Imagine noticing a lump in your breast during one of the monthly self-examination process. Most doctors ask women to take necessary action as soon as a lump is detected in the breast. However, there is no need to panic as there are a plethora of treatments that are now available whether it is a benign or a painful lump. Whatever it may be, your doctor is the best person to decide the kind of treatment that you may need for treating lumps in breast. In short, most doctors find out the nature of the lump at first before going ahead with the treatment. consider the following breast lumps pictures
Benign and malignant breast lumps

When you notice a lump in breast, you have to press it hard to find out whether it is painful or benign. Usually, benign tumors grow in an uncontrolled manner but remain within their confined areas. On the other hand, malignant tumors that are cancerous in origin spread beyond their boundaries. As a matter of fact, these tumors also invade different body parts and organs. All tumors are not cancerous although some of them might be for which you have to conduct the necessary tests to determine and rule out the possibility of cancer. If you are between forty and fifty years of age, you must carefully examine the lump before it is too late. the doctor is showing the breast lumps pictures to a nurse
Breast cancer and lumps
For a lump in breast or you can call it as breast lumps is the risk of breast cancer does not usually reflect during the initial stage. In other words, a breast lump usually develops into cancer at a much later stage. How to exactly determine whether a tumor is cancerous or not? There is reason to worry when the size of the lump remains similar for a long time and does not show significant changes outside. Discharge from the nipple followed by a change in the size of the breast and or a burning or itching sensation in the region might indicate that you have breast cancer although you have to visit a doctor to find out the truth rather than hovering with ideas that are of little or no help.
Changes in the breast
Changes in the texture of the skin of the breast or a variation of the original skin color in the same region might mean that you have already developed cancer. It is important to note that malignant tumors are usually painless although all tumors without pain might not indicate that you have breast lumps which causes cancer. A hardened area under the skin of the breast is certainly a cause to worry as these marble-like structures are suggestive of breast cancer. Late childbirth and menopause followed by early onset of period and hormone replacement therapy are the major reasons for breast lump although most cancers can be treated successfully when detected in the early stage. See below the breast lump images
Early signs of breast cancer
While a change in the shape of your nipple indicates early sign of breast cancer, you have to find out other changes as well. For instance, the development of a new lump during a particular cycle that remains as such until the time of your next menstrual cycle or unexplained rash on the breast might be a reason to worry. A lump in the breast which is cancerous has a hard structure with irregular edges. Even a lump or a protruding structure on the collar bone or in the underarm area also indicates that you have cancer for which the doctor has to carry out the necessary tests. you can see some breast lump images on the internet to get a clear idea.
Pain and lumps in the breast
A tender feeling on the breast with a sharp pain is often a reason to worry and leave you wondering whether you have cancer or not but the truth is that breast cancer has little or no symptoms in the beginning. Although pain is always associated with something for which you have to worry, it is not the case with breast cancer. While a pain in the breast is the first noticeable symptom of breast cancer, you have to undergo physical examinations to rule out the possibility of cancer.
Thing to remember
Whether a painless lump in breast leaves you sweating because you often worry about having cancer, there might not be any reason to worry unless you have visited the doctor for carrying out the routine tests. However, a monthly self-examination followed by an annual checkup in the doctor’s chamber is the road to treatment and fitness in case of lumps in the breast.