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8 Important Safety Precautions During Pregnancy

Safety Precautions During Pregnancy

Motherhood is the greatest joy of a woman’s life and it is a phase when a woman should take special care of her health in order to ensure safety of the precious little one.

But, it is also a time when the mother’s body goes through a lot of change, thereby altering a woman’s priorities.

It is a stage where each and every step has to be taken with care and it is important to be careful about diet, exercise, medication even knowing about the safe sleeping positions during pregnancy is important to avert pregnancy related complications. In this article, we have enlisted a few crucial safety precautions during pregnancy.

Common Health Problems During Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings about a wide range of physical and emotional change in the mother and at times she is faced with various problems caused by these changes. Here we have recorded a few common health problems related to pregnancy.

Top 8 Safety Measures During Pregnancy

The first three months of pregnancy, also termed the “first trimester” is the most significant stage of fetal development and therefore it is necessary to take safety measures in order to ensure healthy and proper growth and development of the baby.

Cut Out Alcohol

One of the most important precautions during pregnancy is to avoid alcohol because consumption of alcohol during pregnancy can have damaging effects on the fetal growth.

Alcohol addiction of the mother can cause Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) in the baby that causes slow development of the fetus, abnormal facial features of the baby and reflects learning disabilities as the child grows up.

The worst thing about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is that it is not curable. Since there is no recommended level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy, therefore, it is best to avoid it completely for a healthy pregnancy.

Give Up Smoking

Following a healthy lifestyle and avoiding bad habits is important for maintaining optimum health and it is more so during pregnancy. Thus, it is best to give up smoking and even stay away from passive smoking.

Mothers smoking during pregnancy are at increased risk of giving birth to low weight babies, who develop various health problems such as breathing trouble, feeding problem and difficulty to stay warm.

Cigarette smoke contains nicotine and 1,400 other toxins that are extremely harmful for both the mother and the baby. Smoking also surges the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Therefore, it is best to give up smoking to ensure optimum health during pregnancy.

Control Caffeine Intake

Although there are an extensive range of health benefits of drinking coffee, but the case is not same in case of pregnant women.

It is suggested to cut down caffeine intake in order to avoid pregnancy problems because it works as a stimulant that might cause nervousness, increase rate of heartbeat, cause anxiety and affect sleep.

According to some scientists, caffeine can cause premature birth, low birth weight and birth defects. It is sensible to stay away from caffeinated drinks such as tea, coffee, cola and consumption of chocolates.

In case a mother has caffeine addiction, it is suggested to bring it down gradually because stopping it at once can have adverse effects on the health and cause headaches, excessive fatigue and nausea.

Be Careful With Food

It is essential to concentrate on healthy eating during pregnancy. It is vital to know the foods to eat during pregnancy in order to ensure optimum health and safety of both the mother and the baby.

Pregnancy nutrition should include folic acid, omega 3 fatty acids, and vitamin A, B6, B12, C and D along with proteins, carbohydrates and minerals iron and calcium.

But it is also important to discern which foods one should avoid during pregnancy. It is best to cut out raw sea food and large fishes. Opt for smaller fishes such as salmon, herring, rainbow trout and sardines that have low level of mercury.

Uncooked or low cooked meat and raw eggs must also be avoided because they might contain salmonella bacteria and parasites.

Avoid Medicine And Herbs

One of the chief safety measures during pregnancy is to avoid self-medication and use of herbs to treat ailments. It is best not to take medicines unless it is extremely necessary.

Medicines such as aspirin, brufen, laxatives and diuretics are best avoided during pregnancy. Consult the health care provider about the side effects of a medicine on the baby and the mother before taking it.

Herbs such as saw palmetto, passion flower, black cohosh, etc. can be a reason for miscarriage, painful contractions and premature birth. Therefore, it is suggested to take medications only after consulting the physician in order to avoid pregnancy complications.

Avoid Hot Tubs And Sauna

One of the safety precautions during pregnancy is to abstain from saunas and hot tubs.

This is because, staying in a heated environment that is more than normal body temperature during the first trimester of pregnancy increases the core temperature of the body which creates problem in the fetal development and can lead to abnormal organ development.

Soaking in heated water also increases the risk of miscarriages. Therefore, it is best to avoid soaking in hot tubs, sauna and hot water baths at least during the first four months of pregnancy to make sure of appropriate growth and development of the fetus.

Travel Precautions

It is extremely important to take safety precautions if you are travelling when pregnant. It is best to avoid long and exhaustive travelling during the first and third trimester of pregnancy.

Travelling for long distances can cause back pain and therefore it is important to know the ways to relieve back pain during pregnancy. It is ideal to travel by a car and carry a pillow or two with you.

Wear comfortable, cushioned shoes and carry your medicines and copy of medical records. Don’t lift heavy baggage and drink only mineral water or boiled water.

Exercise Precautions

Healthy tips during pregnancy include light stretching exercises, yoga and meditation. These exercises help in relaxing the tense and stressed muscles and calm the mind to relieve stress and anxiety.

Walking is the best exercise during pregnancy because it is safe and easy to do but make sure to wear comfortable and cushioned shoes and choose a track that is smooth and safe.

But, it is important to avoid sudden movements and jerks and exercises the cause pain or exerts pressure on the abdominal or lower back muscles.

Therefore, it is recommended to get in touch with a professional pre-natal yoga expert who can guide you with the right poses and the correct ways to perform them without hurting yourself.

Proper care and safety precautions are extremely important, particularly during the first trimester of pregnancy, because it is the most important stage of fetal development.

A well-balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle can help in avoiding pregnancy problems and ensure health of the mother and the baby.

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