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Technology – Does It Make You Lazy?

disadvantages of technology

Confused? So was I, when initially I started thinking about it. Technology is a boon, which as a gift you have received from science. Then how can it be a curse? Well my friend, when we eat a lot our stomach aches; similarly anything in excess is bad.

Technology if used in the right manner makes our life simple and saves much time. Stretch back and think for a minute are you addicted to this technology? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Whenever people ask you do you have any addictions you immediately reply, “No, I don’t. I neither drink nor smoke”. However, the scenario is completely changed so as the meaning of addiction.

Latest technologies and modern equipment’s have become an addiction nowadays. It is not only the addiction you must be worried about, but moreover technology make people lazy.

Few Addictive and the Most Modern Technologies

Along with all the best features and benefits of this modern technology, have you ever thought what can be the disadvantages of modern technology? There are advantages and disadvantages of technology.

You must be like, but technology has refined human life in such a great way. Then in what way can technology be disadvantageous or how technology make people lazy?

Unfortunately, like everything comes with its pros and cons, there are certain disadvantages of technology too. I will tell you about those in the later part of my article.
Imagine me taking away your cell phone for a week, can you be alive?

You will say “Yes” but somewhere down your heart deep inside, you know you are lying and you just can’t do without your cellphone. Right?

How many numbers in your contact list do you actually remember? or When was the last time you have written a number in a diary?

Mobile phones in earlier days was a symbol of status where only the upper class people used to use it. However, nowadays even the person who comes to pick up the garbage at my house also carries a mobile, and not just a mobile but a smartphone. OMG!

I do not deny the fact that mobile phone has made your life simpler and reduced the distance between your loved ones.

Let me make show you the other side of the same coin.

Work which you do on your mobile smart devices

In earlier times, all the above mentioned work was done by you physically, isn’t it?

But technology addiction statistics claim that everything is on your fingertips, just a click away. Within seconds all your work is done by your smart phones, tablets, pc’s, etc.

I completely agree that smart devices has made your life simpler and easy, but what about your health?

Technology should be used to save your time, not to spoil your health and intelligence, hence disadvantages of modern technology are increasing.

Few Examples on How Technology is making You Lazy

  1. When your child is crying you give your phone to play with so that you can watch your movie happily instead of attending to your child.
  2. A 4 year old child instead of playing outdoor game is playing only on smart devices because you want to finish your kitchen work and have no time to take her out. It creates a huge impact of technology on education.
  3. Paying 5 % extra charges on movie tickets, but not going to the theater to purchase the tickets even if it is at nearby distance.
  4. Sometimes you ignore visiting your relatives as you are not able to find the address on your mobile properly.
  5. You do not write the phone numbers in the diary and just save them in mobile phone. Once the data is lost, you lose the contact with the person.
  6. Your used plates are just lying in the kitchen cause your dish washer is not working properly or the clothes have not been washed because there is some problem with the washing machine; and so on…

I would like to make you cautions that even if you have got addicted to technology, make sure you do not make your child get addicted to the same and make him/her lazy. Children and computers are becoming like a synonym day by day.

When we say exercise to be healthy, it does not always mean you have to go to the gym you. You can do the same while doing your work e.g. instead of paying your electricity bill through mobile go walking and pay it. Play with your children and develop that bonding in the family instead of everyone being glued to thier own devices.

Similarly, when I talk about computers, it seems to be the second world. However once you start working on the computer you never feel like getting up. Why is that so?

Is it because you get engrossed in important work? No, it is because you feel lazy to get up and take a glass of water for your own self. You want everything accessible to your desk.

Technology has helped us to grow and given us all the luxury; it helps us to work efficiently. But, it is high time you realise that now is the best time to shake your body if you do not want your health to get affected.
You should make use of your complete body parts equally as you use technology to the fullest.

Come with me to see few disadvantages of science and technology.

Side Effects of Computers

Side Effects of Air conditioner

Side Effects of Treadmill

Now you have seen what health hazards you can get into as well so you understood that everything that shines is not gold.

Make use of only those technologies which suits you the best without damaging your health and lifestyle.

Instead of all the time searching on google, try to read few books and finds their answers.

I will not completely blame you to depend on this technology because with so much of competition, the stamina level is so low that you are unable to complete all the work and get tired soon, and hence you have to depend on all these technologies. Problems of technology can eventually be overcome by self-restrain.

Your nutritionist friend has a solution for this as well, eat the healthy diet rich in all the vitamins and minerals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

If you are unable to do so, a simple solution is to pop up a multivitamin supplement and an omega 369 to keep you active throughout the day so that you can work efficiently.

It is finally time to say goodbye for now because I do not want to sit on my laptop for too long.

Do comment and ask your queries; I will be glad to reply them.

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