“Addiction” is defined as a
mental disease that causes individuals to feel obsessed with something. They have cravings for that particular thing and they are unable to control their desire when it comes to them. When they compulsively partake of the substance or behavior that they are addicted to, certain chemicals, including endorphins, are released in the brain, making them feel “high.” They chase that high and seek it out no matter what negative consequences it has for them. Addiction also profoundly affects their behavior and thinking. Ultimately it affects every aspect of their lives including you, their loved one.
Different Types of Addiction
When men and women think of “addiction,” they usually think about addiction to drug and alcohol, but just about anything can be contemplated addiction when it reaches point of an unhealthy fixation. Here we have listed below some different types of addictions that men and women can have.
- Some People are addicted to substances that are considered drugs. Drugs include things like benzodiazepines (Xanax), opiates (heroin, painkillers), nicotine (cigarettes), alcohol, and caffeine.
- Individuals who are addicted to food tend to overeat or eat in binges, and they are unable to control their eating.
- Men and women enjoy the thrill they get from gambling and risks that come with it. Gambling is a type of impulse-control disorder.
- Individuals who are addicted to exercise are seeking out rush of adrenaline and endorphins they feel from working out. Excessive exercise can even lead to physical problems.
- The term “workaholic” refers to a disorder. It’s possible to be addicted to working, no matter what type of work it is.
Ways to Relieve Drug Addiction
Have you ever thought how to get rid of addiction? Here are two natural ways to fight drug addiction that can be used both in and out of formal rehab.
Treat your mind right
The brain is where we say mind’s thoughts come from, but your thoughts and your mind, are your choice. There are natural ways to care for the mind that guides your thoughts and subsequent behaviors and overall attitude. Making good choices, every day can steer your brain away from toxic and negative thoughts that can lead to drug abuse in the first place.
Treat your body right
Physical exercise is a necessity. Finding an activity, one enjoys doing will make the act of working out much more appealing. Do you like to jog, walk or run? Do you like to swim? Whatever you like to do, make an effort to add it to your schedule various times a week. If you spent years abusing drugs, the body has been weakened. Adding physical activity back to a routine may seem uncomfortable at first, but, in the long run, you are ensuring health, happiness, and a higher likelihood of sustained recovery.
Ways to Relieve Alcohol Addiction
People who are trying to overcome alcoholism can choose alternate or supportive treatments to boost chances for success in overcoming alcoholism.
Alcohol addiction treatment should include meditation. The decision to quit drinking requires self-control and mental discipline. Drinking can serve as a stress relief source and coping mechanism for many individuals. Certain individuals may choose meditation as the means to replace drinking with a more
effective stress relief method.

Meditation requires taking a few moments to maintain the focus. Many people may choose to repeat or chant a positive thought in the minds. Examples could include “ I will positively commit to living a healthier lifestyle”.
Yoga is a gentle exercise designed to help individuals get in tune with their bodies. Because alcoholism can make men and women feel out of control, yoga can help. The practice involves careful, gentle breathing and slow, gentle movements to stretch and tone the body.

Yoga immensely helps people make a mind-body connection. The exercise provides stress relief that can enhance the sense of
well-being in a person with alcoholism. Yoga can teach men and women to use their bodies in a healthy way.
Different kinds of yoga exist. Gyms, community centers, and yoga studios offer classes. Instructional DVDs are available to help beginners learn yoga positions. Above are some of the ways how to get rid of addiction.
Ways to Relieve Smoking Addiction
These are a few remedies you can take advantage of in your effort quit smoking. Remember, a strong mental constitution along with these natural remedies will help almost anyone break the habit. Most importantly, believe in yourself! So that you can get rid of addiction.
Oats are a heart-healthy food that is rich in
omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, folate, and potassium. Eating oats can help lower the levels of bad cholesterol and keep the arteries clear, that help to lower the risk of heart disease.

They also retain chemicals called avenanthramides that can decrease stress, strengthen the nervous system, combat high blood pressure and fight free radicals. All of these heart benefits can be crucial for the smokers who are at a higher risk for heart disease.
Oats can directly help smokers quit. The extract derived from green oats can ease withdrawal signs and help to decrease cigarette cravings.
Herbal Cigarettes
Herbal cigarettes can replace regular
cigarettes and immensely help break the addiction. The smokers become used to reaching for a cigarette in certain situations and at specific times during the day. Many times a cigarette is about familiarity or comfort more than nicotine. Herbal cigarettes retain fewer carcinogens and chemicals compared to regular cigarettes.

The most important benefit of herbal cigarette is that it is not at all addictive. These cigarettes retain zero nicotine. They are mainly made with herbs like cinnamon, mint, cornsilk, clover, lemongrass or licorice. They also have some carcinogens so they should only be used as a short-term aid to break the nicotine habit and not long-term.
Best Way to Beat Food Addiction
Food addiction affects a large number of people and manufacturers actually design food products so that they are as addicting as possible.
Know Your Enemy
Make a list all of the False Fix foods that you know will surely lead you to feel out of control and overeat. As you prepare to detox, look around you and inventory the persons, things, and places that promote your food addiction. This is not just about switching up False Fix foods for Healthy Fixes. It is also about examining your entire lifestyle so you can make healthier; new choices to support your recovery. You are not going to rapidly change everything overnight, so you need to commence with small but effective steps to ensure sustainable, long-term success.
Apply these natural, easy remedies to get rid of addiction you are facing and enjoy a healthy happy life forever.
Thank you so much for this wonderful article
Thank you for this post. This will be really helpful. My father is addicted to alcohol, I had tried my best to convince him about the after effects of alcohol, but he is not able to stop drinking. Hence, I’m planning to seek help from an addiction treatment center in British Columbia for effective treatments including meditation and yoga. I hope your tips will help my father to get rid of his addiction.
Definitely Linda,your decision is very correct and above tips will also help him.I am happy to see that you have taken such an initiative ,My best wishes are always there with you.
Well presented!
Best Wishes.
Thanks a lot kunal