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Prevent Arthritis, start when young!

Prevent Arthritis, Start When Young!

Prevent Arthritis

There has been a lot of information about arthritis over the years. It will be hard to distinguish fact from fiction. Arthritis is not only a single disease. Instead, the term “arthritis” is used to refer to a joint pain or joint disease. There are of 100 different types of arthritis. Arthritis pain and stiffness set in when the cartilage. The rubbery cushion in the joints is which absorbs shock for the bones and allows them to glide smoothly when we move and wears away. When there is not enough cartilage left in the joint to protect the bones from damaging each other, we feel it.

Why are women more commonly affected by arthritis? One of the main reasons may be the physical differences between the genders, for example, women have less knee cartilage than men. It is no wonder that according to a recent report, knee replacement surgeries more than tripled in women between ages 45 and 64 over the past decade. Women are also at a greater risk for the autoimmune condition rheumatoid arthritis than men, which may be due to hormonal differences, among other factors.

Finally, women may also experience a greater emotional burden from arthritis than men.

Fight Back Against Arthritis

So what can you do? The good news is that there are many risk factors for osteoarthritis by which women can target for arthritis prevention. Start with these essential steps.

Maintain Healthy Weight

Excess body weight is one of the best known and most essential risk factors for arthritis. The more pressure you put on your joints, the faster they will be worn out. “Every extra pound of weight you have on is 4 pounds of pressure on the weight bearing joints, like your knees and hips.

Losing weight is one thing patients can do which really makes a difference. As the pounds drop, you can reduce stress on your joints by lowering their workload. Change up your diet by adding in fiber each day and eating whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, while limiting refined carbohydrates and fat.

Trade In Your High Heels


The human foot was generally not designed to be on its toes all day long, a fact that escapes a fashion designer and also shoe shoppers. And for some people, high heels may cause trouble. “It’s OK to wear them occasionally, but if they are used all the time, they will cause a lot of problems.

Do Non-impact Exercises

Some activities will predispose you to osteoarthritis and arthritis pain. High-impact exercise like long-distance running and soccer put a lot of stress on the joints and also can wear down the cartilage faster than normal in an essence, worsening your arthritis. You may also want to turn in your running sneakers for a swimsuit or in biking shorts. But biking or water exercises for those looking to stay active and practice arthritis prevention.

Use Better Body Mechanics

When performing few physical tasks, like lifting objects, how you hold your body is matters. “People with some bad body mechanics may be predisposed to develop arthritis. Few good body mechanics, like lifting with your legs instead of your back, can take much of the stress off the joints. This also helps with arthritis prevention by preserving cartilage.

Another of is to carry your purse or other bags on your forearm rather than gripping the straps with your hands.

Avoid Injuries

While no one wants to be injured, by taking preventive steps help safeguard your health today and may also serve as arthritis prevention in the future. “Avoiding injury can decrease the risk of developing arthritis later in life. If you are exercising, and that’s increasing your pain the next day, that may probably not the right exercise for you.”

Focus on sports and exercises which will be challenging but safe, and know your body’s limits. Be sure to start any new exercise program gradually overdoing it early on is a surefire way to get hurt.

Talk to your health specialist to get cleared before beginning any new workout regimen. Also, ask about few special precautions you should be taking.

Hold On To Vitamin D

Deficient in vitamin D, and women those of menopausal age, are especially likely to be lacking adequate levels. Patients who have adequate levels of vitamin D will have less progression of osteoarthritis.

About taking vitamin D supplements, the uses may probably outweigh the risks, as long as you don’t take it too much.”

Always Stay Hydrated

Main reason to drink more water is to prevent arthritis. The cartilage in our joints is are made up of water. This makes it such a great cushion for the joints. When we are dehydrated, water gets sucked out of the cartilage. Post that, it is more easily damaged by wear and tear.

This can be seen in people with osteoarthritis of the spine or in degenerative disk disease. Keep your cartilage healthy by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

Opt for 6 to 8 cups daily, now may pay off in the years to come.

Arthritis is common in women, but you can take few steps now to prevent arthritis later or slow its progression. Women stand a higher risk of suffering from arthritis. Hence, it is essential to take the right preventive measures as soon as you can. Start implementing the above effective preventive methods in your daily routine!


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