Aloe Vera is often used in conventional Indian medicine for skin diseases, constipation, worm infestation, a natural remedy for colic, and infections and also recommended often in Chinese medicine for treating fungal diseases and then used widely in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries in the Western world.
As a matter of fact, manufacturing aloe vera extracts is one of the world’s best and largest botanical industries.
Aloe Vera Nutrition Facts

Aloe vera, belonging to the Liliaceae family with the botanical name Aloe barbadensis miller, is one among the 420 species more or less of the genus Aloe. It’s a xerophytic, perennial, succulent plant that’s green and has fleshy, triangular leaves with saw toothed edges.
The geographic roots of aloe vera is presumed to be in Sudan, and later in the Mediterranean region and most other warm areas of the world it was introduced, including India, Asia, Europe, Africa, and America.
Aloe gel – found in the inner part of the aloe plant leaf is a jelly-like, clear substance. Aloe latex comes from just under the skin of the Aloe vera plant and is yellow in color. Some aloe products contain both gel and latex, as they are made from the whole crushed leaf.
Astonishingly, 75 plus potentially active components including vitamins, minerals, saccharides, amino acids, anthraquinones, enzymes, lignin, saponins and salicylic acids have been identified in the most biologically active plant of Aloe vera providing 20 of the 22 human-required amino acids and eight of the eight essential amino acids.
Here’s an easy explanation of aloe Vera’s active components which contains many minerals and vitamins vital for all the body’s systems to properly grow and function:
- Aloe Vera has A, C, and E antioxidant vitamins – plus vitamin B12, choline, and folic acid.
- Minerals like copper, calcium, chromium, selenium, manganese, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and sodium are available in aloe vera.
- It supplies 12 anthraquinones — or compounds called laxatives. Among these are emodin and aloin, which act as antibacterials, antivirals, and analgesics.
- Four fatty acids providing anti-inflammatory results are all present including campesterol, beta-sitosterol, lupeol, and cholesterol.
- The hormones called auxins and gibberellins are present; they have anti-inflammatory properties and helps healing wounds.
- Aloe vera provides sugars, namely, glucose and fructose in the form of monosaccharides and polysaccharides.
Proven Aloe Vera Benefits
Soothes Rashes And Skin Irritations

Aloe vera has amazing anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal qualities that work wonders for the skin. Regular application of aloe vera promotes healing and reduces the redness of the rash.
You can also apply aloe vera in the form of lotion or cream and apply it on the affected area directly. Repeat this thrice a day to get rid of your skin allergies completely.
Soothes Dry Skin
You probably can’t afford to go to a party in winter with dry, coarse skin. Turn to Aloe Vera to get rid of dry skin. Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera-based products are used by many in winter as well as in summer.
Moreover, Aloe Vera suits people of all skin types. In order to soothe dry skin. You can also choose aloe vera in the form of gel. Anti-inflammatory properties present in aloe vera lotion or gel helps in soothing your dry skin.Apply it and leave it. This simple ‘cream’ works as an easy solution to get rid of dry skin.
Makes Acne Disappear
Acne is an embarrassing problem for men and women alike. Since they begin to appear in teenage, people want to get rid of acne as quickly as possible. Aloe Vera also has the potential to make acne disappear.
You need to take some Aloe Vera gel, or you can use aloe vera in the form of lotion and apply on the affected area and you will notice that acne and its mark will slowly start disappearing, Aloe Vera has few healing properties that you are certainly not aware which gives you smooth and clear skin, devoid of acne.
Vitamin E that is found in aloe Vera is very essential as it has the capability to sip into deep skin to assist in the healing of pitted acne scars.
Wrinkle Repair

With age comes deteriorating skin, which means wrinkles. Sometimes, wrinkles can begin to appear much earlier than you’d actually expect them to. Some drops of coconut oil mixed with the essential Aloe Vera gel is a wonderful remedy to get rid of those wrinkles.
The Aloe Vera gel penetrates the skin at much faster rate than water, and its super emollient properties moisturizes the skin so that your skin is untouched by those fine lines.
Generally aloe vera gel contains vitamin E that can enhance the conditioning effect of your skin. Vitamin E is an antioxidant used for wrinkle repair and gives few anti-ageing properties for skin.
Unlike other natural products, it is able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and provide all the nutrients and vitamins needed to prevent dryness and premature wrinkle formation.
In addition, its antioxidant components combats the actions of free radicals which are responsible for much of the skin’s ageing. Not only that, aloe vera is also perfect to stimulate and increase the production of collagen and elastin in the dermis, which is essential to maintain a young, healthy and radiant complexion.
A Glowing Complexion

Want to sport a glowing complexion? Aloe Vera plant has a simple solution. Its natural gel removes dark patches and gives you brighter and glistening skin. You can use it in form of a face wash or even a scrub.
This plant contains some essential minerals and vitamins. It supplies oxygen to your cells and in turn softens your skin.Aloe vera can help in whitening the skin and evening out the skin tone.
Many people in the world can use this plant to have a fairer skin without the use of expensive skincare products.
Aloe vera is good for dealing with some skin problems and it is also good for skin lightening. Addition to this, the amino acids found in aloe vera can help rebuild the collagen and elastin of the skin. Therefore, you should consider using aloe vera to soothe and glowing skin.
Stretch Marks Remover

Aloe Vera is also a wonderful home remedy when it comes to stretch marks. It pampers your skin and helps restore the softness and sheen which your skin deserves.
Stretch marks looks really ugly on the skin. It is quite difficult to get rid of stretch marks completely, but benefits of aloe vera can help to minimize their appearance. Other Benefits of Aloe Vera is that it has amazing moisturizing properties and it also helps to restore the skin’s elasticity and repair the damage.
The natural ingredients present in aloe vera not only prevents stretch marks but also eliminates them naturally. The vital enzymes, minerals, vitamins and fatty acids present will help in the faster healing of stretch marks. Its plant collagen content will improve the skin’s elasticity.
When applied in the initial stages, the marks can fade away completely. In case you have had stretch marks on your skin for a while, this will help fade them sooner than you can imagine. This plant is your skin’s best friend!
Cures Pigmentation

Skin pigmentation can often pose as a serious problem; you tend to hesitate to attend public gatherings with pigmented skin. Your friend Aloe Vera will however come to assist you. Aloe Vera gel reduces dark spots, dry flaky skin and freckles, and brings a healthy glow to your face. Now you need not miss out on those parties any more.
This seemingly magical plant contains all kinds of anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and other natural properties that make it perfect for treating most skin problems.
It works on hyperpigmentation by encouraging the skin to regenerate new skin cells. As the new skin cells form, the old ones are sloughed off, leaving a fresh & new area, free of unsightly dark spots.
Additionally, it also adds moisturizing and cleansing properties that leave the skin look fresh and rejuvenated.
A safe, gentle and effective method of treating hyperpigmentation, however, is Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is a species of plant that has been used for thousands of years to treat both skin conditions and other health issues.
It is grown in North America and its history as a medicinal treatment has been traced back as far as 6,000 years.
The pure gel from inside the stem can be used directly on the skin to instill its healing properties, but has recently been extracted and bottled for sale by natural cosmetics and medical companies.
Smooth, Glowing Lips
With Aloe Vera in your backyard, you need not go to the local store to buy lip balms anymore. Aloe Vera gel can be used to prepare a very simple lip balm at home.
For this you will need to use aloe vera in the form of gel. Vitamin E present in aloe vera gel helps in smoothing your lips and prevent cracking.
You can cure your lips simply with a small house hold application. This will also cure dry and chapped lips more effectively than branded lip balms.
Heals Skin Diseases

Aloe Vera possesses anti-allergic properties, which can be used to treat different skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis, itchy skin and so on.
hey also work well in curing blisters, insect bites and other allergic reactions on your skin. Aloe Vera face packs have always been helpful for those who possess sensitive skin.
Reduces Inflammation

Aloe Vera also has anti-inflammatory properties which make it the ideal solution to soothe the inflammation caused due to abrasions, sunburns, razor burns, radiation burns, wounds and cuts.
Promotes Hair Growth

Aloe Vera not only helps your skin, but it also has several benefits for your hair. Application of Aloe Vera topically can work very well in stimulating hair growth. You can also choose to mix the Aloe Vera gel with castor oil.
This essentially removes the dead cells from your scalp, which in turns stimulates hair growth.
As you know that, Aloe Vera is indeed as a versatile natural plant which possesses many more benefits than one can sum up. Thus, you can now make Aloe Vera your daily companion in order to have healthy skin.
You really don’t need to always resort to expensive and branded products when nature provides such wonderful alternatives that are completely free of cost or can be bought at a very reasonable amount.
So get hold of an Aloe Vera plant immediately and make it a part of your garden. Stay healthy, stay fresh!