Coconuts and coconut oil can indeed be considered as natural super foods that are packed with health benefiting nutrients. It is the ultimate natural oil for maintaining healthy skin and hair and it also helps in weight loss, reducing cholesterol level, controlling high blood pressure, improving cardio-vascular health, boosting the immune system and improving digestion. Its powerful antioxidant, anti-fungal and antibacterial properties helps in treating skin infections, dandruff, rashes and dermatitis.
Nutrients Present in Coconut Oil
About 92% of coconut oil is made ofsaturated fatty acids. But no need to panic because majority of it is in the form of medium chain fatty acids that have several positive effects on health. The nutrients present in coconut oil are as follows:
- Saturated fatty acids: Medium Chain Fatty Acids
- Monounsaturated fatty acids: Oleic acid
- Polyunsaturated fatty acids: Linoleic acid
- Poly-phenols: Phenolic acid
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin K
Incredible Benefits of Coconut Oil for Health, Skin and Hair
Coconut oil is a powerhouse of unique combination of fatty acids that have several health benefits such as improving immune health, boosting cognitive functions, fighting infections and protecting overall health.
Improved Heart Health
One of the most effective health benefits of coconut oil is that it is a great source of short chain and medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) that are extremely beneficial for maintaining heart health by preventing the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart diseases. These fatty acids are quite different from the long chain fatty acids commonly found in vegetable oils. It is a rich source of lauric acid that helps in lowering the level of cholesterol and blood pressure and maintaining it at a safe level. It increases the level of HDL “good” cholesterol, lowers the level of LDL “bad” cholesterol and revokes the damage caused to arterial walls by inflammation.
Promoting Weight Loss
The most effective way to lose weight in a healthy way is through a well-planned weight loss diet and exercise. But including certain healthy foods in the daily diet can act in a positive way by speeding up the process of weight loss. Coconut oil and coconut products are two such foods. The benefits of coconut oil for weight loss are very well known. The short and medium-chain fatty acids present in the oil speeds up metabolism and functions as a direct source of energy rather than being stored away as fats. It also maintains the healthy functioning of thyroid and endocrine glands. Coconut oil is the wonder food for overweight and obese people to lose weight in a healthy way.
Great Source of Energy
Coconut oil is a great source of energy that helps in improving endurance and physical performance. Majority of the fatty acids present in coconut oil are medium chained fatty acids (MCFAs) that are easily absorbed by the intestinal tract and transferred directly to the liver to be converted into energy rather than being released in the blood stream. This mechanism provides an instant boost of energy to the body that helps in relieving chronic fatigue, weakness, exhaustion and tiredness.
Improving Immunity
The benefits of antioxidants for boosting immunity are well known but coconut oil also functions as a powerful immune system booster. The antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid present in coconut oil helps in fighting viruses, bacteria and protozoa and reduces the occurrence of influenza, throat infections, flu, colds, bronchitis, urinary tract infections, herpes and gonorrhea. Include coconut oil in your daily diet through foods or in the form of supplements to improve the functions of your immune system.
Improving Digestion
Another effective benefit of coconut oil is its role as a natural remedy for digestive disorders. The medium chain triglycerides such as lauric acid present in coconut oil fight the harmful parasites and bacteria that cause chronic inflammation in the intestines and improve digestion. Coconut oil also regulates bowel movement and prevents the risk of hemorrhoids. The healing anti-inflammatory property of coconut oil helps in soothing and relieving inflammation and treating digestive disorders such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Candida.
Boost Brain Functions in Alzheimer’s Patients
Alzheimer’s disease is caused by degeneration of the brain that leads to mental deterioration and presently more than 44 million people are affected by this disease that disrupts memory, cognitive functions and personality of the patient. Although there is no known cure for the disease yet, it can be controlled with the help of medication. Coconut oil has shown promising results in improving brain functions in people suffering from Alzheimer’s. The brain cells of Alzheimer’s patients lose the ability to utilize glucose for producing energy. Caprylic acid present in coconut oil is broken down into ketones. These ketones act as alternative source of energy to the brain cells and improve the brain functions of patients with mild form of Alzheimer’s.
Skin Care
The benefits of coconut oil are not limited to health only; it has numerous skin benefits as well. Coconut oil acts as a nourishing moisturizer for dry and flaky skin and chapped lips. It fights with microbial bodies to treat skin infections, eczema and psoriasis. It also functions as a natural sunscreen to prevent skin tanning and sunburn. Coconut oil promotes cell regeneration that replaces the damages and dead cells with new, healthy cells and lightens scars, hyper pigmentation, dark spots and blemishes. The antibacterial property of lauric acid helps in fighting bacteria that causes acne and pimples. The antioxidant present in coconut oil acts as an effective anti-aging agent. It prevents free radical damage and slows down the appearance of the signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines. The unending benefits of coconut oil for skin make it a complete natural skin care solution.
Hair Care
The benefits of coconut oil for skin and hair are well known. Coconut oil is nature’s answer to all hair problems. It acts as a nourishing moisturizer for the scalp that promotes hair growth. The oil penetrates the hair shafts and supplies nutrients to the hair follicles. It also improves blood circulation to the scalp and prevents moisture loss. The powerful antibacterial and anti fungal properties of coconut oil makes it a potent natural remedy for dandruff, scalp infections and rashes. Regular use of coconut oil also helps in preventing hair breakage and hair fall.
Need for Coconut Oil Supplements
Although it is possible to derive all the above mentioned benefits of coconut oil through consumption and topical application, but the idea of consuming coconut oil orally or adding it to foods might sound a bit challenging for those who are not familiar with the sharp aroma of the oil. In such a case, coconut oil supplements in the form of capsules act as an effective alternative. INLIFE’s Coconut Oil capsule is a 100% natural and safe supplement made using pure coconut oil and is available in both gelatin and vegetarian capsule options. It helps in reducing hair fall, improving skin texture, promoting weight loss and lowering cholesterol level in an all-natural way.
Now that you know the effective health and beauty benefits of coconut oil, include it in your daily health and skin care regime and experience the nourishing care of nature.
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