Mono is otherwise called as the kissing disease as it spreads by contact with bodily fluids, and especially saliva. The symptoms of Mononucleosis are most common in teens as well as young adults. However, the symptoms in children are usually too mild to notice, and typically the older adults have been immune to the virus.
However, when you have active mono, you will know something is wrong. Most common symptom of this condition is extreme fatigue which can last for even weeks. Fortunately, the natural treatments like anti-inflammatory foods, antiviral herbs, as well as essential oils can help you to get through the discomfort caused by the condition.
What Is Mononucleosis?
Mononucleosis is a viral infection which causes high fever, extreme fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes. Usually, the symptoms will appear four to six weeks post the infection. This incubation period might be shorter in young kids. The common symptoms include:
- Sore throat
- Extreme fatigue
- Fever
- Headache
- Swollen lymph glands in the neck and armpits
- Body aches
- Swollen tonsils, liver or spleen
- Rash
Also, the disease can lead to complications such as enlargement of the spleen, liver problems such as jaundice and hepatitis, anemia and swollen tonsils which can make a person’s breathing difficult.
Here are the top home remedies that you ought to try
Coconut Oil
It has medium-chain fatty acids which make it a highly effective antiviral agent. Coconut oil is effective against influenza and mono, as well as beneficial for those who have herpes, measles, and hepatitis C.
The array of vitamins, as well as other nutrients in the oil, will help restore your immune function as well as improve overall health.
How To Use?
In order to treat the infection, consume a daily dose of extra-virgin coconut oil by mouth. Also, depending on your tolerance level, you can intake 1 to 3 tablespoons every day until the infection subsides.
Also, to prevent the infections, you can add coconut oil to your everyday cooking.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is yet another effective treatment. Being rich in antiviral properties, this helps to kill the virus responsible for mono.
In addition to that, Apple cider vinegar is rich in minerals and vitamins which give a boost to your immune system, that helps speed up your recovery.
How To Use?
Mix a tablespoon of unfiltered, raw apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water. Then add a little raw honey and stir it completely. Drink it twice every day in order to help fight the infection.
Alternatively, mix one to three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water. Gargle this with solution multiple times a day as needed to relieve your sore throat.
Garlic contains allicin that is a compound that has amazing antiviral properties. Allicin aids kill the virus responsible for Mononucleosis.
Also, garlic has vitamin C, that stimulates the production of interferon, which is a natural virus-fighting substance. Additionally, the vitamin B6, manganese, and selenium present in garlic aid overall health.
How To Use?
Everyday ensure consuming 2 to 3 raw cloves of garlic on an empty stomach.
Add crushed garlic to your dishes but avoid cooking garlic too much. Extensive cooking can destroy the active compounds present in garlic.
Consult your healthcare professional to take garlic supplements if you are not a fan of raw garlic.
Undoubtedly, getting plenty of rest is one of the best ways to treat mononucleosis. This condition can completely wipe you out and it also makes you feel exhausted, although if you are sleeping properly at night.
Don’t push your body through the viral fatigue in order to work, because it can make you weaker as well as delay your recovery. Get a lot of sleep and rest until your fatigue subsides and the energy returns.
If you are feeling tired, listen to your body and give it a chance to heal by itself. It is best to avoid exercise, sports, as well as other physical activities for a month post the infection starts. In addition to that, moving around too much increases the risk of rupturing your spleen if it has become enlarged.
Vitamin B
B vitamins can help boost energy, fight fatigue, improve mood as well as boost cognitive function. Consume a B vitamin complex supplement or wise eat vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 foods such as wild salmon, raw milk, raw cheese, sweet potatoes and so on!
You ought to seek medical attention if your tonsils have become so swollen. Or another case, if you are having trouble swallowing or breathing. If you’ve any severe pain in the upper left part of your abdomen, then there is a possibility that you may have ruptured an enlarged spleen. So immediate medical attention is required to treat that. This is most likely to happen as a blow to the abdomen and it is rare under normal circumstances.