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Why is physiotherapy important and when to take it

Why is physiotherapy important and when to take it

Importance of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is a treatment method which focuses on the science of movement and helps people to maintain, restore, and maximize their physical strength. At the core is the patient’s involvement in their own care, through education, empowerment awareness, and participation in their treatment.

Physiotherapy helps everyone who has general medical conditions, like illnesses or injuries that limit their regular ability to move and function.

Wondering what makes physical therapy so important? In honor of Physical Therapy here are few important ways

To Reduce or Eliminate Pain

Therapeutic exercises and manual therapy techniques like joint and soft tissue mobilization or treatments such as ultrasound, taping or electrical stimulation can help you to relieve pain and restore muscle and joint function to reduce pain. Such therapies can also prevent the pain from returning.

To Avoid Surgery

Physical therapy helps you to eliminate pain or heal from an injury, surgery also not be needed. And even if surgery is required, you will get benefit from pre-surgery physical therapy. If you are going into a surgery stronger and in better shape, you will recover faster afterward in many cases.

To Improve Mobility

If you are having trouble for standing, walking or moving, no matter what your age is? Physical therapy can help you. Stretching and strengthening exercises help also restore your ability to move. Physiotherapists can correctly fit every individual with a cane, crutches, and any other assistive device, or assess for the orthotic prescription.

To Recover From A Stroke

It is common to lose some degree of function and movement after stroke. Physical therapy helps you to strengthen weakened parts of your body and to improve gait and balance. Physical therapists can also improve stroke patients’ ability to move and transfer around in bed so that they can be more independent around the home, and reduce their burden of care for toileting, bathing, dressing and also other activities of daily living.

To Improve Your Balance And Prevent falls

When you begin physical therapy, you will get screened for fall risk. If you are at high risk for falls, therapists will provide exercises which are safely and carefully challenge your balance as a way to mimic real-life situations. When the balance problem is caused by a problem in one’s vestibular system, Physical therapists can also perform specific maneuvers which can quickly restore proper vestibular functioning, and reduce the symptoms of dizziness or vertigo.

Here Are  Some Reasons Why You Require Physiotherapy

If You Are Injured While Playing

If you are a sportsperson or an avid sports fan, you understand the importance of taking care of yourself especially when you are injured. You should take an advice from an experienced physiotherapist to give yourself a perfect chance to a quick recovery and getting back to the state you were before you sustained your injury.

During Pregnancy And After Pregnancy

During pregnancy and post-pregnancy, your body needs more attention. Rapidly changing hormone levels can also soften the ligaments which will support your back and cause them to stretch.  The muscles of your pelvic floor and stomach also stretch as your baby grows inside your body. A physiotherapist will teach you all the correct techniques and also all the exercises to support you and protect your body as it goes through these changes and helps you to recover faster after the baby is born.

During And After Surgery

Physiotherapy is essential both pre- and post-operatively. Pre-operatively, the risk of developing complications after the surgery is assessed.  The physiotherapist will explain to every patient that all the exercises which he/she needs to perform post-operatively. Patients who are undergoing cardiac and chest surgeries will be taught how to cough properly while supporting their wound site.

If you decided to start up a new activity or sport and have a history of recurrent injury, it is good to see a physiotherapist as soon as possible, so he/she can guide you slowly into your new physical activity. Physiotherapists are more helpful even when you are not actively experiencing your pain. By keeping your history in mind, they can advise you how best you can start up with the new sport or activity which you have chosen. By having access to a physiotherapist is one of the best ways to speed up your recovery and get your body back to normal. However, it is not an easy road. There will be a pain. However, after all that effort and the pain will come a time when you begin regaining your flexibility.

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