Of all the essential nutrients the body needs, the antioxidants are the most important ones as they are responsible for keeping toxins out of the system. And when we are talking about antioxidants, Glutathione is the most important one since it contains the major antioxidants in itself.
What Is Glutathione?
Glutathione is an antioxidant usually produced by the body itself through the liver. It is one of the most important and powerful antioxidants in the body.
Antioxidants are elements that subdue oxidative strain by fighting free radicals in the body. Most of the antioxidants are found in the foods that we eat, but Glutathione is a special one that is produced by our body itself.
Glutathione is primarily made up of three amino acids – glycine, cysteine and glutamine.
Glycine is one of the essential amino acids that is used by the body to make proteins. Another critical function of glycine is aiding the transmission of electric pulses from the cells to the brains.
Cysteine plays a vital role in treating acetaminophen poisoning. Acetaminophen poisoning is related to the failure of the liver when there is an overdose of acetaminophen from medications taken for treating fever or pain.
Glutamine plays an essential role in intestinal health and is known for supporting the immune system. It also aids in the process of building proteins.
Since the body produces Glutathione, it is highly possible that there is a depletion in its levels. The reasons could be a chronic disease, poor diet, infection or constant stress. Another reason for the decrease could be ageing.
Glutathione also plays a crucial role in the chemical reactions of the body. It is also an agent that detoxifies chemicals that the body creates and the external pollutants.
Like any other antioxidant, even Glutathione is essential for the body, and it is necessary to get enough of it either through diet or through supplements.

What Are The Benefits Of Glutathione?
The powerful mother of antioxidants is an essential one to the body as it regulates the other antioxidants. Apart from this, it also has many other benefits.
Antioxidant Properties
Free radicals may add to ageing and a few other infections. Antioxidant powers of Glutathione help to balance free radicals and shield the body from their harming impacts.
Glutathione is an excellent antioxidant, partly because high concentrations of it can be found in each cell in the body.
Avoiding Cancer Cell Progression
Some research has shown that glutathione plays a vital role in preventing the progression of cancer cells.
However, some other studies also show that glutathione may make cancerous cells less receptive to chemotherapy, which is part of standard cancer treatment.
Deciding the impacts of glutathione on cancer growth will require more research.
Lessening Symptoms Of Parkinson’s Disease
As indicated by some research, there is proof that keeping up glutathione levels may help with the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
The discoveries seem to help infused glutathione as a possible treatment, yet there is little proof about oral supplementation. Further research is required to support its claim.
Decreasing Ulcerative Colitis Damage
Like other inflammatory conditions, ulcerative colitis is also connected to oxidative harm and stress.
Deciding the impacts of glutathione on ulcerative colitis also requires more research to confirm such facts.
Treating Autism Spectrum Conditions
There is some proof that kids with autism have lower levels of glutathione than neurotypical kids or those without such conditions.
In 2011, some researchers found that oral glutathione supplements or infusions may diminish a few impacts of autism. Nevertheless, the group did not get a deep understanding of the kids’ indications to check whether any had improved. Hence, further research is expected to decide on this effect.
Reducing Cell Harm In Liver Infection
The reasons why the liver cells get affected are Hepatitis, fatty liver disease or alcohol abuse.
A small clinical research conducted in 2017 analyses that glutathione could help treat nonalcoholic greasy liver infection because of its antioxidant properties and its potential to detoxify.
The investigators also note that there is still more scope to research to confirm this effect.
Improves Insulin Sensitivity
Insulin resistance can bring about the advancement of type 2 diabetes. The generation of insulin makes the body move glucose (sugar) from the blood and into cells to use it and energize the body and help cells function.
A 2018 investigation shows that individuals with insulin resistance may, in general, have lower glutathione levels, especially if they have encountered difficulties, for example, neuropathy or retinopathy.
What Are The Ways Glutathione Is Consumed?
When your body does not get the adequate amount of any nutrient, the best resort is to go for supplements. Since Glutathione is the mother of antioxidants and has so many benefits to our body, it is important to give the body the adequate amount of it.
There are many ways in which you can take in Glutathione to tackle the deficiency in your body. It can be taken intravenously, orally, or even by inhaling.
There is just one case in which it is taken intravenously, and that is for reducing the side effects of chemotherapy treatments conducted for cancer. It is also known for treating Parkinson’s disease and diabetes.

Studies also suggest that glutathione is used to help treating weakened immune systems and male infertility. People who are anemic are also given the intravenous intervention of this super element during hemodialysis.
When consumed orally, the Glutathione supplement has many benefits.
- It helps in preventing cataracts and enhances eyesight
- It helps in preventing ageing
- It also helps in liver health by preventing alcoholism and keeping away from fatty liver disease.
- It is also known for improving heart health by reducing high cholesterol levels and help to prevent heart diseases.
- It also supports the lungs by helping people with asthma and other such diseases.
- It helps people with neurological disorders like memory loss, autism and Alzheimer’s among others.
What Are The Natural Sources Of Glutathione
It is essential to maintain sufficient levels of Glutathione since it is necessary for the recycling and maximizing of the functioning of other antioxidants existing in it. Go through the following natural sources of this super antioxidant.
Consume Sulfur-Rich Foods
Sulfur is a critical mineral that is usually found in some plant and protein substances.
It’s required for the processing and action of essential proteins and catalysts in the body. Prominently, Sulfur is necessary for the synthesis of Glutathione.
Sulfur is found in two amino acids in foods: methionine and cysteine. It’s principally procured from dietary proteins, for example, fish, beef and poultry.
In any case, there are veggie sources of Sulfur too, like, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, kale, watercress, Brussels sprouts, and mustard greens.
A few human studies have discovered that eating sulfur-rich vegetables may lessen oxidative stress by expanding glutathione levels.
Allium vegetables, including garlic, onions, and shallots, likewise help glutathione levels — likely because of their sulfur-containing compounds.
Increase Your Vitamin C Intake

Importantly found in fruits and veggies, Vitamin C is a water-dissolvable vitamin.
Strawberries, papayas, kiwis, natural citrus fruits, and bell peppers are the most popular foods rich in Vitamin C.
This vitamin has numerous capabilities, including functioning as a cancer prevention agent and shielding cells from oxidative harm. It likewise keeps up the body’s requirement of different antioxidant agents, including Glutathione.
Researchers have found that vitamin C may help increase glutathione levels by assaulting free radicals first, along these lines saving Glutathione.
They likewise discovered that vitamin C reprocesses Glutathione by changing over oxidized Glutathione back to its dynamic structure.
Specialists have discovered that taking vitamin C enhancements increment glutathione levels in white platelets in sound grown-ups.
In one investigation, grown-ups took 500–1,000 mg of vitamin C every day for 13 weeks, prompting an 18% expansion of Glutathione in white platelets.
Notwithstanding, these investigations included vitamin C supplements. Given that enhancements are concentrated renditions of the nutrient, it’s indistinct if substances would have a similar impact.
Further research is expected to decide whether you can build glutathione levels by eating substances containing vitamin C.
Include Selenium-Rich Foods To Your Diet
Selenium is a vital mineral and a glutathione cofactor, which means it’s a substance required for glutathione movement.
The absolute best sources of selenium are beef, chicken, fish, processed meats, curds and brown rice and Brazil nuts.
By expanding your consumption of selenium, you may help keep up or improve your body’s requirement of Glutathione.
An examination demonstrated that taking selenium supplements expanded glutathione peroxidase levels in patients on hemodialysis.
Furthermore, it’s essential to note that the average upper intake level (UL) is set at 400 mcg per day. Due to estimated toxicity, be sure to discuss selenium supplements and dosage with your healthcare professional.
For most healthy grown-ups, eating a reasonable diet with selenium-rich foods will ensure sufficient degrees of selenium — and, in this way, stabilized glutathione levels.
Eat Foods Naturally Rich In Glutathione
The human body produces Glutathione, yet there are additional dietary sources. Spinach, avocados, asparagus and okra are some of the most extravagant nutritional sources.
Nevertheless, dietary Glutathione is ineffectively consumed by the human body. Moreover, cooking and storage conditions can diminish the quantity of Glutathione found in the food consumed.
In spite of having a lower impact on increasing glutathione levels, glutathione-rich foods may help decline oxidative pressure.
For instance, a non-experimental study demonstrated that individuals who consumed the most glutathione-rich foods had a lower risk of developing mouth cancer.
Get Enough Sleep
A decent night’s rest is essential for overall wellbeing. Strangely, long haul absence of rest can cause oxidative pressure and even hormone awkward nature.
Moreover, inquire about has demonstrated that ceaseless absence of rest may diminish glutathione levels.
For instance, an examination estimating glutathione levels in 30 sound individuals and 30 individuals with sleep deprivation found that glutathione peroxidase action was fundamentally lower in those with a sleeping disorder.
Various creature studies have likewise demonstrated that lack of sleep causes a decrease in glutathione levels.
Hence, ensuring you get right, remedial rest every night may help keep up or support your degrees of this cancer prevention agent.
Exercise Regularly
Doctors and social insurance suppliers have since quite a while ago suggested normal physical movement. It’s nothing unexpected that activity is appropriate for both your physical and psychological well being.
Ongoing exploration demonstrates that activity is additionally useful in keeping up or expanding cancer prevention agent levels, particularly Glutathione.
Finishing a blend of both cardio and circuit weight training expands Glutathione the most, contrasted with completing cardio or weight preparing alone.
Be that as it may, competitors who overtrain without keeping up satisfactory nourishment and rest might be in danger of diminished glutathione creation.
Hence, make sure to consolidate physical activity into your routine bit by bit and reasonably.
Avoid Drinking Too Much Alcohol
It’s nothing unexpected that numerous antagonistic wellbeing impacts are related to constant and unreasonable liquor admission.
Alcohol abuse is usually connected with infirmities, for example, liver cirrhosis, mind harm and pancreatitis.
While not too known, lung harm is likewise an unfavourable impact of liquor addiction. This is likely identified with consumption of glutathione levels in the lungs.
The little aviation routes of the lungs require Glutathione to work effectively. Healthy lungs have up to multiple times more Glutathione than different pieces of the body.
Consumption of Glutathione in the lungs of heavy drinkers is probably because of oxidative pressure brought about by interminable liquor use.
Research has distinguished an 80–90% decline in lung glutathione levels in the individuals who routinely expend over the top measures of liquor.
Along these lines, constraining your liquor admission may enable you to keep up sound glutathione levels.
The Dosage
As per few research studies the safe limits to take Glutathione Supplement orally is 1-2 gm/day for its skin lightening effect. The best way to take glutathione is 500 mg per day in 2 divided doses in a day .

But it is always advisable to check with the dosage you require healthcare professional. Since it is a health supplement you can take without recommending doctor if you do not have any medical problems.
Drug Interaction
Glutathione supplements have no known extreme reactions when contacted with drugs. Having that said, there is a mild scope of reaction with some of the drugs which is not known to be harmful. In any case, consult your nutritionist or physician if you are consuming the supplement with medical drugs.
Glutathione is a significant antioxidant that is essentially made by the body, but on the other hand is found in dietary sources too.
Many factors affect the depletion of this antioxidant like aging,sedentary lifestyle or poor diet. Fortunately, you can keep up proper glutathione levels by increasing your physical activities, staying away from drinking an excessive amount of liquor, getting enough sleep and eating a balanced diet.
Indeed a great article with immense knowledge. Excellent work done. Mam, I have Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D deficiency. Can you suggest a combination of B12, D, Glutathione and Selenium Supplements for proper absorption of nutrients and overall well being. I am aged 62. Thanks.
Hello Anil, thank you so much for your kind gesture, I am really sorry but we have not yet launch any supplement with the combination you asking.