Endometriosis is a peculiar condition that affects many women within the age group of 25 and 40 years. It causes painful periods, infertility, and continuous pain in the pelvic region. The symptoms can range from severe to mild in different women. In such cases, the endometrium tissues which should be present inside the womb are found outside the uterus. Usually, these are trapped between the lower abdomen and the pelvic area rather than in other parts of the body. These growths can be found on the ovaries, lining of the pelvic cavity, the fallopian tubes, and outer parts of the uterus. Other places, where they are found, include the cervix, vagina, and bladder.
Who Should Be Worried About Endometriosis?

Women suffer from the condition during the reproductive age, but the extent is unknown since the condition does not always manifest symptoms at all. According to estimates around 3 to 18 percent women are said to suffer from this situation. Young girls in their early teens are also sometimes diagnosed with the condition. But it happens rarely among women in the postmenopausal period. According to doctors skinny and tall women with a low Body Mass Index or BMI are more likely to get affected. Also those who have faced menstruation too early or late in their lives, had late pregnancies or have never had children can be affected.
Reasons for Endometriosis:

Doctors are not too sure about the
reasons of endometriosis, but there are various theories. Sometimes the pelvic organs have primitive cells which are unable to grow into proper tissues, these may cause the condition. The process is known as coelomic metaplasia. Direct transfer of the tissue during a surgery, for instance in a C-section, may also give rise to endometriosis. There is another theory which says that the endometrial tissue may get deposited in unlikely places like the fallopian tube, abdominal cavity and pelvic by the backup of the menstrual flow. It is known as retrograde menstruation. There is, however, much debate over whether the reason is enough or not because it has been found that many women suffering from retrograde menstruation have not suffered from endometriosis. Experts feel that immunological, hormonal and genetic factors may also be responsible.
Symptoms of the health condition:
In most cases, there are no symptoms at all. The common ones include pelvic pain which starts prior to menstruation and eases after it is over. Sexual intercourse also becomes painful because of it and you can experience cramps while doing it. Those suffering from endometriosis also experience cramping during urination and bowel movement. Infertility is another prime indication, but you will not be able to know it without proper diagnosis by a doctor. The soreness increases with time and varies from woman to woman. Deeper implants mean greater pain. The implants produce substances that move in the blood and cause the pain. A lot of soreness does not mean the endometriosis has spread far in the body.
Creates physical distortions:
Endometriosis is considered one of the main reasons for
female infertility because endometrial tissues have been found on testing the patients even though they were not suffering from it. This could be due to the anatomical distortions that the disease brings with it. Sometimes the fallopian tube gets distorted which affects the transport of the eggs from the ovaries. Hormone production is also affected by endometriosis and hence the process of fertilization or implantation of the embryo. Other symptoms include chronic pain in the lower back and abdomen along with tiredness, irregular bleeding, and pain in urination. It has also been diagnosed that women suffering from endometriosis have a higher risk of getting ovarian cancer.
Consult a health physician:
- Recognizing the symptoms of endometriosis is important for knowing when to consult a doctor and start medication. Some of the alarming signals include:
- Painful periods
- Agonizing sexual intercourse
- Massive pain which interferes with the daily activities
- Blood in urine and stool
- Inability to conceive even after trying for a year
The presence of any or all of the above symptoms is a clear indication that you need professional medical help. But before heading straight for one it is advisable to wait and watch for a while. Sometimes a bit of home treatment cures the aches and pains and there is no need for a professional. But if you have decided that it needs specialized help then you can try medicine physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, internists or even gynecologists. If infertility is the main problem then a surgeon or a reproductive endocrinologist can be of help. Apart from medicines, laparoscopic surgery is also opted for by most gynecologists if the tests confirm that the patient is suffering from endometriosis.
Keyhole surgery process

Laparoscopic surgery also known as keyhole surgery is one of the best methods of confirming the condition and
treatment in case of infertility. Usually done under local anesthesia it is used treat a large area of growth so that the patient can avail maximum treatment through one operation alone. It saves precious time for the suffering. For mild conditions painkillers and home, treatments work fine. But if the situation is serious then there is no other option than surgery. Other methods of treatment include hormone treatment which controls the production of estrogen that is much needed by endometrial cells. The lack of the hormone causes the once growing outside to shrink and clear away. Various kinds of hormonal treatments are available and depend upon the condition of the patient.
An untreated endometriosis is supposed to become worse for those where the conditions have started showing symptoms. In three out of ten cases, it gets better without treatment at all. For the rest who have endometriosis without any symptom, the state remains unchanged. Large patches can make the situation complicated and cause blockage in bowel or bladder movement. Other than that it is best left to itself. If infertility is not an issue then in most cases the symptoms go away on their own and without any kind of treatment.