal cyst. It is essential to keep the affected area to be clean. Also, it is very much important to maintain the hygiene of these particular areas as the most amounts of harmful bacteria tend to get inside your body through them. This bacterium is once inside; it can harm your body by resulting in various diseases and a weak immune system. So, always try and maintain the hygiene of your body as a whole in order to stay healthy and disease free. This is because clean and healthy environment if the most unfavorable type for the bacteria and virus to accommodate.

Follow all of your doctor’s instructions about at-home care, especially if you need to remove and pack gauze. A complete cure is possible, but remembers that a pilonidal cyst may recur even if you had one surgically removed.


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