Menopause is defined as a particular point in time when menstrual cycles permanently stop due to the natural depletion process of ovarian oocytes due to aging. It is a natural condition that normally occurs in women of age 45-50 years and the body goes through several changes that no longer allow a woman to get pregnant. Menopause can affect the health in wide ranging ways. Hot flushes, mood swings, night sweats, hair loss, vaginal dryness and changes in menstruation patterns are the common symptoms of menopause.
Diseases Related to Menopause
Medical conditions are often related to various types of diseases and conditions. We have compiled a list of ailments related to the topic of Menopause.
• Reduced fertility: Women’s fertility starts to decrease at about age 36, primarily due to aging eggs. The risk of spontaneous miscarriage enhances to about 50% by age 45. The risks of chromosomal abnormalities in the area of the fetus begin to enhance with each year to 1 in 40 by age 44.
• Genital and urinary changes: As a result of the natural reduction in estrogen, the lining of the vagina and the tissues of the vulva become more alkaline, dry and thin, making them more prone to injury.
• Infections: Women with mobility impairments, mainly due to SCI and MS, have a high frequency of bladder infections.
• Mood swings: Postmenopausal women are usually irritable and moody.
• Osteoporosis: Menopause speeds up the process of bone loss (osteoporosis), especially during the first-time period after menstruation stops. Having osteoporosis, in turn, enhances the likelihood of having fractures of the hip, spinal vertebrae, forearm, ribs, and pelvis.
• Heart disease: Menopause in women increases the chances of cardiovascular disease.
Natural Remedies for Menopause Problems
Hormones play an important role in inflicting the various changes characterized in postmenopausal syndrome. The two hormones- progesterone and estrogen decline during this phase and due to the hormonal disorders women undergo the signs of menopause.
Black Cohosh
The best natural remedies for menopause problems must include Black Cohosh. Black cohosh is a nutritious herb, and the root of the herb is widely used for medicinal purposes. It helps control night sweats and hot flushes. The herb immensely helps lower hot flashes by reducing the blood levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), which dilates the blood vessels and sends enormous heat to the skin.
For a good result take 2 ml of black cohosh in tincture form one or two times a day. Black cohosh has been used to treat problems of anxiety, fever, rheumatic arthritis, cough, hepatitis and sore throat. For maximum effectiveness, take black cohosh for seven weeks, and then take five weeks off before resuming it again. Then repeat the same cycle—7 weeks on, five weeks off.
Flaxseed oil
The best natural menopause treatments should include flaxseed oil. Flaxseed oil contains plant-based chemicals that act like estrogen and can help reduce the signs of menopause. Flaxseed has lignans and omega 3 fatty acids which act as phytoestrogens. According to researchers women who take phytoestrogens from both flaxseed and soy, reduce vaginal dryness and hot flashes.
Flaxseed oil is a great source of micronutrients, dietary fiber, manganese, vitamin B1, omega 3 fatty acids and insoluble fiber. It prevents stroke and aids in growth and development. Flaxseed oil controls the proportion of estrogen to progesterone that helps to reduce the problems of ovarian cysts.
Tofu is described as food made by coagulating soy milk. Tofu is a great source of magnesium, iron, thiamin, Vitamin K, riboflavin, niacin, Vitamin B6, iron, copper, manganese, and selenium. For maximum effectiveness eats 250 to 300 gm of tofu regularly. Tofu is rich in phytoestrogens—compounds with mild estrogen-like qualities that have been found to ease menopausal symptoms.
Regular eating of tofu helps prevent breast and prostate cancer and lowers the chances of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. Tofu is also the outstanding source of iron. According to researchers women who don’t consume sufficient amounts of iron can suffer anovulation (lack of ovulation) and poor egg health, which decreases the chances of pregnancy. Chronic anovulation is one of the common reasons for infertility in women.
Pumpkin Seeds
The most effective remedies for post menopausal problems should include pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds are rich in phytoestrogens and can help the body to beat the annoying post menopausal symptoms. Pumpkin seeds are a great source of phosphorous, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, iron, protein and essential fatty acids. The presence of essential fatty acids in pumpkin seeds helps promote the production of hormones.
Pumpkin seeds contain zinc that is the most critical trace mineral for male sexual function. At first, Dry roast a handful of pumpkin seeds. Then grind them along with two teaspoons of jaggery into a fine powder. Take two teaspoons of this powder regularly on an empty stomach to reduce the menopause problems.
Aloe Vera
You might have thought that aloe vera can be applicable to digestion and for the face. But Aloe Vera helps for menopause problems and is the most effective natural treatments of all. Aloe vera helps for menopause problems because it is rich in amino acids, salicylic acid, folic acid, Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, Vitamin E and Vitamin C. Many women find that taking aloe vera can help relieve night sweats, hot flushes as well as mood swings and vaginal dryness. At first, extract aloe vera gel from an aloe vera leaf. Add one teaspoon of honey to the aloe vera gel. Consume this daily before having breakfast to reduce the menopause problems. 1
The yellow substance found under the skin of the aloe vera plant helps lower the problems of irregular periods. It promotes menstruation and also increases fertility among women. Aloe Vera gel can be utilized to heal wounds, and it contains in it the plant collagen which immensely helps to repair the skin.
Dry skin and vaginal dryness caused by a decrease in estrogen during the time of menopause are common complaints among women. According to researchers, getting nine glasses of water a day can help maintain the skin’s moisture and effectively offset dryness. Drinking water also helps reduce the bloating that occurs with hormonal changes. This kind of symptom is common in the years just before periods end, often referred to as perimenopause.
Menopause brings with it hormonal disorders that mess with your sleep, pack on pounds of belly fat, and also make you depressed, irritable and less interested in sex. Yoga can effectively help reduce the menopause problems. Yoga practice reduces hot flashes by 31%, and another research has found that regularly doing yoga improved mood, libido, and craving control. Yoga poses like standing forward bend helps reduce the menopause problems.
At first stand at the front of the mat, feet hip width apart. Next, reach right arm up by stretching right side for one breath. Lower and repeat the same on the left side. Thereafter by bringing chest towards knees, hinge forward from hips. Next slightly bend the knees. Thereafter hold elbows with opposite hands. Gently shake head. Stay bent forward for 50 seconds. Slowly roll up to standing. If you’re utilizing weights, pick them up as you stand.
Also, keep in mind that herbal or dietary supplements may have interactions or side effects with each other or other drugs. Some may be unsafe to consume due to certain medical conditions. Consult your doctor prior to using them.
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