If you wish to live a long healthy life, you must ensure eating those food items that can keep you from getting sick. A nutritious diet can help you to maintain the strength of your bones and muscles. Adding to this, organic food is reasonable and free from chemicals. Such food do not harm or affect the lungs or heart or a person, rather improves the heartbeat, pulse rate and blood flow in a human body.
Given below is a list of reasons to choose organic foods.
High In Nutrients
Compared to traditional food, organic food is higher in nutrients. This means that organic fruits and vegetables consist of high amount of vitamins, proteins, and minerals and can supply the same in your body to help you maintain overall health.
Free From Neurotoxins
Organic food is free of neurotoxins, chemicals that can damage brain and nerve cells. Children’s brain and bodies are more susceptible to harmful toxins. By choosing organic food, you will be able to keep your kids safe from the adverse effects of neurotoxins.
They Are Original Food
All genetically engineered seeds are capable of producing their own pesticides. Since farmers do not have to sprinkle pesticides over these seeds to kill pests, they are absolutely free of harmful chemicals. Thus, consuming organic food is safe.
They Reduce Pollution In Water

Since traditional farming includes sprinkling pesticides and insecticides over food plants to kill pests and insects surrounding the plant, harmful chemicals from these medicines seep into the underground water and pollute it. The environment protectors state that since organic food is not grown in this manner, you must choose them over traditional food to save water from being polluted.
They Are Earth Supportive
Traditional food growing process involves the use of fertilizers and herbicides that deplete the soil. Organic food production, on the other hand, does not require use of fertilizers or any other chemicals that can disrupt the earth. By choosing organic food, you will encourage its production and this in turn will save the earth from getting contaminated.
Safe To Consume During Pregnancy
Since organic food is not grown under the supervision of harmful pesticides, they are chemical free. Consuming organic fruits and vegetables will encourage safe formation of the fetus within you. Alongside this, organic leafy vegetables relieve women of constipation and motion sickness during pregnancy.
Help Independent Farmers
Organic food production is only performed by independent farmers on small-scale organic farms. To help these farmers earn a profitable livelihood, you must go organic.
Better Taste
Organic fruits and vegetables taste better than traditionally grown crops. This is because while creating these seeds, genetic engineers ensure preserving the original taste of the seeds in them. Artificial germination of seeds is likely to destroy the flavor of the crops. However, organic seeds do not require injections to germinate. Thus, since organic seeds are kept away from injections and medicines, they can retain their flavor and taste without any difficulty.
Organic Food Supports Wildlife
Since traditional food contain pesticides, feeding wild animals with the same can cause various health issues in them. However, since organic food is grown without being exposed to harmful chemicals, feeding animals with the same will help them to remain healthy for long.
Organic Plants Reduce Cancer Risk
Most of you might think why organic food is better than traditional food? Environmental protectors have estimated that approximately sixty percent of herbicides and thirty percent of insecticides are present in traditional food, and this is enough to cause symptoms of cancer in people. However, since organic vegetables and fruits are grown without coming in contact with any harmful chemical, they are capable of retaining their nutrients which, if consumed, can fight cancerous cells in your body and reduce cancer risk.
Organic Foods Are Tested
To save people from getting sick, genetic engineers ensure taking samples of organic plants, after they are grown, and test them to check whether they are safe to consume. It is only when a food passes this test; it is allowed to be sold in the market.
Now that you have understood the importance of organic food, you must ensure buying and consuming it on a regular basis.