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5 Yoga Poses To Improve Digestion, Cleanse and Detox

Yoga is an experiential science that works on the body and mind at the same time. Yoga provides physical fitness, emotional stability, psychological balance and clarity with continuous disciplined practice. Yoga has been known to help relieve pain, reduce stress, enhance breathing capacity, manage weight and improve blood circulation. Yoga philosophy has emphasized the importance of the digestive system and has linked it to have a great impact on your health and the body mind connection. Also, yoga helps for improving digestion which reduces several problems like constipation and some gastric problems. Indigestion is primarily caused due to faulty eating habits and leading an unhealthy lifestyle. Consistent spurts of indigestion can cause delirious health effects and serious medical conditions. Some yoga practices concentrate on the digestive system and help reduce bloating, flatulence, stimulate digestion, improves peristalsis and balances enzyme secretion. Try these yoga poses for digestion improvement in your body along with some yogic techniques to help cure indigestion naturally and maintain gut health.  

5 Yoga Poses To Improve Digestion, Cleanse and Detox[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][hr]

#1 Sukhasana- The Happy Pose Sukhasana is practiced in a seating cross legged position with your spine erect, chin parallel to the ground, palms placed on your thighs and eyes closed. Sitting in this position requires you to watch your breath and clam your mind. This pose helps to destress and enhances the movement of the intestines carrying food.   #2 Ushtrasana- The Camel Pose Ushtrasana requires you to sit on your knees with your legs shoulder length apart and knees and toes resting on te floor. Slowly exhaling,  bend backwards touching your fingers to your heals and hold the position till 5 counts or according to comfort level. This pose helps to activate the endocrine glands, stretch the intestinal organs, improve circulation and relieve constipation and this is one of the best yoga poses for digestion improvement in the body.   #3 Pavanmuktasana- The Anti-flatulence Pose Pavanmuktasana is practiced by lying on the ground on your back. Slowly lifting one leg 6 inches above the ground level, bend your leg and wrap your arms around, pulling it closer to your chest. Hold the position for 5 counts or till comfort level. This pose helps release excessive gas from the intestine and maintains digestive health.   #4 Paschimotanasana- The Seated Forward Bend Sit with your legs stretched in front of you with toes pointing upwards and back straight. Raise your arms and bend forward maintaining the elongated spine. Bend till your capacity and rest your palms on the floor and breathe deeply. This pose has an array of digestive benefits. It stimulates all the organs in the abdominal viscera like the stomach, pancreas, kidneys and liver. It relieves constipation ad improves circulation.   #5 Bhujangasana- The Cobra Pose Lie down flat on the floor with your forehead touching the ground, palms placed close to the shoulders with the elbows facing upwards. With an inhalation, lift your body from the ground, first forehead, then the chest and then your back keeping the pelvis on the floor and arms locked. Hold till 5 counts or till the comfort level and exhaling coming back to the initial position. This pose enhances acid secretion that aid in digestion and helps you to get rid off acidity. It helps to open up your chest and increases circulation.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]
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