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What should you know about Lyme disease?

What should you know about Lyme disease?

Know about Lyme disease

Lyme disease is a bacterial illness which is spread by tick bites. Lyme disease is caused by bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi, that is transmitted to humans through a bite from an infected black-legged or deer tick. The chances you might get Lyme disease from a tick bite which will depend on the kind of tick, where you were when the bite occurred, and how long the tick was attached to you.


Early signs and symptoms

Later signs and symptoms


Lyme disease is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia mayonii bacteria, which is carried primarily by black-legged or deer ticks. The ticks are generally brown and, when young, often no bigger than a poppy seed, which can make them nearly impossible to the exact spot.

To contract Lyme disease, an infected deer tick generally bites you. The bacteria which enters into your skin through the bite and eventually make their way into your bloodstream. In most of the cases, to transmit this Lyme disease, a deer tick must be attached for 36 to 48 hours. If you find an attached tick looks swollen, it may have fed long enough to transmit those bacteria.

Home remedies for Lyme disease

Antimicrobial Herbs

Extensive research has been done on the role of various herbs in battling with these microbial infections and bacteria which can harm your bodies. The Lyme disease will have a direct connection between oregano, samento, guaiacum, and clove because they have an anti-spirochete capacity, which means that they directly inhibit the spread of few specific types of bacteria of which the Borrelia genus is a part. By using these herbs in either salves on the site of the bite or including those into your diet can naturally heal your body from infection.

Reduce Inflammation

One of the major symptoms of this Lyme disease is inflammation, both at the point of the bite as well as throughout the body as the infection spreads. One way to allow the human body to rest and muster a defense against this disease, without resorting to antibiotics is to reduce the inflammation. From long ago mushrooms have been used to reduce an inflammation and reducing dairy and gluten-based products from the diet can also lower general inflammation throughout your system. Protein-rich and few lean foods like fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and fish oil should be consumed to keep your body packed with nutrients, but avoiding any inflammatory materials.

Detoxification Preparation

As the bacteria are killed off by the human body, they release certain neurotoxins that can be very dangerous to your body and can make you ill or weaken your immune system enough to let this Lyme disease have the resurgence. Therefore, be sure to eat a high-fiber diet and drink at least 2 Litres of water per day so you can flush out these toxins and eliminate them from the body before they can do any damage.

Get Some Sleep

Sleep patterns are generally disrupted by this Lyme disease, and it will unbalance your metabolism and circadian rhythms, upset your neurotransmitter hormones, and also weaken your immune system. Try the valerian root and also passionflower, which is both known to induce sleep and eliminate insomnia.

Immune System Booster


The Lyme disease attacks the human body and compromises the immune system, so you need to give it a well-needed boost to eliminate the bacterial infection. Consume plenty of vitamin C, but research has pointed directly to the use of astragalus, olive leaf, and also elderberry to provide an immediate boost to your immune system so it can eliminate that bacteria directly.

While this Lyme disease and infections can be treated with these natural home remedies and a healthy diet that strengthens the immune system, if the Lyme disease is completely untreated for some time, or if the symptoms begin to become worse rapidly, immediately go and consult a doctor. The more serious symptoms which occur when the disease is left untreated can be quite severe and will have a long-lasting impact, despite the fact is that death from this Lyme disease is extremely very rare.


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