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Sperm killers everywhere – You’ll be surprised after reading this!

Sperm killers everywhere - You'll be surprised after reading this!

Avoid These Sperm Killers

They are everywhere! They seep into your skin in the checkout line, saturate you in the shower, and they even ooze into the convenient food you grab on the run! Plenty of everyday chemicals are zapping your sperm counts and even silently scrambling your DNA sperm. Some of these sperm killers cause sperm mobility issues, leaving your swimmers not swimming as well as they used to do. You might already know some causes such as narrow bike seats that are linked to erectile dysfunction, antidepressants and DNA damage but there are other everyday habits are acting as sperm killers, too! We have found some culprits to add to our list, but here the good news is these everyday toxins are really easier to sidestep than you may think! Let’s dig in!!

Cash Register Receipts

You gotta be kidding me! – This might be your first reaction when you see this! But NO! This is a fact. Just think how many times a day someone slips a cash-register receipt into your hand. For instance your morning coffee, your stock-up trip to the grocery store, your gas fill-up, your dinner as well as your movie. They are endless! So, what’s the problem here? About 40% of receipts today are coated with the hormone-disrupting chemical BPA – bisphenol A, that has been linked to heart disease and fertility problems. A new study has also published in the journal Fertility and Sterility discovered that men with higher BPA levels in their urine had experienced low sperm count as well as lower sperm quality than men with lower levels!

How To Protect Yourself?

Avoid getting the receipts but if you do need one, then store it in an envelope or folder, not in your pocket or in the wallet that you are constantly breaking open. Keep them out of the recycling bin, as well, their BPA can contaminate recycled paper products and water.

Heated Car Seats

For a man who is enduring sub-par temperatures, there may be no greater luxury than a heated car seat! Agreed, but that between-the-legs toastiness can come at a price. For instance, damaged sperm quality. Dome of the sperm slayers are They can heat up testicular temperatures just enough to decrease your sperm production.

How To Protect Yourself?

Direct heat is the issue here, so if you are cold in the car, then just boost the heater and let the air circulate around your vehicle.


Men with higher levels of perceived stress may have worse sperm quality than men who report feeling less stressed. Too much stress may throw your reproductive hormones out of whack, or it might lead to the creation of inflammatory proteins which hurt your sperm.

How To Protect Yourself?

No matter what is eating at you, find some effective ways to keep your worries from getting out of control. You can talk to your partner, make some time to exercise, or loop in a pro if your stress remains sky-high!

Added Sugars

No way! Sugar is hidden in almost all the processed food you can find under your roof and they rank high in the list of sperm killers. A recent study of University of Utah found that when they fed mice sugar similar to what an average person eats daily. They found the success of reproduction had lessened up to 25%. Interestingly, the mice didn’t get fat or show signs of blood pressure. However, they were more likely to die as well as have fewer babies.

How To Protect Yourself?

These added sugars are doing all sorts of horrible things to your body. Do not exceed the recommended sugar levels, that are 9 teaspoons for men i.e. 36 grams, 5 teaspoons for women i.e. 20 grams, and 3 teaspoons i.e. 12 grams for children.

Too Much Of Alcohol Consumption

Well, an occasional beer or glass of wine with dinner is not really a big deal. But heavier drinking can lower sperm counts, lower testosterone levels, as well as it is linked to a smaller number of healthy sperms. Do you know drinking 25 or more drinks per week is linked to a significant decline in the quality of sperm? And men who downed 40 drinks per week had 33% lower sperm counts and 51% less healthy sperm than those who drank only 5 drinks a week!

How To Protect Yourself?

Alcohol is a toxin. And your brain isn’t the only thing that it hurts. It can also lower your testosterone levels, that can hurt your sperm production. Try not to drink and if you encounter such situation, then drink as less as you can! If you think that drinking is affecting your fertility, then talk to your doctor, immediately. Together, you can come up with a plan to cut it back.

Few Other Sperm Killers You Should Know

They are not only health hazards but they can adversely affect the sperm count of a man. But, there still can be other reasons behind male infertility apart from the involvement of these above-mentioned parameters. So, get in touch with a fertility expert to seek solutions before time runs out. Eating a healthy and balanced diet seems to keep the sperm factory humming along.
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