A whole grain is described as a cereal grain that contains the endosperm, bran and germ in contrast to refined grains that contain mainly the endosperm. Whole grains or foods made from them such as oat meal contain all the necessary portions and naturally-occurring nutrients of the entire grain seed in their natural proportions. If the grains have been processed (e.g., crushed, cracked, extruded, rolled, and/or cooked), the food products must deliver the exact rich balance of nutrients that are naturally observed in the original whole grain seed.
Heath Benefits of Eating Whole Grains
Regular eating of whole grains provides many health benefits. Men and women who eat whole grains as part of the daily diet have a decreased risk of many chronic diseases. Grains provide various nutrients that are vital for the health and maintenance of the bodies.
- Whole grains contain a lot of fiber and fiber is one of the biggest reasons to eat whole grains. Adults need about 35 to 40 grams of fiber regularly, and whole grains retain two types –insoluble and soluble– which are both beneficial to the health.
- They help digestion. The fiber content keeps bowel movements regular and the presence of lactic acid in whole grains help promote “good bacteria” in the small intestines.
- They help lower the levels of high cholesterol. Whole grains not only help prevent the body from absorbing LDL (bad cholesterol), they can also lower triglycerides, both of which are main contributors to heart disease. In fact, whole grains reduce the risk of heart disease overall.
- They can help control weight. Men and women who eat a huge amount of whole grains on a daily basis are more likely to retain their weight in control and less likely to gain weight than those who regularly eat refined grains.
- They make you feel full. One way whole grains can help one control the weight is by making one feel fuller than refined grains like white bread or cookies.
- They help regulate blood sugar. One of the major health benefits of whole grains is that compared to the refined grains, they help keep the blood glucose from spiking, which can lower the risk of diabetes, among other things.
- They can reduce asthma risk. Regular eating of whole grains helps ward off asthma and other allergic conditions.
Most Beneficial Whole Grains for Weight Loss
According to nutritionists, men and women who follow a healthy weight loss program incorporating whole-grain cereals, breads, and other foods easily lost more fat from the abdominal area than those who eat only refined grains like rice and white bread.
Brown Rice
A healthy diet for weight loss must include brown rice. Brown rice is whole grain rice, and it is more nutritious than white rice. It is a great source of manganese, selenium, phosphorous, magnesium, copper, vitamin B3, antioxidants and fiber. Low-energy-dense foods let one eat much food yet keep calories down; that makes it easier to lose weight than lowering calories by cutting down on portions.
Brown rice naturally retains a high percentage of water. When one eats a serving with a meal or before the rest of the meal, brown rice fills one up and can help one eat less food overall. Regular eating of brown rice helps prevent cancer, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, and infections.
A perfect daily diet for weight loss must include oats. Oats fill the bill effectively when it comes to lowering hunger and keeping one on one’s diet plan. The soluble fiber in oats fills one up by creating gels. The gels delay the process of stomach emptying, so one feels full longer, which immensely helps with weight loss.
Oat is a great source of manganese, molybdenum, copper, phosphorus, biotin, magnesium, Vitamin B1, chromium, fiber, zinc, protein and insoluble fiber. Oat is full of insoluble fiber that helps to lower the levels of LDL. Oatmeal functions as a skin protector. It protects the skin from various allergic infections and helps soothe skin that’s painful, itchy or damaged.
The presence of an amino acid, arginine helps oats play the role of immunity boosting food to enhance immunity. Those who eat Oats regularly are less likely to contract herpes, influenza. It effectively speeds up the process of wound healing as well as helps antibiotics to work more effectively. It contains beta-gluten, a type of fiber that helps white blood cells to locate the specific site of infection and also enhances their ability to abolish bacteria once they get there.
The best foods for weight loss must include barley. Excessive body weight enhances the chances of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, gout, gallstones and cancer. If you are overweight you may feel tired, experience breathing problems, develop skin irritation and experience lower back and joint pains that can severely affect your mobility. Barley is a great source of fiber that helps one lose weight because of its high content of insoluble fiber.
The insoluble fiber will combine with water to expand in the stomach and make one feel full for a long time. Barley contains many vitamins, and minerals including, thiamine (Vitamin B1), niacin (Vitamin B3), iron, selenium, magnesium, zinc, copper, and phosphorus. Regular eating of barley helps prevent heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and gallstones.
The best diet food for weight loss should include quinoa. Quinoa is a nutritious grain crop grown mainly for its edible seeds. Quinoa effectively boosts satiety because of its high fiber and protein content. Protein and fiber both help one feel full from fewer calories, which is immensely beneficial when one is trying to shed pounds. A 1/3-cup portion of cooked quinoa provides 2.7 grams of fiber and 5.2 grams of protein.
In comparison, 1/3 cup of cooked white rice provides 0.2 gram of dietary fiber and 3.2 grams of protein. Quinoa is a great source of sugar, carbohydrates, insoluble and soluble fiber, vitamins, sodium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, folate, copper, iron, zinc, potassium, amino acids and fatty acids. Regular eating of quinoa helps prevent cardiovascular disease, diabetes, heart diseases, colon cancer, and obesity.
The best whole grains food for weight loss must include millet. Millet is one of those foods vegetarians love immensely, because it is rich both in fiber that makes one’s stomach feel full longer, and in protein that helps one meet the daily protein needs from carbohydrate rather than animal sources. Millet is a great source of copper, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, vitamins and antioxidants. Regular eating of millet helps prevent cancer, diabetes, and stroke.
Losing weight is a battle that people are busy fighting today. Men and women are ready to try everything to lose a few kilos. Inculcation of nutritious whole grains in a healthy diet is sure to fulfill most of the body’s essential nutritional requirements. So, try out these whole grains and don’t forget to share your valuable health experience with us.
Image Sources: healthyrams.wordpress.com, mrm-usa.com, wisegeek.org, telegram.ee.