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What Are The Benefits Of Fish Oil Supplements?

What Are The Benefits Of Fish Oil Supplements?

Traditionally the way to reap the benefits of fish oil is to included fish like tuna, salmon or other seafood to your diet, apart from foods, fish oil supplements are also a good option. With the modern way of life with everyone on the run, our working on the road, with hectic lifestyles or just the new “dietary” way, we should look at how we can get the benefits of fish Oil, based on our lifestyle.

With all modern diets or most of them, some say “when” you should eat red meats, fish or whatever. But none tell you when to take fish oil or how much (this one should be based on your age and activity level). Fish oil supplements, as opposed to the oil absorbed just by eating fish itself, contains parts of many different types of fish which provides the best of the best in terms of vitamins and Omega-3s. So, what are the benefits of Fish Oil? Here below are few of the benefits of fish oil.


Are you a lover of seafood? Do you love to gorge on all varieties of fish? Well, then you now have better reasons to crave more of those. Most of us can simply go crazy at the sight of yummy seafood served on a platter. Why not? It’s tasty as hell and surprisingly healthy. For many people consuming fish is a little troublesome. Hence, fish oil supplements are introduced. It is easy to have and even easier to store. And the best part, it gives you all the benefits similar to that of fish.

What is fish oil?

Fish Oil comes from the source of sardine fish. It has an intense place of omega-3 fats, in other words, n-3 fatty acids or ω-3 fatty acids. In order to get more scientific, generally omega-3 fatty acids are PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids). Our body can make most of the fats we need, but that is not true in the case of omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for a number of functions in the body by including two types of fatty acids.

In an ideal world, we would get all the omega-3s we need from our diet – but most people today get their daily requirements from supplements in the form of capsules or liquids.

Types of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

The long chain omega-3s come from marine sources such as fish, or more specifically from the microalgae which the fish eats. The long chain omega-3 fatty acids are also found in clams, crab, lobster and ship. The two primary types of long-chain omega-3s are:

EPA and DHA stand for eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid respectively. These fatty acids are omega-3 fats, generally that are found in cold water fish. EPA DHA are highly unsaturated fats because they contain six and five double bonds on their long structural chains. These polyunsaturated fats plays an essential role with the function of our bodies.

EPA and DHA have numerous roles in the body and are primarily responsible for the health benefits on fish oil consumption.

What Makes Fish Oil Healthy?

While ‘fat’ may be a bad word these days, it is safe to say not all ‘fats’ are bad for us. Fish oil is one such example. The rich presence of Omega-3 fatty acids is what makes fish oil healthy. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids that the human body is unable to produce on its own. The two main omega-3 fatty acids are Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).

But Why is Omega-3 Such a Necessity?

The human body cannot make Omega-3 fatty acid; we have to depend on external sources of this essential fatty acid either through our diet or through dietary supplements. Research suggests that Omega-3 helps the body produce chemicals that, in turn, help control inflammation in the body. The anti-inflammatory property of Omega-3 is what’s further linked to the many health benefits of fish oil.

What’s So Good About Long-chain Omega-3s?

While all omega-3s are good for our health, the long-chain variety found in fish have been found to be more efficiently converted by our bodies than the shorter-chain varieties, like Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which is found in canola and linseed (or flaxseed) oils, soybeans and green vegetables.

Evidence has shown that populations that consume larger amounts of cold-water fish have a lower incidence of heart disease, cancer and many other chronic diseases.

Are You Getting Enough Omega-3?

The first thing to know is that our bodies cannot manufacture omega-3 fatty acids so we must get them through food or supplements. The other point to remember is that these are vital for our good health.

You need to eat at least two meals featuring oily fish a week to get this much and research has shown that more than 75 percent of us are not eating anywhere near that.

Sources of Fish Oil

Fish oil can be found both in dietary and supplement form. Some fish have higher amounts of beneficial oils. These fish include mackerel, tuna, salmon, anchovy, sardines, herring and trout. They should be baked or broiled for maximum health effects. Fish oil can also be taken in liquid or capsule form, which occasionally contain other vitamins. Always consult a doctor before starting a new vitamin regimen, as fish oil may in some cases interact with medications or pre-existing health conditions.

Fish oil is consumed in foods or taken as a supplement to prevent or treat a wide range of conditions. Its nutrients also produce a number of cosmetic effects. Fish oil, and particularly the healthful fatty acids found within it, can improve some skin conditions, protect against the sun’s damaging rays and even boost hair quality. Some potential benefits of these fatty acids remain yet unproven in humans, despite showing promise in recent animal testing.

When it comes to health and wellbeing supplements, nothing else comes close to fish oil. There are so many reasons why this fish oil supplement should be part of your regular diet.

Here are few benefits of fish oil

For Healthy Heart

Fish oil contains some of the most beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for every diet and can help to support healthy blood cholesterol. Taking 3 to 6 grams of fish oil in supplements daily, in addition to your normal diet, can promote good HDL to LDL cholesterol ratios and reduce your risk of heart disease.

For Healthy Bones

As we age, our bones start to lose density and become thinner, and this puts many people at risk of medical conditions such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Taking omega-3 fish oil can support healthy bones and significantly reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis by up to 50 per cent. Taking regular fish oil supplements can also reduce joint pains and inflammation.

For Healthy Skin

It’s been known for a long time that fish oil benefits the skin, but we’re still learning just how beneficial it really is. Whether it’s treating skin conditions such as acne, eczema or psoriasis, alleviating itching and rashes or moisturising dry skin, fish oil supplements can be one of the most important parts of your skin care regime.

For Healthy Mind

Thanks to medical advances, people are now living longer than ever, but this also means that more people are at risk of problems related to memory and reasoning if their brains age more rapidly than other areas. If your diet is lacking in omega-3 generally loss of volume in key brain regions will occur, which can be significantly reduced by taking fish oil supplements and eating plenty of oily fish, such as salmon.

For Happy Hormones

Fish oil doesn’t just work wonders for your physical health – it can help you feel amazing too. Too much processed and unhealthy food in many modern diets can take a heavy toll on a person’s mood, preventing their bodies from getting the vital nutrients they need and often being linked to mood disorders such as anxiety, depression and stress. Taken as part of a balanced diet, fish oil supplements support production of serotonin in the body – commonly known as the ‘feel-good hormone’ – helping you to feel calm and relaxed.

Reduces Asthma

Asthma is a condition in which your airways narrow and get inflamed. It makes breathing difficult and triggers coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. While for some people asthma is a minor problem but for others it can be a major problem that interferes with daily activities and may lead to a life-threatening asthma attack. Since Omega-3 helps with inflammation of the airways, experts believe a diet rich in this essential acid could be beneficial to patients of Asthma.

Reduces Depression and Anxiety

Omega-3 are lower in the bloodstreams of those suffering from depression. It is therefore suggested, for those suffering from depression, to increase their intake of Omega-3 fatty acid. While more research is underway in this area, initial results suggest that Omega-3 helps improve the effectiveness of some anti-depressants as well.

Improves Your Vision

Fish oil is known for improving eye vision also it helps in avoiding age-related muscular degeneration. Omega-3 fatty acids make the tiny blood vessels of the eyes stronger and healthier. Consuming fish oil daily is also known to help those suffering from dry eyes.

Good for Hair Care

Since all know that omega-3 has anti-inflammatory properties, fish oil helps in opening up the hair follicles and promoting hair growth, thereby making up for daily hair loss. Also, since Omega-3 is a healthy fat, it prevents dry and flaky scalp.

For Diabetes

The disease diabetes, whether Type 1 or Type 2, has on the body has long been documented and there is has been an increase in prevalence in recent years. With insulin pumps, blood tests and a strict diet usually the norm for a diabetes sufferer, it’s a diagnosis that changes a whole life. But, with the help of those handy little omega-3 fatty acids, taking fish oil supplements can act as an aid in diabetes management. The idea is that diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids could help suffering diabetics by decreasing insulin resistance in the body.

Reduces cramps and menstrual pain

It contains EPA that can reduce cramps and menstrual pain by blocking the D5D enzyme and by promoting the anti-inflammatory PGE3 prostaglandins. Fish oil in the form of free fatty acids combined with these omega 3, EPA and DHA that are effective in reducing menstrual pain and abdominal discomfort.

For Cancer

Fish oil is rich source of DHA with in the combination of EPA that makes the cell membrane stronger and more resistant. This even increases the cell’s ability to function properly and prevent the onset of cellular changes and cancer, also helps to prevent cancer by inhibiting inflammation that is involved in several cancer forms. Fish oil also stops breast cancer and prostate cancer cells from spreading because of EPA and DHA.

For Your Immune System

Helping the immune system is somewhat akin to getting health insurance. Most people don’t see the need to boost the immune system until they’ve got the cold that’s going around, nor do they think about getting their five serving of fruit and vegetables, for example, until it’s too late. But, ensuring the immune system is performing at its best goes without saying as one of the best tickets you can have for your health. With its inflammation-reducing capabilities, fish oil supplements has the potential to ward off many illnesses before they even begin.

Above are few benefits of using fish oil in your daily life. Apart from these, there are few more advantages of using fish oil.

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