What is it Spirulina and Spirulina Capsules?
Spirulina is a type of natural “algae” (also known as cyanobacteria) spirulina algae that is incredibly high in protein content and is a good source of antioxidants, B-vitamins and many other nutrients. It proves to be one of the most potential sources of nutrient if harvested correctly from a non-contaminated ponds and bodies of water. With its high concentration of protein and essential amino acids, it is typically recommended to vegetarians for its high natural iron content. Spirulina is a good source of protein, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants with more calcium etc. It is often recommended and popular for its high B-12 content, whereas there exists a long followed debate about the most complete and absorbable form of B-12. The higher concentration of protein and iron in Spirulina makes it an ideal supplement during pregnancy, after surgery, or at any time when the body immune system needs a boost.
Health Properties of Spirulina
With high content of amino acids, 65% protein, and many other nutrients, there are multiple properties and associated benefits of Spirulina, such as- 1. Spirulina consist of 65% protein and all essential amino acids including the essential fatty acid Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) which contains anti-inflammatory properties, especially when taken with other quality Omega-3 supplements. 2. Spirulina contains Omega 3,6 and 9 and is especially high in Omega-3s. 3. It is extremely high in Chlorophyll content, which helps in removing toxins from the blood and boosting the body’s immune system. 4. Spirulina has a very high concentration of bioavailable iron and works excellent in pregnancy, anemia and does not cause constipation. The proteins and nutrients in Spirulina are all bioavailable and easy to absorb. 5. Spirulina is a great source of other nutrients including – Vitamin B1(thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3(nicotinamide), B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin A and vitamin E. 6. It is a rich source of potassium, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium, zinc and also contains many pigments beneficial for the body. 7. As tested, Spirulina has been found to have an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity), which is used to measure antioxidant ability and concentration in different foods. 8. Spirulina with a very high calcium content of 26 times the calcium in milk, it is considered as an excellent source for children, adults and during pregnancy. 9. Spirulina contains high phosphorus content makes it helpful for tooth remineralisation. 10. The protein content in Spirulina is highly usable and has a net protein utilization rate of between 50-61% 11. Multiple evidences have shown effective results of Spirulina binding with radioactive isotopes being useful for radioactivity exposure or radiation therapy. 12. Spirulina can bind with heavy metals in the body and help remove them, thus they are very helpful for allergic reactions. 13. Spirulina can also increase fat burning during exercise.
How to consume Spirulina?
Spirulina with its nutritional benefit is a jack of all trades for fighting against multiple diseases. It contains the perfect amalgamation of multiple beneficial nutrients, amino acid, vitamins and minerals. As a result of the high nutrient content, its intake proves to be very beneficial under a prescribed quantity. 2-6 g of Spirulina per day is a recommended quantity for a healthy body. But the problem comes with the associated horrible taste of the capsules. There are multiple ways to neutralize or reduce the horrible taste as associated with the nutritional factor. When choosing Spirulina, one must make sure to choose the one that is organic, as others can be contaminated or have nitrate compounds as additives. One of the best Spirulina so found is from Mountain Rose Herbs and it is also one of the cheapest organic Spirulina. Due to the taste of Spirulina similar to pond water, many people prefer supplements like high quality Spirulina capsule. Thus, there are multiple ways to neutralize the bitter taste of Spirulina, mentioned as follows- 1. Spirulina supplements can be added to smoothies to improvise the bitter taste. 2. Mixing the Spirulina supplement in water or any other drink can also make it tastier for intake. 3. The intake of the capsule form of these supplements can be a major helping aid to avoid the horrible taste. 4. Adding Spirulina to veggie smoothies each day can also be a great idea. As per favourable conditions such as- during pregnancy about 2 teaspoons per day, and 2 or more tablespoons during illness or after radiation exposure and an extra amount can be added. 5. Spirulina comes in tablets forms as well and can be dosed without the typical taste as recommended. 6. Spirulina powders can be added with more sweeter concentrates may be juices or any other semi-solid concentrates to diminish its bitter taste. 7. The Spirulina flakes can be added with milk or any other sweeter smoothies to taste better and provide the similar healthy effects.
Thus, Spirulina is one of the wondrous magical herbs that are widely used for its beneficial health factors. With a high content of Calcium, phosphorous, ORAC, minerals, band of vitamins, essential amino acids and many other essential nutrients; it is one of the most used health supplement for multiple body cures. It can be easily concluded that Spirulina capsules, rich in antioxidants, GLA, amino acids, and fatty acids, helped reduce the increased levels of lipids in patients with higher cholesterol and reduction of many other allergic reactions in the body. Patients with PKU (Phenylketonuria) should consult with a health expert before taking, as it does contain that amino acid. Those on any type of anticoagulation medicine should consult with a doctor before beginning (or stopping) taking Spirulina. Some people with the autoimmune disease do not gel well with Spirulina. In case of pregnancy, nursing or have any medical condition, the check with the doctor is a must. Even though the recommended dosage of the supplement tends to be 2-6 g per day, but it’s always recommended to consult a Healthcare Professional before beginning the intake.
Spirulina is the best superfood for today’s generation. It is the reachest food containing the highest percentage of protein. Spirulina contains maximum protein and all other essential nutrients and vitamins which we required in our daily life. Your post will motivate people to use spirulina.
Thanks For Post!