There are hundreds of herbs and plants that have amazing health benefits that we never knew of. The medicinal properties and nutritional benefits that the herbs and plants have, can leave you with a jaw dropping experience, the wonders that these plants can do will keep you awestruck.
Lotus, besides being such a beautiful and auspicious flower for the Hindus has nutritional properties in abundance in its seeds. They have a rich source of protein, magnesium, potassium and phosphorous, iron and zinc. The relatively low levels of sodium, sugar, cholesterol and saturated fat make lotus seeds a healthy food ingredient in soups, desserts and cakes. In this article, some of those nutritional benefits and home remedies for various kinds of health issues of lotus seeds are discussed, have a look at these benefits.
Powerful anti-ageing ingredient
Lotus seeds also termed as “Makhana” in Hindi is a popular ingredient used in Indian recipes that make the recipes tasty as well as healthy. The enzyme called L-Isoaspartyl Methyltransferase is known for its anti ageing properties that protect the skin from getting wrinkled and pigmented. It is thus added to various cosmetics to amplify the effect. It also helps in repairing the damaged proteins in the body. A flavanoid called Kaempferol, present in the seeds of lotus acts as an anti-inflammatory medicine that acts against ageing tissues of the gum.
Alleviates stomach problems
The lotus seeds because of their medicinal properties are used as powerful home remedies to alleviate stomach problems such as diarrhoea, indigestion and others of the kind. It is used extensively in Chinese medicines and has thus gained popularity worldwide. It is also known to be effective in improving the health of the spleen.
Improves appetite
People tend to lose their food appetite after suffering from illness or due to other reasons. The lotus seeds are known to bring back the lost appetite. The high amount of astringent present in the seeds of the lotus is effective to improve the food appetite. The astringent properties also help in maintaining the health of the kidneys. It also helps in preventing various kinds of infections in the urinary tract for various reasons and prostatitis.
Keeps heart diseases at bay
Both the dried and puffed seeds of lotus can be used as powerful and effective home remedies to keep heart diseases at bay. The low sodium content and high magnesium content present in the seeds of lotus keeps the heart healthy, prevents diabetes, keeps a check on the blood pressure level and prevents obesity.
Treats Insomnia
Sleeping disorders like sleep apnoea and insomnia are common heath issues suffered by the elderly people as well as the young generation. Sleeping disorders are sometimes caused due to stress and sometimes it may trigger underlying complicated health-related problems. The seeds of lotus can be used as effective home remedies to cure such sleeping disorders. The calming effects and the natural sedative properties of the seeds are effective in healing the restlessness and thus induce sound sleep. The isoquinoline alkaloids that make the seeds of lotus so bitter in taste induces the calming effect, and these seeds are also antispasmodic by nature. This property in the seeds of lotus causes the blood vessels to dilate and thus keeps a check on the blood pressure levels.
Treats various sexual diseases
The seeds of the lotus are known to have been excellent home remedies towards the treatment of various kinds of sexual diseases. It has been used extensible in Chinese medicinal world in combination with other herbs. Treatment of sexual diseases is primarily a hush-hush affair, and not many people want this to be discussed in public. So using the seeds of lotus behind the closed doors of one’s home has been a much safer and private affair to keep this treatment a secret. People suffering from sexual diseases can get rid of the complications very easily without even letting others know that they are undergoing any kind of treatments.
Treats reproductive disorders in both males and females
The seeds of the lotus are also meant to cure various reproductive disorders in both males and females. At some point of time people tend to become restless and impatient if they cannot get any fruitful results even from undergoing various treatments. Using lotus seeds come as the ray of hope for many people at that point in time. Consuming lotus seeds with patience will yield fruitful results, and people can find remarkable differences in their positions from after a few weeks of consuming it.
Controls excessive bleeding
Flavonoids like quercetin present in the seeds of lotus have an anti-haemorrhagic effect and thus can prevent excessive bleeding by improving the strength of the wall of the capillaries. By charcoaling the seeds of the lotus, the haemostatic effect can be enhanced. The charcoal itself is enriched with the property that helps on promoting the coagulation of the blood on the event of excessive bleeding.
Cures fatty liver
Accumulation of fat in the body is sometimes caused due to our lifestyle that includes stress and anxieties as the main components. The foods that we eat are not broken down and as a result, the fat accumulates in the different parts of our body. Sometimes the fat gets deposited in and around various organs in the body which are termed as visceral fat and can cause various health related troubles. The seeds of lotus have medicinal properties that can lower the blood lipids and treats fatty liver.
Treats mouth sores and ulcers
The seeds of lotus also cure soreness in the mouth. The anti-inflammatory properties of the lotus seeds help in curing mouth ulcers readily.
Thus the seeds of lotus, when combined with other herbs, can do wonders for the treatment of complex diseases and complications. It has thus gained popularity worldwide. The dried shells containing the seeds are also used for decorative purposes as home decors. It is used in different cuisines to make them tastier.
Excellent post. Thank you.